Do it well - it will turn out bad. We must try to do everything well. Bad - it will work out on its own Good and bad

I always lived by this motto, but over time I began to doubt... is it worth it?
And, in general, not in vain.
Psychologists have found that perfectionism, or the desire to bring any result to the ideal, is associated with burnout at work in school and sports.

Life experience confirms the simple truth that those who don’t give a damn and act like fools have a better life.
Life in being able to achieve the best results in business ultimately leads to depression, and the management, noticing this, will be able to get rid of the employee who finds himself in this situation.
And so I read it with some surprise.

A Just Russia deputy Oleg Mikheev sent an appeal to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in which he proposed adding professional burnout syndrome to the list of socially significant diseases.

“Currently, the syndrome of “occupational burnout” is included in the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) and can be found among problems associated with difficulties in maintaining a normal lifestyle (Z73). In addition, increasing evidence suggests that “that burnout is clinically and nosologically similar to depression,” the deputy’s appeal says.
The deputy draws attention to the fact that in many European countries, including Switzerland, the diagnosis of “professional burnout” made to a patient is the basis for thorough treatment, which can last more than one month.

IN Lately Sociologists record a high level of depression among Russians. According to research conducted by scientists from the Australian University of Queensland, approximately six percent of Russians are diagnosed with clinical depression or neurasthenia, which, compared to global statistics, is a frankly inflated figure, Mikheev notes. The record level of depression was recorded in Africa and the Middle East - in seven percent of the population, the lowest - in East and Southeast Asia, as well as in Australia (four percent of the population), the appeal says.
“But if in most countries the high level of depression is explained by the consequences of military conflicts and famine, then in Russia, according to a number of experts, depression is caused by the so-called professional burnout syndrome, which is its form or a special case,” the author notes.

It is generally accepted that burnout syndrome can be caused by several factors: working in inadequate conditions; work that does not correspond to the employee’s abilities and interests and his psychotype; constant rush jobs at work; lack of rest; failure to fulfill promises by the employer, writes Mikheev.
“As a result, these workers develop heart disease, mental distress and may experience obsessive thoughts of suicide,” he notes.
“According to research, 30% of employers believe that “downed pilots” should be fired or wait until they quit themselves,” the deputy continues.
However, in his opinion, this approach is erroneous.
Not all employees “burn out” at work, but only the most valuable and professional ones, who give their best to two hundred percent, quickly “wearing out.” Bad workers are not at risk of this disease. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the problem or identify it at an early stage than to find a worthy replacement for “burnt out” employees,” he believes.
According to experts, the most effective treatment or the prevention of “professional burnout” is academic paid leave, the deputy points out.

I don’t expect to see any real benefit from the proposal of A Just Russia deputy Oleg Mikheev.
Ordinary populism. But even if such a law is adopted... nothing will change.
There is neither the desire nor the time to explain why... I simply suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table below.
A smart person will understand, but explaining to a fool is a waste of time and effort.

I know everything and one more thing.

In our house there is always An atmosphere of anticipation of a theatrical performance reigned.

My parents - Maria Mironova and Alexander Menaker almost always rehearsed at home, and very soon I realized what cruel, painful work it was.

Leonid Utesov, when the book of his memoirs was published, I wrote the following inscription on it: “Dear Andrei Mironov, I remember you, a little boy, and I see you as a great artist. I'm happy! Your uncle Lenya, in the world - Utesov."

We must try to do everything well: it will turn out bad on its own.

Today's viewers are more educated are more informed, and the actor has no right to be stupider than his audience.

Smooth is not good for an actor, calm biography.

There are two things about an actor: skill and personality. And for a personality to develop and mature, it is not necessary, of course, to go to Siberia or become a loader, but a person must go through something. Take Ulyanov, Smoktunovsky. These are not prosperous people.

I won't say that I'm incredibly happy every minute of my life and that I always want to jump around and have fun, like my hero from The Diamond Arm, but nevertheless I am an optimist.

Lack of everyday suffering I make up for it with moral suffering.

Relate to acting how to have a pleasant pastime is only possible due to a misunderstanding.

If an actor plays without understudies, This means that he is driven by a certain egoistic desire to play his role “from” to “to”. This always pleases the actor’s ego and gives him an extra boost. Many Italians were involved in the film “The Adventures of Italians...”, and in their eyes I did not want to lower the prestige of Soviet cinema.

You can play in any genre. The only thing I want is for my hero to be no stupider than me.

For me, every performance is it's a huge stress. I tell myself: “Calm down, calm down,” but I can’t: I want to convey everything completely to the viewer, to convince him to the end.

Unfortunately, there are spectators especially young spectators who do not want to limit their contact with the actor to the sphere of art: they are on duty on the stairs, tearing off buttons. But this, so to speak, is the cost of the actor’s popularity and audience interest.

Popularity only seems like destiny at first, then it is often an irony of fate.

At the cinema they offer me mostly one-dimensional roles. This is a young, cheerful comedian or an extravagant swindler.

Like many mere mortals, I like to sing. It just gives me pleasure.

I try to hide the absence of a voice behind irony, parody, caricature. For me, singing, like dancing, is not an end in itself, but one of the ways to express the character of the hero. So please don't take my singing seriously: it's not me who sings, it's the people I play who sing. And all complaints are directed at them.

I'm generally not a very confident person.

I love the fast pace of life, making you feel needed.

The audience feels sorry for me. Once, during a concert in the Leningrad House of Officers, from the audience they sent me a large orange on stage, on which was written: “Andryusha, eat it. You look bad."

Which actor has not thought about Hamlet! Me too. But the dream remains a dream, and over the years, reality encourages him to play Claudius, rather than Hamlet. It all ends with Polonius, and then simply ends with the gravedigger... It’s better not to tear yourself away from the sinful earth.

They wrote about me in different ways. It’s nice, of course, when people praise you. But in principle, I am guided by Mayakovsky’s rule. He was never interested in whether he was praised or scolded. He asked: “Respect?”

In our country, to live, you have to die.

A wonderful thing is travel. It never ends with returning home. Everything you see falls into the emotional areas of memory, and then from this source you draw material for new roles.

Every woman has features of a policeman - first: “Let’s not!”, and then: “Follow me!”

I don't need stars at home. I only need a wife and the mother of my child.

To fall off a horse you have to climb it.

It's very sad and difficult for me to come to terms with the thought, that for the audience my highest achievement in cinema is “The Diamond Arm”.

In our profession Past merits are not considered.

I used to think that I was an easy person too. But I notice: over the years I get heavier, I become gloomier.

I don't really understand the meaning of the word"hobby" in Russian. In general, I love cheesecakes and ballet.

Life is a great blessing. And, as it turns out, a person’s life is very short.

If I stop, I'll die.

A crow sits on a tree with cheese in its mouth. A fox runs past:
— Vorona, are you going to the polls?
- No.
The cheese fell out.
The crow thinks: “And if I said “Yes,” what would change?”

The pedestrian is always right. The truth is not always alive.

October 18: 20 new PHOTO jokes:

If they dig a hole for you, don’t interfere! Once you've finished, you'll make yourself a pool...
If they wash your bones, thank you! There will be no arthrosis...
If they spit in your back, be proud! You're ahead...
If something doesn't stick in life, throw away the glue. Take nails, hammer on everything!

538> A very fat man contacted an office that promised “Lose 10 kg and even more in 5 days!!!”
The next day, a breathtaking beauty knocked on his door, but she only had pink Nike shoes and a badge on her neck “If you catch me, I’m yours!”

10 kg. He liked the result and asked if it was possible to lose 20 kg in 5 days. They told him that he could, and the next day, an even more breathtaking beauty came to him only in pink beauties and a badge “If you catch me, I’m yours!”
The man ran after her for 5 days, but never caught her, but actually lost her
20 kg. A man, joyful as a baby, calls the office and asks, is it possible to lose 30 kg in 5 days?
The next day, a huge, pumped-up man in only a pink thong and a “If I catch you, you’re mine!” badge knocked on his door.
In these 5 days the man lost 60 kg!

538> The wife brings home new earrings. Husband:
- Where?
- I won the lottery.
After a while - a new fur coat.
- Where?
- I won the lottery.
Then - a trip to the sea.
- Where?
- I won the lottery.
Let's go to the resort. The husband is lying on the shore, drinking beer. And the wife splashes in the sea and doesn’t come out for a very long time. Husband:
- Darling, you should go out and warm yourself, otherwise you’ll catch a cold in the lottery.

One Ivanova had an affair with the visiting Sidorov, although what kind of romance there is, well, a note in a large circulation. On Tuesdays and Fridays, Sidorov rested body and soul from his wife, a fool and a bitch. Ivanova doubted Ivanova was a bitch, but Sidorov, it seems, wasn’t lying about the fool. What else can you call a woman who believes in year-round

courses to improve managerial skills, classes twice a week, Tuesday-Friday, from seventeen to twenty-three. However, it is still unknown who is the bigger fool here.
To the question about the future, Sidorov answered, looking soulfully into the eyes, you know, baby, Sidorov said, we are fine as is, the stamp in the passport will not change anything, well, I have such a stamp - so what? there is no love! A year ago, Ivanova tried to jump off the train, but Sidorov suddenly became more active, on Tuesdays and Fridays he waited after work with three carnations and told how exactly he would commit suicide, because without Ivanova the world was not nice to him. I didn’t take the sin on my soul.
And recently Ivanova met a handsome scoundrel. She said, just imagine, you’re going home, and on the bench at the entrance there’s this Hugh Jackman, dirty, unsettled, but so daring, looking at you with a squinted grin, it’s impossible to resist, and in general, you’re not alone. The scoundrel was washed, scrubbed, fed and named Fluff.
By the evening, it turned out that Ivanova had gone overboard with the name: either Pushka was raised by a pack of scumbag bull terriers, or he is a product of genetic engineering - crocodile genes responsible for character were skillfully woven into the cat's DNA. When trying to stroke it, he deliberately waved it with his paws, instead of purring, he growled like a wild tiger, and in a couple of days he built a hierarchy, appointing himself alpha and lowering Ivanova to the omega region.
Sidorov came on Tuesday.
From the doorway he asked indignantly, what is this?! lost her mind?! You know, I'm allergic to wool! remove it immediately! Ivanova said, hello, Zhorik, he won’t interfere, he’ll sit in the kitchen! Fluff did not want to sit in the kitchen, he slipped through the door, jumped onto the chest of drawers and stared at Sidorov with an unblinking, appraising gaze.
Sidorov sneezed and said, no, this is impossible, he belongs in the trash heap! And he decisively grabbed Cannon, intending to throw him out of the room. Before Ivanova even had time to gasp, Fluff cut Sidorov’s hand, thereby confirming his spiritual kinship with Jackman-Wolverine, jumped out the open window, in the blink of an eye flew up to the nearest birch tree and nestled approximately at the level of the fourth floor.
Ivanova rushed to the window, Fluffy, dear, get down, don’t be afraid! Zhorik, do something! Sidorov went in spots, screamed shrilly, I’m bleeding, and are you worried about this creature? choose who is more dear to you - me or him! Ivanova looked at Pushka, at Sidorov, again at Pushka, thought and said, he.
Sidorov was already choked up and, breaking into falsetto, began to cry out, “I felt sorry for you, I wasted my time on you!” You yourself destroyed everything! And he left, holding his injured hand in the air.
Ivanova wanted to cry, but for some reason she couldn’t cry. She leaned out the window. Neither Pushka nor Sidorov. She walked and called, but to no avail.
In the evening the doorbell rang. The neighbor on the fourth floor said this isn't yours? He jumped from a tree onto my balcony, so we’re walking around, looking for owners, but we can’t find him, I’ll keep him, he’s a handsome cat, affectionate, well-mannered.
Murrr! said Fluffy.
My, said Ivanova, thank you!
I’ve been wanting to approach you for a long time, but I didn’t dare, I was shy, the neighbor said, since the opportunity has arisen, let’s get acquainted, do you mind?
Ivanova looked at her neighbor, was surprised at the inconsistency of her neighbor’s appearance with the word “timid,” blushed and said, I don’t mind, would you like some tea?
I want it, said the neighbor.
Murrr! said Fluffy.

We must try to do everything well. It's bad - it will work itself out.

Strive to live in such a way that your presence is necessary and your absence noticeable...

Horses are not changed at the crossing, but donkeys can and should be changed!

Why hasn't anyone thought of assembling a gypsy team yet? After all, they would have taken all the gold!

The more enemies Putin has, the longer the *Time* program.

Girl to guy after sex:
- Seryozha, now it’s time to talk about our wedding!
- You know Larisa, a gypsy told me that my first wife would die. Let me first marry someone I don’t feel sorry for, and then marry you, my love.

Andrey and Natasha were on the verge of divorce. Andrey even moved in with his mother.
And this is after twenty years of marriage and a couple of cheeky schoolchildren behind us.
My wife and I tried our best to reconcile them, especially my wife. They admonished, tried to shame the children and even invited them to us so that they could

would have met “by chance” in our kitchen, and there, maybe...
But this trick never worked, as soon as Andrei realized in the corridor that Natasha would be coming soon, he put on his shoes again, sadly thanked him for the attempt, and immediately left.
Once Natasha came in, cried, said that she still loved Andrei, but they couldn’t be together anymore, they just became completely different people. We roasted popcorn, watched a movie, and after all our Yura dragged Aunt Natasha into his room, he does this with all his guests. He dragged me in and let’s torture him with his table football.
A week later, Andrei came to see us, he told us about the same thing: “I still love her, but we have moved away and can no longer be under the same roof. I don’t even want to try, that’s enough. We are completely different. How have I not noticed this all these years? »
Yura, from an ambush, through the wall, felt a pause in adult conversations, immediately came and said:
- Uncle Andrey, maybe come to me? You can play t-shirt.
For Yura's birthday, he was given a set of emblems of all, all, all, English football clubs, about a hundred pieces, no less. And every time before the match, he asked his opponent to choose - who does he want to be? Liverpool, Manchester, or someone else. Then the chosen emblem was clung to the goal and the official match began.
Andrei warned that he was not a football player or even a fan and was not good at clubs, especially English ones, but Yura did not give up and forced him to choose an emblem simply by its appearance.
Andrey fingered the emblems in his hands for a long, long time, thinking about something completely different, he chose and “it started to heat up.”
Yura, as always, won with a crushing score of 10–2 and was absolutely happy, even singing a song from Queens.
When Andrei left, my son said:
- Uncle Andrey doesn’t know how to play at all, his aunt Natasha played better, but what’s most interesting is that they both chose the same club - Leicester City.
I immediately called Andrey and yelled at him:
- How the hell are you different, when out of a whole hundred ridiculous pictures, without saying a word, you chose one?! One, Karl!
After a long pause, Andrey could only say: “One”?
...A week later, Andrei and Natasha came to us with a chocolate cake. It looks like they have reconciled securely.
Taking a moment, Natasha took my Yurka aside and quietly asked:
- Yurasik, could you quietly give me that same football emblem, well, Leicester City?
Yura laughed and replied:
- I would love to, but five minutes ago, Uncle Andrei already asked for her, and also quietly...

The grandson asked his grandfather: “How old are you?” Grandfather replied: “If I live another half of what I have lived, and another year, then I will be 100 years old.” How old is grandpa?

Correct answer on Wednesday!

A Jewish family collects a basket of pies for the Jewish Little Red Riding Hood.
Parting words for the journey:
- Listen here. When you come to your grandmother, she will immediately cry to you that winter is very soon, the water supply is leaking, there is nothing to heat, the roof is leaky, there is absolutely no money, and, in general, you know for this life. But don’t listen to anything, and stand firmly on your own: with cabbage - 10 each, with meat - 15 each!

Transport stops were specially developed for Russia. We took everything into account. In case of heat there is a glass roof. In case of wind there are openings in the walls. And even iron benches were specially invented for winter!

Selfishness is a character trait of kind people; it arises when people begin to wipe their feet on your kindness.

Do it well - it will turn out badly

A call to treat work with due responsibility, diligently, and not rely on any chance.

Burning verb: Dictionary of folk phraseology. - Green Age. V. Kuzmich. 2000.

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