Little poems about love. Laconic poetry for loved ones that will make your heart beat faster Find a little rhyme about love

Hello my beloved kitten!
I'd rather be next to you,
Hear your magic voice
In the eyes, as if in a pool of dreams, to be reflected.

Love of deep tenderness is full
Tempered in temptations, sorrows,
Strong in separation, in the distance - proud,
All the same - a miracle, for many years.

Nobody can compare with you, ever!
There are girls more beautiful, but no sweeter
There are girls brighter, but there are no relatives.
With you a star has dawned on my life.

The sunset will blush the clouds
There is a pleasant longing in my soul.
Give birth to thoughts about you
Love poem.

Only you in my heart
In every cell of the soul.
I love you forever
My beloved person!

I want you so much now
I can’t hold back my desire.
Please: come to me now,
Stop my suffering.

Sometime and somewhere
In the most conspicuous place
The moon will rise, spring will come
And if fate brings us together
We will be together with you.

The mind and heart are full of love.
The soul does not lag behind them.
And the whole world plays with colors,
And life is immensely good!

Only you in my heart
In every cell of the soul.
I love you forever
My beloved person!

Who did not love, he did not know happiness,
He who did not love has lost a lot.
After all, it is impossible to live without tenderness and affection,
In a gray world, without brightness and color.

Beautiful short love poems

I want to talk to you for hours
I want to look into my beloved eyes ...
After all, what happens between us
It takes me straight to heaven!

Your eyes are like two fires
They burn me with the flame
And I can't live without you
Live apart even for a day

This feeling inspires people,
Raises them above the vanity of days.
Hand in hand, happiness in the look,
And not a single bad weather is afraid.
When the two found each other
No blizzard will separate them!

I won't stop loving you
Even after many years.
I will change, I will become anyone
If only to be with you forever!

Let love shine like the sun
Gives us two miracles
And I only wish one thing:
Look deeper into the eyes.

Pure, beautiful and innocent
Love came by itself.
As if the genie was released
And he took all my rest.

Illuminated the life of my love.
Meaning and aspiration appeared.
I thank my fate

Hello, I love you, my angel!
I forget everything with you
From tenderness like wax I melt
And I burn from hot feelings!

Snow quietly falls on the palm and melts.
You are far away now. I miss you.
How I would like to turn into this snow,
On the palm of your hand, slowly go down.

You are my beloved one,
Nice, beautiful,
Delicate, desired
The most prettiest!

Short poems about love with meaning

I love you like a bird loves the sun
I can't imagine a day without you now!
You are to me like a light in a window ...
I believe - you love me the same way!

I forget about everything next to you.
And if we don't see each other, I miss you very much.
Each meeting becomes priceless
After all, you are the most beautiful of all in the universe.

I went through an X-ray today
I did not find a heart in the picture.
Because, my dear,
You have my heart!

Illuminated the life of my love.
Meaning and aspiration appeared.
I thank my fate
For your wonderful appearance in her.

May the feeling of love protect us
And in life he always helps in everything,
May it be blessed
Beautiful, happy, bright, priceless!

I draw inspiration from love,
And I sprout the roots of happiness.
Day and night there is no peace to be found.
Now I have something to lose in life.

Like a bird of happiness at dawn
Love came from the void.
It's good that the planet
You are always with me in life.

The magic bird flew to me
And I quietly touched the strings of my soul.
The blood boils and plays now in the veins,
Probably it comes love.

The day I met you
Most important to me
Immediately I then noticed
That you are my love!

It's so hard to live without love
Everyone wants to love!
Feel care, affection,
Make a fairy tale come true!

Short declarations of love verses

It's so good that we found each other!
It's good that I know you!
Minutes without you is such a torment ...
You are near - and my life is wonderful!

Cupid shot my heart.
And now from you to me
There is nowhere to go
My darling!

Like a bird of happiness at dawn
Love came from the void.
It's good that the planet
You are always with me in life.

Every minute without you
Like long, meaningless years.
My destiny is empty without you
I can't breathe freely without you.

The soul is so quiet and calm.
And my heart is beating with trepidation.
I am in complete happiness!
And the hymn of love sounds in me.

All love is within the power of ours,
Make the world brighter and more beautiful,
Beauty saves the world
And love helps her.

You can't get tired of loving you
This is not boring!
And only give you warmth
Which nobody knows.

Heart beats to a fast rhythm
Blood boils in my veins
If you are close to me -
This is apparently love!

Every moment you are in my thoughts.
I can't help thinking about you!
After all, stronger than my love
I just don't exist on this Earth!

I love your hands caress
And tenderness in your gaze
It's like I'm living in a fairy tale
When you are by my side.

Short sms love poems

I'm like a bird without a wing without you
I just can't get off the ground,
It's like I've been waiting for you all my life
I want to stay with you for this life.

Darling, come soon
And I will love you again
I have no smile without yours
I don’t want to live in the world!

My love for you is pure
And maybe a little naive.
I will never stop loving you
I love tremblingly and strongly.

I loved you forever
Do not doubt never
That she was faithful to one
To you, beloved, I always!

My love is stronger than the wind
My love is like music in silence
My love is like faith and hope
Like a flame of an unfading soul.

My love is like a guiding star
She flooded everything with her bright light,
Sparks of happiness flicker high above
I feel warm, I give myself to you!

You are happiness and my love!
I repeat over and over again.
Hearts joined together
It's light and interesting with you.

My love is fast as the wind
Stronger than a rock,
Swifter than all the rivers in the world,
When it's spring outside.

Time goes by when you're around
I miss you very much!
Your call to me will be like a reward!
Call or visit me!

Ah, love, Cupid's gift
You tear hearts with arrows
You are the source of a sweet groan
You are a gift from a fabulous creator.

In an empty trolleybus with no light
On frozen glass
You wrote to me: "Summer is coming."
And summer was in February.

Love Sheleg

Vera Polozkova

Kiss silently, headlights
Turning off. Depth,
To fill the beats with novelty
Hearts are like a kiss long.
Wake up to the sound of a guitar
Let it be frustrated and trashy.
Serenades with one string.
I love being part of a couple.
This is more joyful than one ...

The city smells like rain and cinnamon
This March I breathe into a binge.
I'm afraid I might get infected
But I’m afraid that it’s not you anymore.

© Laura Beykul

Mistakes don't matter this spring
Plans, career takeoff.

The main thing is to see your smile
The rest will wait.

© Doll Sasha

love those who are just around,
who dares not change
who caresses you with a warm look,
who just helps to live.

it's not the view that is more important in life,
he is often deceiving,
it's not beautiful that glitters -
beautiful is that which warms.

He will never tell you how he got used to you.
You, silently, will swallow "do not leave any more."

More than real to forget.
More than earthly to lose you.

© Anomal

You're just like me. You will not be warmed by anyone.
And in your soul boredom and cold.
The lights are off in my city without you.
The city is completely off without you.

I should pull myself together. Wait no more
No calls or greetings.
"I miss" say - say nothing.
I love. And not a word about it.

Words of love
dusty like old windows
I put my finger on them
question mark.

Kirill Kovaldzhi

Innokenty Annensky

Gold of the sunset rose
The sun bends a tired face,
And tuberoses look
Into gilded crystals.

But the scarlet heart does not need, -
The heart asks for faded roses
Unprecedented hyacinths,
Lilies crying on glass.

I'm a really bad composer
And I am proud of only one job:

"I love you" - in this cry
Not a single false note ..

© El Tweet

What is love? Disjointed dream.
Charm clutch!
And you're in the arms of dreams
Then you emit a sad moan

Then you doze in a sweet rapture,
Throwing your hands for a dream
And you leave a dream
With a sore, heavy head.

Anton Delvig

Julia Drunina

There are no guilty or right in love.
Is this element a fault?
Like a stream of hot lava
She flies through the destinies.

There are no guilty and right in love,
Nobody can be blamed here.
Pity the madman who lava
I tried to stop ...

Dmitry Kedrin

Tickling lips and chill of teeth
Fire wandering in the dark of the body
Sweat between breasts ... And this is - love?
Is that all you wanted so badly?

Yes! The passion is such that it is dark in the eyes!
But the night passes, light as a bird ...
I thought love was wine
Which you can get drunk forever!

Come and take me with you ...
Press it to my chest to make me feel warmer ...
I don't want anyone else
I tried to prove that he was more needed ...

Margarita Aliger

... And for the first time we woke up next to
on a dim weekday morning.
With blue, blue, quiet, quiet eyes
you gazed silently at me.

There is a minute of happiness and sadness
and the line between them cannot be drawn ...
This is what we were silent about
the first morning of a painful journey.

There, on the invisible part of the planet,
Where summer begins in winter
Where snowflakes fly in July
Perhaps my half is walking.

© Laura Beykul

Want. As then. At night. With you. Until morning. Communicate.
Want. As then. In the evening. By you. Passionately. Kiss.
I want. As then. In the afternoon. Together. Sincere. To smile.
I want. As then. In the morning. In yours. Hugs. Dissolve

I won't give you a new one -
All the same for many days.
So the night does not change the stars
Familiar to people.

You can ignore them, but-
And if you remove them-
We suddenly realize that we are home
There is no road to be found.

Emily Dickinson

And there is no need for empty talk,
As books, we have been read to cover:
When in love, you move mountains
When it's cold, you find excuses.

© Lyubov Trump

I'd rather freeze from the cold
Than keep warm in the arms of strangers.
And I'd rather die of hunger
Than I taste the sweetness of not your lips.

I don't need any extra reason
To be happy with others.
I would love the tenderness of your voice
And with you hundreds of winters.

© Maria Cutkar

Ilya Selvinsky

If the lips said no,
And the eyes answered: "Yes" -
As if the sea would rush in response
Overwhelmed with longing without a trace.

But the scarlet dawn will wither
Any star will turn black
If the lips answered yes,
But the soul answers: "No."

We write love poems
So that it was warmer in the soul.
Such a verse will not be superfluous.
Let it blow with kindness.

We wish love in life
We dream and just believe.
Love, make the anger quieter
And our hearts are bolder.

Love is a huge country
Which also has boundaries.
Love is beautiful and pure
Like the first pages of a book.

And who runs in italics,
Bypassing points and pages.
That she does not accept,
Closing possible borders.

It's good that there is love in the world
And to be faithful to her - we are all responsible.
You will settle it in your soul,
Safely, tightly you take care of it.
Never part with love
You open up to your loved ones.

Where can I seek my salvation?
And where can I express my love?
With you for every moment -
Blood rushes nervously through the veins ...

I don't know who else can love like that,
About this feeling in the books of a thousand verses,
But only I can understand what drives me
When you color the world with the light of my dreams.

It's so easy to be faithful when between you and me
Such joy, lightness of happiness, joy, love.
I'm not afraid to burn from the flame in my soul, but I'm worried
Can you stand it? .. You breathe with me.

Oh, we do not know how to love,
But we can't live without love,
After all, life must beat with a key,
And without love, alas, not that path.

Love ... it also inspires
It's easy to breathe with her ... Oh, Yes!
And he adds strength to us,
Though it is sad sometimes.

But it also makes us suffer
And sometimes life is no longer sweet to us
And it does not touch at all,
When longing settles in the soul ...

But still there is power in love
And then the person lives,
When, as soon as life would not hit,
He will find love on earth!

WITH it is not so easy to write quietly,
T Such are the things.
AND express such feelings
X we are always hotels.
AND let's go ahead, let's go on the attack,
O we sing a song.
L we yearn for yubvi irrevocably,
YU lurking in its fire,
B to be ahead - to love you
V always, do not retreat!
AND dillia - such a feeling, such a grace.

Playful tone, deep look
And the words are florid
They don't tell me anything
But all the same it is a joy.

An unclear number of beautiful phrases
And gestures incomprehensibility
They don't tell me anything
But all the same it is a joy.

Wave your hand, shrug your shoulder
And you won't say anything. Oh God!
Love is dangerous like a knife
But this is also a joy.

We were born to write about love.
Let the hatred disappear forever.
And each of us is strong in our souls.
And a man will find happiness.

Wishing each other from the heart
Not to know unrequited love
We believe that we love forever.
We believe we can dream.

In storms and storms, in rain and snow
We are looking for a quiet haven for signs.
And again, like moths, we strive for the light,
Who is happy to burn us.

In winter and summer, in the heat and the hurricane
We are waiting for God to deliver us from our torment,
Not knowing that he had already taken an arrow in his hands
Cupid is a careless bully boy ...

And my tears will not be enough for you
And the sky will fall right into your hands
But will you notice that the sky is gone?
You will not hear the sounds of my soul.
And she is a wounded bird
Everything flies towards you,
She is only afraid of one thing -
Losing your look forever ...

We live in such a pragmatic and realistic world, we load ourselves so much with work, household issues, sports and entertainment that sometimes we get tired of life. And the soul begins to ask for warmth, tenderness and romance. Even the most severe in nature people want love with poetry, confessions, excitement and passionate experiences, this is an integral part of our life, and maybe the most beautiful. Therefore, let us pay more attention to our beloved and dear people. For this we offer you short poems about love... These unobtrusive, but very gentle messages will tell your loved one how dear he is to you, how you miss in his absence, with what trepidation you remember the time spent together. Short poems about love it is a ray of warmth, sensuality and romance in the boring everyday hustle and bustle. Give joy to a loved one, let him (her) understand that he (she) is not alone, that you are near.

How I want you to hold me to your chest.

To say something gentle without flattery ...

And all there is that lies ahead

I would like to share with you together.

I start every day with a dream about you

I no longer resist, I do not argue with fate,

I cherish hope and faith in me

That we'll see you again soon.

And in happiness and in sorrow I will be with you!

With a beloved man, a reliable wall.

You are my joy, luck and strength,

And how good it is that I have you!

I miss you so much

I can't live a day without you

I open my heart

And I say that I am madly in love!

Silence, the candles are out

Only the sparkle in the eyes burns.

Put your arms around me

And talk to me.

Whisper that you love very much

Don't let go of anywhere

I will be happy myself

I love you, you know.

No wealth from life,

I don't need any power.

Your love and happiness

A reward for me!

Become the delight of your lips

With the warmth of your hands

Reflection of dreams

The embodiment of desires.

All that is joy for me is

Be loved for you!

How glad I am that you woke up next to me

I can enjoy love with you

I'm not afraid of bad days now

They cannot destroy my happiness!

For the happiness of being with you, I am ready to give everything,

I'll make a deal with the devil, believe me

I'm ready to sell my freedom

For opening the door of love

I love you and adore you

I go crazy and die

I do not believe my happiness.

I want to hug, kiss,

And don't let go anywhere

Joy to my heart!

Believe in the call of my soul,

How I value YOU now!

I miss you alone

I'm sad for you alone

I remember your caresses in the night

Because I love you madly!

When your eyes are dim

Under the yoke of grief or sorrow,

Then all my joys

They disappear this minute

When it burns in your eyes

Struggle, health, joy of life,

Then my soul soars -

There is no best reward in the world

Your destiny is my destiny

Forever connected with you

You are happiness, you are my love,

You are also an earthly god for me!

Hope that these short love poems will help you please your loved ones. Love and be loved!

Love works wonders! It inspires, inspires, makes us do unimaginable deeds, makes us so happy that we are ready to turn mountains and get a star from the sky. And also devote his one or only poetry.

We offer you very beautiful love poems: short, long, funny and sad to tears, with deep meaning and humorous declarations of love. Read, choose, devote love poems to your loved ones!

Beautiful verse about love to tears

It is not customary to shout about love ...
Love for you has no border! ..
The heart will fly to pieces
If you give me an answer to a question,
And the soul will fly into the sky like a bird!

Do you love me? How much?
Whisper into your pillow, I will hear!
Give me a silent sign -
And do not hesitate, I will see everything!

It is not customary to shout about love
Silence to tears ... And it's so insulting,
That you cannot give me an answer!
It is not visible in the darkness without stars ...

I'll wrap myself in sadness with my head
And again I will tune the radar of the soul,
So that I hear your answer!
Hands start, I will not hide ...

This blue night I do not sleep.
Really ?! .. I hear your answer!
You whispered with your heart: "I love you!"
And with happiness it just blows the "roof"!

Very beautiful poems about love for a man

I love you, my dear and dear!
I'm going crazy with happiness to be with you ...
I'm glad that you are destiny
Granted to me with great love!

I put you on a pedestal
Otherwise, it simply cannot be with us.
After all, you are my God and you are my ideal,
And there is no man dearer to me than you!

Your words sound like a wonderful song
When you tell me about love.
I'm happy that you and I are together
We keep all our tender feelings!

Sensual verse about a woman's love for a man

Why do I love you? Do not know…
I love you for the sparkle in my eyes
Because I always dream with you
And I smile, I laugh sincerely!

I love you for your tenderness and affection,
I love your care for me ...
That I fell with you as if in a fairy tale,
And I don't want to get out of it!

I love you for a lot, I won't list everything,
You are simply the best on Earth!
And, as you know, love is not for something,
And just in spite of everything and everyone!

Short poems about love for a girl

I want to become your husband

Duchess? Queen?
No, the Universal Queen!
Graceful like a panther
It is impossible not to fall in love!

You are slim, bright, beautiful
And smarter than all the girlfriends.
I have loved you for a long time.
How I want to become your husband!

When we met

When we met you
That the wind caressed our hair,
And the surf sang so quietly to us,
But my heart fluttered ...

Stronger than the gentle waves of the sea
My love suddenly played out.
I dream, dear, that you
She stayed with me forever!

Short funny love poem

Favorite coquette

Sweetheart, beautiful
Coquette girl!
You are my beloved
Sweet candy!

Verse declaration of love to a man

Take a step towards me

I love you, regardless
To all the empty promises
Apart from various grievances,
Forgetting misunderstandings.

I want a little step
To meet me, you, dear, did.
I want that in these lines
All problems could melt away.

A short verse to a beloved man

Forget about the bad for the evening

Forget, dear, for one evening,
About everything bad, about reproaches,
For even this meeting to pass
We have no quarrels with you!

Lovely poem with a declaration of love to her husband from a young wife

I love you to tears

Gently, passionately and to tears
I love you, my husband!
Know that this is all serious
I tell you today.

Will never be torn apart
Our adversity is different.
Know that we will always be
A first-class couple!

Very beautiful love verse

How much people said about love -
About the passion that burns the flesh to ashes ...
About tenderness that will wake you up in the morning ...
About the fear of gaining, but… losing.

How many, how infinitely many,
Those words that everyone is tired of repeating.
But how little heart between the lines,
Which, alas, not everyone can understand.

Only that love can we call a feeling
That does not burn like a fire in the night,
Not suddenly measured by the depth of madness.
Love is a soulful conversation

When words are not needed, colors are not needed,
You don't need any useless deeds.
Soul love - a company without masks -
Without promises, vows, amorous arrows.

Love poem for your beloved boyfriend

I'm lucky with you!

My beautiful, my desired
So sweet, long-awaited!
How lucky I am with you
I won't hide my love
And I'm ready to scream about her,
After all, there is no such thing in the world!

Love poem for a woman

You know how hard it can be
Tell about your feelings in detail.
I am very lucky with you in my life
I am ready to shout about it even publicly.
Love changes a person's soul
My soul belongs to you alone.
I will love you until the end of the century,
You always be that guiding star
That shines brightly in the sky on a dark night
And the traveler shows the right path,
There is no place for three dots in our destiny,
There are only three words: “I love you”!
You know you're just a miracle to me
And with trepidation I catch your heavenly gaze.
Remember, I feel very tight without you
Don't forget how much I love you!

A sincere poem about love for a beloved man

I fade without you

Acquaintance, meeting, parting
And lonely dreams.
And now it's time for recognition
That, dear, how dear you are to me.

When you leave for a long time
I fade like a flower.
When you call - I resurrect
Your voice is a breath of my life.

When it's time to meet
The pain goes away from separation.
You heal with your presence
Me, beloved, again and again!

A beautiful poem about love for a man from a woman

To the best man in the world

What could be more beautiful in the world
Than this mature love
To you, my dear, gentle, domineering?
You excite the blood with your eyes.

You are respected
By how he managed to go his way.
And in every moment lived
You strive to find joy.

I wake up, it happens, and I don't believe
That fate brought us together.
Suddenly I would open the wrong doors,
What would have happened then?

Probably managed to beg
I am with the Almighty,
After all, I really wanted
Find out how it is to live in love?

Know that you are the best man in the world:
And romantic and smart
Handsome, caring. No reason,
So as not to fall in love again and again!

A poem about love for a woman with deep meaning

Through the headache of yesterday's binge
And the hardened sorrow of lacerated wounds,
Finding no peace in the stillness of the night,
I am leaving for an unknown distance.

A bloody blur of the moon in the sky
Eclipsed the light of my chosen star.
I remember the shine - to the pain and to the groan -
From the sweet eyes of the tears that have fallen into the snow.

Where am I going? I don't know myself yet.
What am I looking for? The answer is not easy.
Perhaps there is not what I dream about?
Perhaps there is, but very far away?

The earth is round, I return against my will
To the warmth of the alluring fireplace fire.
And, thank God, I did not die in an open field:
Your love always keeps me!

Sad beautiful love verse

Love and sadness intertwined forever
To torture the spirit of lovers.
The torment of the heart is endless
Their gentle word will not appease.

Sleepless night from suspicion
The parting is long and bitter.
The sadness of the mood
Song and hand do not heal.

And the heart cannot find peace
Captured by all-seeing love.
And the fatal temptation
Bubbles in young blood.

The best verse about love

What is love?

What is love? The great sage will not tell.
This is cold and heat, this is the eternal breath of life,
This is joy and pain, this is a bitter memory
This is a fairy tale, which, alas, comes to an end.

What is love? It is a stronghold of eternal illusion.
This is the dock of sadness, this is a storehouse of happy moments,
This is a book of thoughts, torment, intrigue, compliments,
An endless union of silence and emotional care.

A touching verse about love

The magic power of love

In this world of sorrow and misery
What will help to come to terms with fate?
It's very easy to find the answer:
A life filled with love.

There are no easy roads
Everyone will meet with sadness and pain.
There will be many worries and worries
It is easier to experience them with love.

Two destinies will meet
Hearts will beat in unison.
Only wings of tender love
Helps to fly up to the heavens.

A native person will smile
And the soul will come to life from happiness.
Love has settled in her forever,
This is the only way our heart sings.

May love always be near
Will become a huge part of life.
Any ordinary moment with her
Fills with true happiness.

On the shoulder all the obstacles to her,
Opens any doors.
Just open your soul soon
And fill your heart with love.

A short verse about love

Do you remember, we were teased: "Tili-dough" ...
We laughed at a joke. But then I did not know that my heart would become cramped
Without you, my dear. You are my world, my breath, expectation of tomorrow.
I am not in love (this is only for a while), but I LOVE - completely I am you.

Verse declaration of love to a guy

Hear me

Of course, I am not Tatiana, and you are not Onegin.
But in the same way I'm looking for words
To confess, to get through
That I can't imagine life without you.
That with your name I fall asleep
I'm looking for meetings, but I can't say:
That I only dream to be with you,
After all, I love you madly.

Verse declaration of love to a girl

I was silent for a long time, but I could no longer

Like the universe you are to me, unknown space, a fabulous day,
I admire you and catch a glance - a quick shadow of fleetingness.
The velvet of the eyelashes burns, beckoning, the lips are tender delight of slyness.
Do you love? Don't you love? I love you. You are my crystal and delicate flower.

Verse declaration of love to a guy

I'm embarrassed to say every time
What a feeling that was unearthly
Everything sang in my soul in the spring
And I can only see a couple of us.
I want you to watch with passion
Into my eyes, and every hour
Love grew stronger in us
And we knew happiness together.

A verse from a girl for a guy about feelings and love

Your eyes, your smile
They stole my peace a long time ago
And the violin plays for the soul -
I want it to be like in the movies!
To come closer to me,
He took the palm in his hands.
I will see love in my eyes.
I want you to kiss.