Rituals and ceremonies for alcohol addiction. Treatment for alcoholism in the cemetery Ritual from alcohol in the cemetery

The scourge of modern society - drunkenness destroys families, destroys lives, destroys health, and takes lives. According to statistics, in every sixth Russian family there is an alcoholic who poisons the life of everyone living with him. And 500,000 people die from alcohol in Russia every year. And this number is growing every year. Terrible numbers, aren't they? Unhappy wives and mothers are ready to do anything to save their husbands and sons from this terrible addiction. Someone succeeds, but someone does not. The main thing here is the desire of the person to whom they want to help. If he does not want this, then it will be very difficult to help him.

In magic, conspiracies from drunkenness are used, which, when they act, when they do not: it all depends on the desire of the alcoholic himself and the energy strength of the one who reads conspiracies from alcoholism. However, trying to help a person is not only possible to try, but also necessary. It won't get any worse. What if a miracle happens? The most important thing is faith.

Conspiracies are successfully used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. Alcoholism is also a very serious illness, for which there are magical methods of treatment. There are many conspiracies from binge and drunkenness that are successfully read at home. Observing the sequence of performing rituals against alcoholism, you can forever save your loved ones from this terrible misfortune:

  • the phase of the moon is of great importance in carrying out rituals from drunkenness - they read a conspiracy from drunkenness on a full moon or on a waning moon. The most optimal period is 2-3 days before the onset of the full moon;
  • a conspiracy against drunkenness of a husband or son is worth reading on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If a woman suffers from alcoholism, in this case, conspiracies and prayers from drunkenness are read on women's days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday;
  • if the one who reads the conspiracy from alcoholism does not believe in its effectiveness, then the ritual from wine may not work. Faith is the main condition for obtaining positive results so that the husband does not drink;
  • an important condition is the alcoholic's desire to be healed. If a person does not consider himself as such and is not going to be treated, then it will be quite difficult or even impossible to help him.

Subject to the above conditions, there is a huge chance to get rid of drunkenness of a son, husband, wife, mother, etc. forever, and this chance must be used.

How to discourage yourself from drinking

If a person realizes his problem with alcohol, then it is much easier to help him, and he himself can perfectly heal from adversity. In order for the ceremony to have the most effective effect, a strict fast must be observed for several days before it is carried out, then visit a bathhouse and put on completely new clothes. Prepare water from a source or spring, on which such a hangover conspiracy needs to be spoken three times:

“In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Hops and wine, leave me, God's servant (name) forever, to the grave board! Take away all desire from me for wine and alcoholic beverages! Get away from me, drunkenness, into a dark forest, where wild animals and black birds live! Take you, violent wind, from me a pernicious passion and a desire for wine and carry it across the blue sea to wicked people yes dashing people! Tie you, my passion, to a dashing man who does not do good to people, but only brings one evil, like a cursed potion-wine! Get off and leave me forever, for all the times of my belly. May it be so! Amen!"

When casting, spells are clearly represented as the addiction goes away. Then, the spell water is drunk.

The strongest conspiracy

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness so that the husband quit drinking is read over a sleeping person. Best of all, if it is the spouse of the drinking man. When the husband returns from another drunkenness and goes to bed, you need to get up at his head, read the prayer "Our Father" three times, and then utter a conspiracy from drunkenness:

“Hear me heaven! See me, heaven, what I want to do over the servant of God (name)! The sun is red, rise over my yard, and there are no people or animals in my yard. The moon is clear, come into my cage, but in my cage there is neither bottom nor door. The stars are bright, descend into the marriage bowl, and in my bowl the water is a mountain peel. Sun, turn away the slave (name) from wine, month, turn away the slave (name) from wine, stars, remove the slave (name) from wine. In the blue sea and an open field and a key with a lock.

“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut - doors, from the yard - the gates. I’ll go to the eastern side, in the side of that there is an okyan - the sea, in this sea there is a stone, a pike fish is swimming near this stone. The pike of this cheek is large, the teeth are damask, and the eyes are fiery. She comes and takes away from the servant of God (name) the disease - bitter drunkenness, frees him from a terrible dependence from the present moment and forever and ever. May it be so. Amen!"

Then, one more time read the prayer "Our Father". A strong conspiracy from drunkenness, the consequences come gradually, but the next day the man's craving for alcohol will begin to weaken.

Drinking water rituals

Water has a strong magical meaning. With its help, many rituals are performed. She is healed and bewitched. If you start talking water from alcoholism, then the result may not be 100% guaranteed, but there is a high probability that it will come. Conspiracies so that the husband does not drink, on the water - are the most popular and in demand. Below are the most commonly used ones.

In this article:

Alcoholism is an extremely difficult disease to fight. Nevertheless, there is one of the most effective and safest ways to resist this terrible scourge - a lapel to get rid of drunkenness. The magical effect is on the target at the energetic, spiritual level, conspiracies cause in the person himself the desire to resist this addiction.

If you decide to independently cure a person from alcoholism using magic, it is important to make sure that the target does not know about your intentions. The lapel will lead to the rejection of alcohol in the human body, there will be a restructuring at the spiritual level, thanks to which the goal will be able to find the strength and desire to give up vodka on their own.

In general, getting a person to stop drinking is a difficult task that will not be solved overnight, no matter how strong the performer may have, and therefore, you need to be patient in advance.

If you carry out the ritual on your own, it is important to believe in your own strength, to believe that everything will work out, that the person will be cured, that he will no longer need alcohol. Believe in yourself and the results are sure to come.

Alcohol cuff

Any rituals that are aimed at destroying the craving for something, be it alcohol, a person or something else, must be performed on the waning moon. The main thing to remember is that in no case should you try to free someone from the desire to drink while intoxicated. The performer must be completely sober. Even if you are taking a cough syrup that contains a little alcohol, it is best to postpone the ritual until next time. A drop of alcohol in the blood of the performer is a complete failure of the ritual. This must be borne in mind.

Drunkenness conspiracies

Alcohol conspiracies have tremendous power, they should only be used if the person they are aimed at actually suffers from alcoholism. If your husband drinks a glass on the weekend, then he is not an alcoholic, even if you personally do not like this habit.

Drunkenness conspiracy

This conspiracy is highly effective and has already managed to prove its strength more than once. The words of the spell must be recited thirty-three times on a plain white towel (new). The words:

“As the servant of God (name of the target) will dry himself off with this towel, so the craving for drinking will stop. The addiction goes away, it turns into a towel. As seven days pass, so the craving will go away, the servant of God (name of the goal) will become pure. My word is true, as it is said, so it will come true, Amen. "

After that, the charged towel must be given to the alcoholic. He should use it for seven days, after which he should take the towel and bury it away from home. Another option is to burn the contaminated item.

Holy water conspiracy

“Holy water, healing water, water is strong, help the servant of God (name of the target) to cope with the harmful habit.

Let his body not accept alcohol, let alcohol reject.

Let the urge to drink once pass and not return forever and ever.

As seven days pass, the craving for vodka will go away. Amen".

A personal thing, holy water and your intention are the components of this rite.

Conspiracy water should be added to the target's drink for seven days, a few drops at a time. It is best to add directly to the alcohol that the person will be drinking.

Husband's drunkenness ritual

To discourage your husband from drinking, you need to take his wedding ring, put it in a faceted glass with holy water and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Heal you, holy water, my husband, God's servant (name of the target) from alcoholism, from drunkenness. As long as this ring is worn, it will protect it, preserve it, drive away the harmful desire. Amen".

After that, return the ring to her husband. It is necessary to make sure that he does not notice the loss.

Lapel in the cemetery

You need to take a bottle of red wine or vodka (what the target loves more) and go with it to the cemetery. You need to find a fresh grave (it is better to be in the cemetery right during the funeral), put a bottle at the feet of the deceased and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“With the housewarming party to you (the name of the deceased), here is a gift from the servant of God (the name of the target) and from me, Remember him to drink for peace, so that you can sleep quickly and no longer drink. Just as you (the name of the deceased) will no longer drink wine, you will not reach out to the bottle, so the servant of God (the name of the target) will not drink, he will not get drunk, but rather wake up. Will be sober now (name of the goal) and until the end of the centuries. My word is true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Drunkenness conspiracies - traditional way traditional medicine to save a person from addiction. A strong conspiracy from drunkenness, performed by a good specialist or a sincerely loving relative, will help cope with alcoholism, normalizing the patient's life. Various rituals are especially effective when combined with other therapies.

What are the features of rituals

Alcoholism is one of the most terrible diseases of a modern person, destroying not only health, but also the psyche. The drunkard loses the ability to contact people, can no longer be responsible for his actions, his social life is bursting at the seams.

If a relative has been struck by an illness, conspiracies against alcoholism can help get the person back off the curve. This will have a beneficial effect not only on his own health, but also on the condition of his relatives and friends.

Spells aimed at combating drunkenness, like any magical rituals, have a number of features:

  • the effect will be better if rituals are performed on certain days, which for men are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and for women Wednesday, Friday or Saturday;
  • read the most strong conspiracy best of all on the waning moon (the month decreases - the addiction decreases) or during the full moon, this time can improve the effectiveness of even weak rituals;
  • from hard drinking with the help of magic, it is necessary to heal with faith in effectiveness, so that the result does not come out the opposite;
  • prayers and rituals will be useful only if no one knows about them, including the very object of the magic being performed.

Compliance with simple rules will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency.

Important! Trying out of interest and under the motto "suddenly work" is not worth it. This will also have the opposite effect.

Alcohol conspiracies

You can talk about any thing, but the most effective, as many believe, are the rituals performed on the addiction object of the drunkard, that is, over alcohol.

The conspiracy against drunkenness on vodka can be carried out in two main ways.

In the first case, the processed alcohol is directed directly to the alcoholic. The following conspiracy is read:

Another conspiracy from drunkenness to vodka is carried out in a cemetery and is considered one of the most powerful. For its execution, a woman acquires a small bottle of alcohol and finds an abandoned grave in the cemetery, which no one has followed for a long time. The conspiracy for vodka reads as follows:

A bottle of vodka remains on the grave, the alcoholic is not given it. They say that such a ceremony helps to get rid of not only drunkenness, but also other types of addiction (drug addiction, gambling addiction).

Conspiracies for other things

A vodka conspiracy is not the only way to rid a person of addiction. The ceremony can be performed on other objects as well.

One of the very popular conspiracies is read on the most ordinary ice. As with other rites, it is performed without the knowledge of the drunkard and is easily performed. For the ritual, a cloudless night is chosen when the moon is waning. The ice is put in a bowl and placed on the windowsill so that it "sees" the waning moon. In the morning, on the water left over from the ice, the following words are read:

The ceremony is repeated for seven days, and on the eighth day, the charmed liquid is mixed into the drinker's food or drink.

You can make an amulet on a pin on your own by pronouncing arbitrary words with a good message on it for seven days. The enchanted object is then pinned to the patient's clothes or any thing that is constantly with him (for example, the lining of a bag).

A ritual performed on a photograph of a patient also works well. In addition to photography, you will also need holy water and candles from the church.

The candles are placed in a row on the table and lit. A photograph is placed in front of the row, and the speaker sits down at the table and, dipping his fingers in holy water, sprinkles it on the photograph, saying the following:

The photograph is hidden in a secret place so that no one can find it. If the effect is not manifested, then a month later the ritual is repeated.

When both ritual and medicine are useless

Sometimes, no matter how someone speaks out of drunkenness, he does not stop drinking. At the same time, medicine does not help, no matter how hard the doctors try. With what it can be connected?

It is believed that this can happen due to an incorrect love spell made by someone else. Sometimes if a woman tries to take her husband away from the family or the girl reads the conspiracy against the guy incorrectly, instead of a love spell, a ritual for drunkenness turns out. You can define it by the following criteria:

  • alcoholism developed quite suddenly, without any preconditions (no one in the family is inclined to abuse alcohol);
  • the drunkard has an awareness of the problem, he is ready to quit, but for some reason he cannot resist the temptation every time;
  • vodka serves as a medicine for a person, he drinks not for pleasure, but in order to “live until the evening”;
  • a person forgets about children, wife, debts and duties, completely withdrawing into his addiction and not trying to fight it too much;
  • there are no external signs of a typical drunkard, the person remains neat, says healthy things.

Any rituals and medicine will be useless even if the alcoholic simply does not want to give up his habit himself. Until a person realizes that he has a serious problem with alcohol, he will not take the path of correction, no matter what measures are taken for this. If the alcoholic is aware of his addiction, conspiracies will be effective, even if he is not aware of them. The main thing is sincere faith and a desire to help your loved one, who has become addicted to the "green serpent".

What is important to remember

It must be remembered that it is impossible to save a person from drunkenness only with the help of magical and church rituals. An integrated approach is needed in which faith will be combined with medical techniques, psychotherapy, and traditional medicine.

The full life of a drunkard is completely in his hands and the hands of his relatives. It is necessary not only to push the alcoholic towards treatment, but also to provide him with support during the period that he will undergo therapy and subsequent rehabilitation. If relatives limit themselves only to reading conspiracies, but at the same time do not listen to the doctor's recommendations and help the addict fight addiction, there will be no sense even from the most powerful magical rite.

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Plots from drunkenness help save a person from addiction, instill in him an aversion to drinking. Both the drinker himself and his relative can read them. In the latter case, the person suffering from alcoholism is not informed about the ritual. Before performing the sacraments, it is recommended to take off jewelry, shoes, and loosen your hair. It is advisable to pronounce each repetition of the spell in one breath. Relatives of drinkers need to remember that conspiracies cannot be read by pregnant women, as well as during critical days.

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    Rituals using additional paraphernalia

    The ceremonies involve the use of various objects. Special words are pronounced on bottles of alcohol, towels, soap, the drinker's linen. After the rituals, it is recommended to read several Orthodox prayers in order to calm the spirit and internally release the result.

    Cemetery rites

    The rituals performed at the churchyard are particularly effective. They are carried out at a distance from the drinker, but in their strength they are not inferior to conspiracies read in the presence of the person himself.

    Sacrament with commemoration

    On the waning moon, they go to the cemetery and take with them:

    • jar of jelly;
    • cooked kutya;
    • three baked pancakes;
    • a wax church candle.

    To complete the ceremony, you must:

    1. 1. Find an unnamed abandoned burial in the cemetery. Preliminarily contact the deceased with the question of whether he is ready to provide assistance. If there is a persistent feeling in your soul that yes, you can proceed to the ceremony. If not, another burial should be found.
    2. 2. When the grave is selected, all food is placed on it as a commemoration. Then they light a candle, cross themselves three times and utter the words of the conspiracy: "You, deceased, lie in the damp earth, watch your house day and night, wait for the Day of Judgment. Hear me soon. I brought you a commemoration. drunkenness of the servant of the Lord (the name of the drinker), so that he would stop drinking. As you lie in a damp grave, you do not drink beer and wine, so that the servant of the Lord also lived on earth, but did not drink alcohol. For the sake of Christ's torment, forgive me. lie down, and I - to remember you with a kind word. Amen. "
    3. 3. Then you should leave the cemetery, and leave the candle to burn out. At the nearest intersection, a ransom is left in the form of three gold coins. It is necessary to perform the rite several times until a lasting effect is obtained.

    The sufferer of alcoholism should not be aware of its conduct. Otherwise, he will drink even more. The effect of the sacrament appears after the first session.

    With the use of graveyard dust

    To carry out this ceremony, you should go to four different churchyards and collect a handful of dust from there (preferably at intersections). Then they look for the grave, where the namesake of the drinker is buried, and pour all the dust on the stove. At the same time, they say the words: "The dead man does not stand, but lies. He does not walk at the crossroads, he does not wander through the taverns. And you, the servant of the Lord (name), will no longer raise a glass with a drunken drink, you won’t follow him. Alcoholic anguish, like marsh duckweed, and the servant of the Lord (name) is sober and reasonable. Amen. "

    Then you need to thank the deceased and put any present on the grave - candy, bun or gingerbread.

    Slavic ceremony for bottles

    To carry out this ancient rite, you must:

    1. 1. Take 6 bottles of various types of alcohol, which the drinker uses. You will also need a new knife with a wooden handle, specially purchased for the ceremony.
    2. 2. A small amount of the drink is poured from the bottles and mixed in one glass container.
    3. 3. On the first day of the full moon, during daylight hours, they go to the cemetery. There it is necessary to find a grave with the same name as that of the drinker.
    4. 4. In the heads of the grave, use a new knife to dig a small hole into which a container with a mixture of alcohol would fit.
    5. 5. The container is placed in this hole with the stopper down, and then immediately buried and equalized with the ground with the edge of a knife.
    6. 6. After that, they touch their right palm to the ground from above and three times pronounce the words of the conspiracy: "Damn, hang over! And don't know (the name is called) with (husband, father, son) (name). Do not drink alcohol with him from morning to evening dawn, neither in the middle of the day, nor in the dark at night. The deceased (name) drinks, but the servant of the Lord (name) lives without daring! Key, lock, tongue. "
    7. 7. While leaving the cemetery, you should throw out the knife with your left hand, saying the words: "Like Vladimir renounced the faith of his ancestors, so the servant of the Lord (name) renounces wine. Exactly."

    Rites on the river

    To perform the following ordinances, access to the river is required - a powerful source of energy that enhances the effect of the ritual. Such rituals are suitable for villagers whose houses are located near waterways. You can carry out rituals in the country.

    On a pregnant cat

    If the drinker does not refuse treatment, with all his might tries to get rid of the addiction, he can resort to the following rite:

    1. 1. It is necessary from your house to the nearest river and back to carry a black cat on a drift. In this case, the animal must not be released from the hands for a moment.
    2. 2. In front of the reservoir it is worth saying the following words: "I bet you, drink, with this fast river and with its deep water. Go, my thirst, into the water to the waist, go out on the grit-stone. Sit on it for twelve hours of the day and twelve hours. Go from the grit-stone to a lost place, where the sun does not warm the earth, where birds do not fly in the sky, where people have not been for centuries, where doors and windows do not open, where women do not continue to breed. I, the servant of the Lord (my name) do not drink drunken. And until Christ comes a second time, everything will be according to my words. Take, the river, as a gift for this a third kitten. Let him grieve for me, and I will have alcohol until the end of the age not to drink".
    3. 3. You should leave the river without looking back and without talking to anyone.

    If a cat gives birth to three kittens and at the same time one of them dies, then the ceremony will work. If not, the ceremony can be performed again with another animal, but not earlier than a month later.

    Pike rite

    The ritual is performed as follows:

    1. 1. They bring a live pike home and read a plot on it 7 times (see below.).
    2. 2. The water where the fish was located is poured into a clay bowl and the plot is pronounced three more times.
    3. 3. Cover the bowl with a black cloth.
    4. 4. The pike is cut, and the head and tail are placed in a bowl of enchanted water.
    5. 5. The remaining offal is tied in a black cloth.
    6. 6. A dish is prepared from the fish and fed to the drinker.
    7. 7. At midnight, take out a container with water, the head and tail of the fish to the river and throw it into the water.
    8. 8. The container and the black bundle of giblets are taken to the trash can, located at least 700 m from the house.

    Conspiracy text:

    "I pour out the damned potion into the fast rivers. I banish the joke and the demonic fun forever. For twelve days, the slave of the Lord (the name of the drinker), and on the thirteenth longing drown the hangover. The waters of the lead river will flow, separated by a strip. Along that strip, go straight, into the blue sea plunge, be reborn in the water. With a sharp stitching needle, I will take away the gold in a canvas bag on a cart. Gold is my word. A bag under the Alatyr stone, and to the Lord's servant - health and a bright mind. Amen. "

    To the castle

    The ceremony allows once and for all to ward off a person from drunkenness. Held on the waning moon. For its implementation it is necessary:

    1. 1. Purchase three locks before noon. They do not take change from the seller and leave the store without looking back.
    2. 2. Then you need to wait for the drinker to leave at least a drop of alcohol in his glass. This residue should be poured into the well of the castle and immediately utter the words of the conspiracy: "You, servant of the Lord (name), a drunkard! May the doors of beer and wine shops be closed to you until the end of your days, just like this castle. Exactly."
    3. 3. The lock quickly closes in two turns, the key is hidden.

    For strengthening, the rite should be performed with three locks three times at the same time - for three Fridays in a row. Upon completion, the keys are stored in a secluded area and the locks are left at three different pedestrian intersections.

    For alcohol: wine, vodka

    This conspiracy from alcohol addiction is pronounced on a bottle of wine or vodka. The only condition is that the drinker must take a few sips of it.

    How to perform such a ritual:

    1. 1. Exactly at midnight a clean white tablecloth is laid on the table.
    2. 2. Place a glass in the center and pour into it from this bottle.
    3. 3. Three church candles are placed around. If there are candles brought home on a big holiday, the ritual will be especially effective. The candles are lit, the words are pronounced over the glass: "Holy God, save and have mercy from hell of fire with the double-edged sword of Thy words of the servant (name). Foul, Lord, the thorns of his passion and sins. May Thy grace dwell in him. Amen."
    4. 4. The candles should burn out to the end. Then the contents should be poured, and the glass should be broken and discarded.

    To holy water

    This rite is the safest, as it relates to white magic. You can also use holy water to rid your beloved (husband) from a bad habit. This requires:

    1. 1. Light a church candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God, pour water into a container. The words are pronounced on it: "Once a man was born, lived, but died. As now he is dead, so (name) does not drink drunken. Just as his hand is dead, so does not pour a living (name) hand into a goblet of wine, to his lips He brings me, does not ask for supplements. I baptize myself with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, but I save (name) from addictions of destructiveness. Key, lock, tongue. "
    2. 2. Conspiracy water must be poured into food or drink for the spouse three times a day without the knowledge of the patient. But this is done in such a way that 1.5 liters of water are consumed in a week. Store water in a secluded place where direct light rays do not penetrate.

    Voodoo rite

    Any person can use the Voodoo method, even those who are absolutely far from mysticism:

    1. 1. For the ceremony, take 8 small potatoes and make mashed potatoes from them.
    2. 2. Then you need to add a little of any spices to it and grate 4-5 tbsp. l. coconut pulp.
    3. 3. From the resulting dough, roll 8 balls of approximately the same size and fold them in a slide on a white lace scarf.
    4. 4. Leaning over the hill, they read the conspiracy: "There is a stone island on the blue sea. There is a tall house on that island. A sailor sits in that house, drinking rum and smoking tobacco. Not you, sailor, built a stone house, built its walls. Not for you. smoke tobacco, drink rum. So leave that stone island, from that house in the blue sea. Do not let alcohol into your slave (the name of the drinker, pronounced on the contrary), do not poison him with tobacco and hops. "

    While reading the conspiracy, it is necessary to visualize how the problem of drunkenness, along with breathing, turns into balls. At the end of the reading, they should be tied in a knot. On the next Sunday, the package will be taken to the park and left under any tree you like.

    On panties

    By this folk remedy can be used by a woman living with an alcoholic. You should take the drinker's underpants and wash them under cold and then hot water:

    • When a woman caresses her underwear cold water, she says: "Cool down, rather take your mind."
    • If rinses under hot, then the spouse says the following words: "Do not walk, settle down. Enough for you. Amen."

    When the thing is dry, you should put it on the man to wear. You can also talk about other items of linen.

    This rite will be most powerful if it is performed at 3 pm on a Sunday.

    On a photograph

    To perform the ceremony using a photograph, the following series of actions are performed:

    1. 1. Take a photo of a man suffering from alcoholism, consecrated water, and three wax candles from the temple. After sunset, candles are placed in one row on the table.
    2. 2. Put a photograph in front of yourself and sprinkle it a little with water. Then three times the words are brought: "Holy God the Great! Help me and help me. I wish to remove the addiction from Your servant (name), to conspire from a painful drunkenness, and to ward him off from the intoxicating harm. Let not a drop of vodka go down his throat. he flees from her as from an unclean one. Let not a single drink go to him except pure water. In the name of all Your holy Pleasants, Christ's blood and the tears of the Most Holy Mother of God. Amen. "
    3. 3. Then the photo is hidden in a secluded place. The ceremony begins to operate in the next three days. If the effect is not enough, it is necessary to carry out the ceremony again after one lunar month with the same photograph. If the drinker himself wants to get rid of his addiction, he can carry out the ritual on his own in his photo.

    On soap

    Those who wish to wean a loved one from addiction can take advantage of this rite from the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. To carry it out, you should purchase a bar of soap. The person who drinks them will have to wash their hands afterwards.

    Preliminarily, the soap is spoken 9 times with the words: "You are drunk, servant of the Lord (name), do not drink any more. In a drunken stupor, do not walk the streets, do not wander in taverns. As soon as you washed your hands, you forgot your addiction. yes trashy, so you chase her away. Exactly! ".

    The plotted piece is placed in a soap dish. After two weeks, you can repeat the ceremony with the same or a new bar of soap.

    On a towel

    The ritual is performed on a full moon. They say a new towel like this: "The towel is clean, beautiful, fluffy! As the servant of the Lord (name) wipes his hands with you, he will step into a new life. Without bad hops, without dirt, but without any infection, with pure thoughts. Amen."

    Then the towel is hung up so that the drinker wipes his hands with it. When he does this, the towel should be tied with a strong knot and said: "So be it, not otherwise!" After that, it hides in a secret place. No one should touch it, let alone untie the knot.

    On the ice

    This ceremony is performed on the waning moon. Put a piece of ice in a bowl and leave it on the windowsill for the moonlight to hit it.

    In the morning, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on the melted water: "From the cold, chills and shivers into the fierce cold, and from the intoxicating drink - even worse. Let the blood and flesh of the servant of the Lord (name) cool from alcohol. Neither a glass, nor a glass is enough for him, beer Yes, marriages do not pour. As I said, so it happens. Amen. "

    Melted water should be added to the drinker in soup or drink.

    For hops

    This ceremony is performed during three full moons in a row. Hops are required to carry out the ordinance. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or in the market. The buds must be whole, not crushed. To carry out the ritual, you must:

    1. 1. Soak the hops in the remnants of alcohol not drunk by a person, and then dry.
    2. 2. On the full moon, three times pronounce the words of the conspiracy: "Come on, brother-drunken evil, go down from the servant of God (name)! Go beyond the copper mountains and dark forests: the beast does not live there, the bird does not fly, the lake water does not come to the moon reflect. To the violent wind, brother-drunk, go. Walk along the distant kingdom, but in the hot sands forever disappear. Turn away from the servant of God (name), but dissolve into dust through the air. Amen. "
    3. 3. Conspirated hops must be ground. It is put in small pinches in the drinker's tea for three days in a row.

    Tea is brewed in the usual way, then hops are put into it and the prayer "Our Father" is recited 9 times on a cup. The sign of the cross is crossed after each time.

    On hair

    The ceremony is carried out at home. In order for a drunken alcoholic to stop drinking, the following sacrament is performed - they carefully take hair from the drinker and pronounce the words of a conspiracy on him: "Morning dawn, red lightning! You are a pretty girl, mother and queen! Take insomnia from the servant of God (name), and in return give a dream book Yes, nap. In the middle of the night, come to him, even as a young girl, even as a mother, a queen. Shake off the dashing force and accursed one, but give Christ's hand, and the Mother of God castle. Save your body, soul and spirit.

    Lick potion

    Making such a potion is not an easy task, as it contains hard-to-find ingredients. But if all the ingredients can be collected, the potion will be able to discourage the drinker from his addiction in a short time. In terms of its power, the ceremony is comparable to a traditional love spell, with the only difference that the vector of its action is the opposite. The potion contains:

    • shredded claw of a crayfish caught on a full moon;
    • dried and crushed roots of plakun-grass;
    • powder of grass thrown out by forest birds from the nest;
    • crushed root of the grass-root;
    • wormwood seeds and color;
    • thyme;
    • dry snowdrop flowers.

    How to carry out the ceremony:

    1. 1. These ingredients should be ground into a powder in a mortar.
    2. 2. On the day of the month corresponding to the birthday of the person suffering from alcoholism, boil all the ingredients in water taken from three different dwellings. The owners should not be aware of the purpose for which the water is collected. It is preferable to keep the fact of collecting water secret at all.
    3. 3. When the potion begins to boil, the words are read over it: "I conjure in the name of Adonai a passionate blood, a wild little head, heart and breath, veins and sinews, mouth and brain, and the whole body, spirit and soul of the servant of the Lord (name) from wine, vodka , mash and hops of any. Be it at least at home, even at a party, even in white-stone chambers, even in high towers - not to drink to him. The Lord created the world in six days, and slept on the seventh. So seven parts of the potion of this world will create yes rest for the soul of the servant of the Lord (name) from every evil passion, for the glory of God. Amen. "
    4. 4. The resulting broth is cooled. They should wash the person. Then 12 drops of the potion are added to a glass of water.
    5. 5. The drinker takes a few sips. If his body starts to shake, then the drunken spirit leaves his body.

    This recipe is now practically not used, since there is no information on how a mixture of these components acts on the body.

    Conspiracies without additional items

    For the following conspiracies, the use of special attributes is not required. It is recommended to learn them in advance in order to be able to use them at the right time.

    From female alcoholism

    The words of such a conspiracy are as follows:"Heavenly dawns, clear! Beautiful Archangel's eyes. Just as you, dawns, have not slept since the creation of the world, so would the servant of the Lord (name) have no thoughts about alcohol. Amen."

    Lapel on the sleeper

    This lapel from alcoholism is read by the wife of the drinker in his back when he is drunk and asleep. The following words should be pronounced: "Like Judas Iscariot denied Jesus Christ, so let the servant of the Lord (name) renounce all intoxicating drinks. May he refuse beer, wine and vodka in any weather. name). Amen. "

    From a long binge

    Above the sleeping person read the words: "Angels in the firmament of heaven see and hear what I want to do over the body of the servant of the Lord (name). Clear-eyed stars, descend into my cup. Water from a cold spring is in the cup. The moon is clear, descend from the firmament of heaven into There is no bottom or cover in that cage. The sun is red, come into my yard. There is not a soul in my yard - neither human nor animal. The stars are clear-eyed, calm the servant of the Lord (name) from drunken drinking. The sun is red, stop the servant of the Lord (name) from alcohol. From circle to circle, my word is strong and strong. "

    Celebration rituals

    Rituals against drunkenness, like other sacraments, are especially powerful on major church holidays. Before conducting them, it is useful to visit the temple, to pray to God for forgiveness and health - both your own and the drinking person.

    On Maundy Thursday

    This rite can be used by a mother who wants her son not to drink. On Maundy Thursday it is necessary to wash the windows, but leave a small amount of water. She should spray her son seven times when he sleeps drunk. At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced: "I gave birth to you, the servant of the Lord (name), nurtured you with milk. So you, the servant of the Lord (name), do not drink drunkenness, do not pour beer and mash into your mouth. clean for Christ's Resurrection. Amen. "

    For Easter

    On Easter, the following rite should be performed:

    1. 1. The Easter cake consecrated on Easter must be cut into 12 equal parts. Then, on any day of the Easter week, they go to the cemetery and there they look for 12 burials with the same names as those of a person suffering from alcoholism.
    2. 2. One piece is placed on each of them. At the same time, they bow to the deceased and say the following words: "You, deceased, no longer get up, you do not drink wine and vodka. So, before Christ's coming, do not get up, do not pour the intoxicated glass. And do not give the Lord's servant (name) any more to drink. the glory of the Lord. Amen. "

    This ceremony can be performed annually, but not more than three years in a row.

    Before Christmas

    When the first star appears on Christmas Eve, you should light a candle and say the following words on the photograph of the drinker: "Glory to the Holy God, from century to century (three times). Christ was born, the people rejoiced with heavenly joy. man will not step foot, to which his cattle will not let in. Gaiety has gone into the four winds of violent and drunken. Tied to a dashing, godless man. To the one who does not honor the birth of Christ, does not do alms. Ever tied, but from the servant of the Lord (name) got loose. Amen. "

    The Christmas rite has a special power. As a rule, drinkers give up drinking within the next few weeks after drinking.

    For Baptism

    On the day of Baptism, they bring home holy water and slander the following words on it: "As Jesus Christ did not drink drunkenness, as the Mother of God and all God's saints did not know drunkenness, so you, the servant of the Lord (name), will refuse alcohol. Amen."

    Water is given to a person to drink. You can add it to tea or soup without his knowledge. In some cases, one serving is enough for a person to give up alcohol. The container with water should be kept in a secret place and opened only for the purpose of adding to the water or food of the drinker.

    Rituals aimed at liberation from drunkenness have no negative consequences. They not only remove the craving for alcohol, but also give a person the strength to resist addiction (especially if the sacrament is performed several times). If the drinker himself shows the will for a sober life, after the ceremony he has every chance to get rid of the insidious cravings.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a bunch of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the point is in yourself, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other bad force.

    But who will help you in a difficult life situation, when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passes you by. It's hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed for the better overnight. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some trinket, at first glance, could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal ...

Alcoholism is a disease that causes significant harm to health and destroys the human soul. Unfortunately, alcoholics often do not recognize themselves as sick and do not consider alcohol dependence harmful. For this reason, relatives and close people cannot help a person get rid of alcoholism by official methods and turn to alternative medicine.

Traditional methods against addiction

In addition to codings, drugs and hypnosis, alcoholism is treated with various traditional medicine methods. Particularly effective are conspiracies that can turn an alcoholic away from drunkenness and completely eliminate an addiction.

Absolutely any person can read a conspiracy for vodka, for example, a wife or parents. But for it to work, you must strictly follow the rules of reading and not paraphrase the magic text. Drinking conspiracies for vodka are one of the most powerful, they act quickly, and the effect of them lasts for a long time.

Important! Reading the conspiracy must be accompanied by absolute confidence in its effectiveness, then it will really help to cope with the problem.

Features and efficiency

The rules for treating an alcoholic from drunkenness by reading conspiracies are simple, but they must be strictly observed:

Before reading the conspiracy, they carry out a cleaning - they roll out all family members, starting with animals and children, and ending with themselves, eggs. To do this, boil chicken eggs, cool and roll them over the body of the roll-out (one egg for the one who is being cleaned), saying: “I roll the egg, roll it out, wrap everything bad and superficial on it. As the testicle rolls, so (name) is cleared. Amen!".

Or eggs are fried with salt in a frying pan, saying: “The salt gets hot, the blackness is removed. As the salt burns out, so everything induced, fancy, draped over, stuck from the slaves (names of family members) will go away. "

Important! Within three days from the moment you read the conspiracy, you can not give anything from home, especially bread, wine and salt.

Conducted with confidence and determination, rituals for alcoholism are very effective. They act quickly and relieve a person from addiction at a subconscious level.

If a conspiratorial alcoholic drinks a drink with someone together, then there will be no harm or benefit to this person.

The strongest from drunkenness

Consider 4 powerful conspiracies.

On a closed bottle

In order for it to work, you should stay alone in the room (pets are also removed from the room) and curtain the windows, lay a black cloth on the table. They light 3 medium-sized church candles and read the magic words onto the bottle 9 times:

“As vodka is transparent and strong, so my speeches are true, strong and indestructible. Let the slave (name) take a sip of the fiery drink, and his illness will recede. Let every sip of vodka turn him inside out, turn his intestines, turn him around and vomit as soon as he drinks alcohol. I (my name) in word and deed, a strong department, I remove drunkenness from (the name of the alcoholic), I forbid him to drink. As he drinks a sip from this bottle, he will give up alcohol. This is my will, and it cannot be otherwise. Amen!".

The candles are left to burn out, the cinders from them are thrown into the flowing river. Alcohol is given to the patient to drink.

Important! This conspiracy is done on the night of the full moon, and the bottle is given to the alcoholic the next day. The magic rite begins to operate within 13 days.


It is read exactly at midnight on an open bottle of vodka, which is then given to the alcoholic to finish. The conspiracy text must be read three times:

"As the dead do not rise from their graves,

They don't drink drunk vodka,

So (name) will not be able to drink it,

An honest letter from the reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back very drunk every day, was rude, drank his salary. I really got scared when I pushed for the first time. Me, then daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so in a circle: lack of money, debts, abuse, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings we apologize. We've even coded everything we've tried. Not to mention the conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, just not my husband). After coding, I didn't drink for half a year, everything seemed to be better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcoholic drug on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely dropped my hands, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think ?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, I began to look more decent, my health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, he drank a course of alcoholic toxicity, and for six months already, no-no, at work, he was promoted, his daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.

Will live without vodka.

As I said, it will be so

And a year and five.

My word is strong and tenacious.

As a dead man does not leave the grave,

So (name) do not drink vodka.


At the cemetery

At the churchyard, a grave is found with the same name as that of the patient. A bottle of vodka is left on it with the words: "As you (name) live in the cemetery, you don't drink vodka, so the slave (name) will not drink it." Alcohol is left on the grave for 3 days.

After 3 days, they come, take the bottle, and leave a mention on the grave - pancakes, kutya, jelly. At this time they say:

“I remembered you, and you help me, (name) turn away from vodka. Amen". They bring vodka home and give it to the alcoholic. As he begins to drink it, you need to look at him and say to yourself: “The fiery water rises across the throat, (name) does not allow me to drink. As the dead man could not drink vodka, so you cannot. And whoever takes my word to interrupt, the disease will overtake him. My word is molten, but strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Important! The burial where the vodka is left must be fresh (not older than 5 years). In this case, the buried deceased must be the same age as the alcoholic, then the conspiracy will work during one lunar cycle.

With holy water

Water collected for Epiphany (January 19) will help to cope with alcoholism. The magic text is spoken to her three times:

"How Jesus Christ did not drink vodka, I did not know

I did not suffer without her,

like the Virgin Mary and all the saints

vodka did not know and did not know,

did not suffer from dependence, did not suffer,

so the servant of God (name) with vodka does not know,

it is easy to give it up forever.

Let (name) not touch vodka,

forever renounces her, does not toil, does not suffer,

does not know problems with alcohol.

My word is strong, my work is sturdy.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


Water is added to alcoholic alcoholic drinks daily in a few drops. Such a conspiracy will help to cope with addiction within a month.