What can I give as a gift for my 1st birthday? What to give to my one year old boy. Toys from parents, grandmothers and other relatives

Despite the fact that one-year-old children have no expressed interests, they can be quite demanding of the gifts they receive. And at the same time, we also have to take into account that the thing is not only entertaining, but also useful for their development. In such conditions, you have to think carefully about what to give your child for 1 year. Guests face a doubly difficult task - to please not only the hero of the day, but also his parents.

At one year of age, in addition to simple manipulation of objects, the baby’s object-based activities become the main activity. Its main goal is to understand the surrounding world, the active development of correct auditory, tactile and visual perception of living and inanimate objects. Children begin to connect one event with another, learning to think logically, study the characteristics of objects in their field of vision, and train memory and attention. In this way, they demonstrate their independence, hone their already acquired skills, and master new skills.

During this fertile period, the best toys for their development are pyramids, all kinds of insert toys - cups, nesting dolls, containers in which smaller parts can be placed.

Simultaneously with the improvement of the senses and brain, the baby’s body also develops - his movements become more coordinated, dexterous, and the muscles of the legs and arms gradually become stronger. Therefore, while he is awake, he needs to train his muscles, improve his eye, spatial orientation, and balance, which are necessary in order to expand the functions of the musculoskeletal system. In this regard, when thinking about what to give a one-year-old child, you can remember that there are many toys, such as pushers, car-shaped wheelchairs, strollers, that will help the baby spend the day in an interesting and dynamic way.

Basic gift options for one-year-old children:

  • toys and educational games;
  • children's transport and special structures for entertainment;
  • household supplies and clothing;
  • gifts for the whole family.

If the guest is personally acquainted with the baby, then it will be easier for him to come up with what kind of surprise can please the birthday boy, otherwise, there is always a mother and father who will tell their friends what their son or daughter would like for his birthday. It may not be a toy at all, but baby care supplies, items of children's clothing or furniture - families with small children often need financial assistance.

This is, of course, a delicate question, and it is always better to consult with your parents in advance, but what you definitely shouldn’t do is buy large expensive things without warning the family of the hero of the day. It may happen that the child has already acquired them.

Devices for physical development

A sports gift is a good choice to congratulate your baby on his first anniversary and really make him happy. True, you must immediately learn one important rule - such gifts, first of all, must be safe for the child.

When choosing, you can focus on the following options:

  1. In winter, quite acceptable sled, today snow scooters (My-shop and Ozone) are bright and original designs, unlike models of previous years, such a gift is suitable for both a boy and a girl. You can buy a device with retractable wheels, and then your baby can use it to drive on asphalt.
  2. Swing for one year olds(My-shop and Ozone) it is better to give homemade ones, they can be fixed on the ceiling or to a horizontal bar, the main thing is that there are high-quality, strong belts in place to protect the child from falling.
  3. Tricycle(My-shop and Ozone), equipped with a handle, will also come in handy when the baby grows up. All that remains is to remove the sides, footrest and handle; it is better to choose a model with a hood in case of bad weather and protection from direct sunlight.
  4. For active crawling and sitting, mom and dad or their friends can give the baby as a gift house or tent(My-shop and Ozone). Surely, such a place will become a secret corner where the child can play his favorite games; by the way, children’s toys can also be stored there.
  5. Jumpers(My-shop and Ozone), rocking chairs in the form of cats, tigers, horses(Ozone and My-shop) and other animals, pushers and gurneys can also be classified as a device that helps children spend time actively. There are extremely attractive models of such structures with music and light accompaniment, and special horns. Tolokars (My-shop and Ozone) are set in motion using a special handle, a rope, or simply by the movements of children's legs.
  6. Orthopedic mat, the surface of which can be made in the form of grass, hard and soft cones. Such a device can be assembled, like puzzles, from different textures - for children this is a preventive remedy for flat feet and for training leg muscles.
  7. Toy bowling(My-shop and Ozone) - another useful entertainment for one-year-old children. Firstly, the game involves active movement, and secondly, it teaches the little one to properly coordinate his actions, develops his eye, and develops dexterity. Along with this, children improve their knowledge of colors and enrich their tactile sensations, since the skittles are made of materials that differ in texture.
  8. Inflatable pool with balls(My-shop and Ozone). - another gift that can captivate a one-year-old child for a long time. But due to its large size, better purchase discuss such a gift in advance with the parents of the birthday boy.

If you can’t figure out what to give your child for 1 year, give him a dry pool with multi-colored plastic balls, this is a great idea, because spending time in it not only trains the motor skills of the arms and legs, but also relieves muscle hypertonicity in children.

What to give a 1 year old child: video

Educational games as a gift for a one-year-old child

Educational games are not only learning centers, panels and special sets; they also include sets of art supplies for creative development. This is a great gift alternative for those who are unsure of what to give a one-year-old child.

Guests, household members or parents can choose the following gifts, which will be a definite reason for the child’s joy:

  • teaching table– in fact, a set of all kinds of devices, a combination of a construction set, a sorter, a pyramid – this toy improves logical thinking, coordination, fine motor skills, and teaches the baby to persevere;
  • puzzle floor mat, which provides training in logic, attention, as well as the study of letters and numbers;
  • wooden training center, which includes an easel for the little ones, an abacus, a slate board, an alphabet, a special geometric labyrinth - for a child this is a vast field of activity;
  • finger maze for the development of fine motor skills and logical thinking;
  • musical mat not only looks great, but also develops the child’s hearing and coordination of movements;
  • training shoes, giving the child the opportunity to learn how to use Velcro, while these are comfortable shoes that can be worn at home.

You can simply give your baby an easel (My-shop and Ozone) for a year so that he can draw with a marker or chalk; some models combine both. Plasticine and finger paints are also an option, but then parents will have to be nearby every minute so that the child does not put them in his mouth.

If you still have a problem with how to choose a gift for 1 year, you can always buy good books for your baby. These can be ordinary children's books that the mother can read to the baby, and interactive, smart books with voiced pictures.

Other gifts for a 1 year old baby

It is not necessary to buy toys and various children's designs. This can include useful household appliances, clothing and much more that the child’s family needs.

Parents may also find other things that are very necessary in the household useful:

  1. Set of dishes for the little one, including plates, a mug, a spoon and fork, very soon he will need his own cutlery.
  2. Set bed linen for a child - even if it is not too original, it is always necessary in the house.
  3. Nice clothes– elegant slips, blouses or winter overalls with a hood. True, for this you will have to ask your parents about such a nuance as size.
  4. Baby shoes– perhaps she will be the first in his life when he starts walking. Depending on the season, guests can give the little one boots, boots, sandals or house slippers. It is necessary to purchase such a gift wisely, focusing on naturalness, safety and high quality of the material.
  5. An annual gift can be an excellent gift. pool membership, but such gifts are usually made by the child’s relatives after discussion and general agreement.

You can give the child or his parents symbolic gifts, such as a child’s hair box, a bottle of good wine, an invitation to a photo shoot, or a personalized photo album made by a master.

Gift ideas for a one year old girl

When the question of what to choose for a girl becomes urgent, you can think about buying a simply beautiful one, multifunctional doll or baby doll, this is a very timely gift - babies begin to play “mother-daughter” already at 10-11 months. It will be great if the doll comes with clothes for her, a toy crib or stroller, or a chest of drawers where the child can put doll dresses or rompers.

It is important that the baby doll has everything in place - hair that can be combed, eyes that close, and a mouth that opens to feed him.

But you shouldn’t think that the interests of such a young creature are limited to dolls - girls, like boys, love fun fuss and movement, so one of the household members or guests can give the baby a stable and maneuverable bibicar, scooter with a seat, bright car-shaped gurneys, bicycles, on which you need to move, pushing off with your feet. In this case, you need to choose the most comfortable and high-quality models so that when moving the girl does not touch the rear wheels with her legs.

A variety of options will help you spend your waking hours having fun trolleys with handles in the form of elephants, ducks and even trees. In addition, girls like rubber jumping toys - donkeys, horses, and other animals. A rocking chair in the shape of a horse may delight a girl, however, boys will not remain indifferent to this toy.

Girls can be given a whole set of realistically made animals Schleich and Mojo, as well as funny animals and fantastic creatures made of safe plastic with a rotating head and moving legs. And toy toys would also be a great gift for them. household appliances and accessories– children's kitchen, sets of dishes for games and rubber (plastic) vegetables and fruits. It's time to give your child a set for role-playing Doctor or Hairdresser games.

Gift ideas for a one year old boy

Guests invited to an anniversary are often interested in what to bring as a gift for the boy. For outdoor games, you can give your baby:

  • machine-tolokar, in which he can drive around at home and on the street;
  • rocking chair in the form of a horse or other animal;
  • folding swing, which can be used even in a small apartment;
  • musical mat which will help the baby learn to walk;
  • game center, which is a table and has many interesting functions, an abundance of toys and their various properties will not let the baby get bored and he will not only have fun, but also usefully spend active daytime hours;
  • any talking, dancing and singing toys will not only cause the boy’s wild delight, but will also contribute to the development of his speech skills;
  • cars– the boy will appreciate trucks, cranes, and cars, because he is increasingly trying to imitate his dad.

Children of both sexes need not only beautiful, but also functional games and toys that will help awaken their imagination. For a one-year-old child, it’s time to give puzzles, construction sets, and modeling and drawing supplies.

When considering gift options and not knowing what to give a child for 1 year, do not forget that a one-year-old baby needs not just gifts, but a feeling of celebration, so it would not be amiss to set the table, and perhaps invite friends with your children - such a day The baby will remember the birth for a long time.

A one-year-old toddler is perhaps the most picky birthday boy in the world. An invitation to such a children's birthday requires you to work hard when choosing a gift. Due to his age, the baby does not yet have clearly expressed hobbies, and how to please him is a big question. But I want to buy “something useful.” How to find that very useful “something” among the abundance of children's goods, and what to give a child for a year - about this in our material.

It is especially difficult to gather for children's parties for those who have not yet become parents themselves. Guests who do not have time to study the needs of a one-year-old child do so simply. The principle applies here: the best gift is money that can be used to buy another gift.

Know the birthday boy by sight: how he develops and what he is interested in

In fact, this is a good option, because financial support for a family with a small child never hurts. But it may well be that the donated funds will be used to cover holiday expenses. And in this case, the child will have nothing left of you as a keepsake. But how nice it is when you hear: “This is Uncle Seryozha, who gave you that big red car for your first birthday.”

If you still decide to choose a gift for a child for 1 year, it is important to know about some of the developmental features of children during this period. Most already know how to walk and even dance. Some repeat certain gestures and sounds after their parents, and put objects one inside the other. One-year-old children actively move to the “adult table”: they eat from a spoon, chew finely chopped solid food. By the way, please note that at this age children do not eat sweets, so it would be inappropriate to go with sweets and chocolates to their first birthday.

The main need of such a child is to explore the world around him. Even non-game items are used: pick up a lid on a pan, wipe off the dust with a sponge, like mom. At this age, educational games become possible; manipulations with a pyramid, cubes and a ball become more difficult. Starting from 12 months, the child is interested in books, dolls, cars.

Options for useful and original gifts

When choosing a gift for a 1-year-old baby, be sure to consult with the parents of the birthday boy. It is likely that the child already has the same toy or a similar set of clothes. In addition, the mother can “give a tip”, which is missing in the arsenal. Maybe the child needs a specific developmental complex or just can’t get around to buying one beautiful bandage under a yellow weekend dress.

But it often happens that parents are modest. Like, we have everything. In this case, it is good to have ready-made gift ideas for a child in reserve and offer them to the heroes of the occasion to choose from. So, what can you give a child for 1 year?


It is wrong to think that there can never be too many toys. The children's room should not look like a warehouse with entertainment for every taste. But toys need to be periodically updated so that they are age-appropriate, match the child’s existing skills and contribute to the development of new ones. A birthday is a great occasion to add some color to your child’s playroom.

  • Rocking chairs and jumpers. As a rule, they are made in the form of animals. The classic rocking chair is a horse on runners. There are models in the shape of ducks, kittens, lions, elephants, etc. In some variations, wheels are also added to the runners, so that the child can swing and ride, for example, a pony by the leash. Jumpers can also be found in different variations. These include donkeys, zebras, and deer. Climbing onto such a character, the child jumps and develops the vestibular apparatus.
  • Wheeled car.
  • Both boys and girls will appreciate Tolokar. By the way, there are different models: from glamorous pink “bugs” to sports “Porsche”. The baby can “steer” such a device himself, pushing off with his feet. Or one of the adults “leads” using a special handle at the back. What’s interesting is that a child will need a car for more than one season, and you can play with it both indoors and outdoors.
  • A large dry pool filled with bright plastic balls is expensive. In addition, such a gift cannot always be placed in a child’s room. But the idea itself is good and there is an alternative. Pools in the form of large soft toys are more affordable and compact. As an example, the popular “Dragon” model. It has a fastener on its belly, and in its “belly” there is room for the baby’s balls and games. You can also buy a trampoline playpen and fill it with balls. By the way, they are sold separately and placed even in a regular bathtub. Also a gift for more than one season. Plus, it's inexpensive. Variations for every taste. And in the form of a mushroom, and in the form of a car, and in the form of a steam locomotive. Various colors and configurations. More expensive models consist of two blocks, each of which has its own hole, and a tunnel connects them. By the way, such a corner can be used not only for games, but also for storing toys.
  • Finger labyrinths. They develop fine motor skills well, promote the formation of logic, and captivate the baby’s attention for a long time. For example, there is a wooden maze zoo with beads. These are animal models with holes and small rods on which parts of various shapes are attached. The baby will be happy to move the beads along the springs.
  • Lacing toys. According to reviews, they are also aimed at developing fine motor skills and imagination of the child. Helps build perseverance. These models are often made of wood. For example, there are birds and animals. So, the peacock has bright lacing, ribbons, and beads in its tail. The baby will be happy to braid and unravel such beauty. Another variation is fruits and vegetables. For example, an apple in which a funny worm has settled. This resident has made a bunch of moves and the child, moving the worm on a string, can explore the apple mazes.
  • Swimming buddies. Funny characters that your child will take with him to the bathroom. They will help the baby to fidget less in the bath and not be capricious during water procedures. For example, there are swimming turtles or a hippopotamus traveling on a catamaran. They sell fish that jump out of the water if you drown them.

At this age, it is also useful to have a pyramid, a spinning top, cubes, baby dolls, floor puzzles, rugs, bright bowling, a small soft construction set, matryoshka toys, and interactive books in the toy library. A good gift option is an easel for painting. But with musical instruments and other “squeakers” you should be on your guard. At this age, the baby does not yet know how to consciously turn the “sound” on and off, so life in the family can turn into a continuous “guess the melody”.

Facilities and facilities for entertainment

What else to give a one-year-old child? Children's soft or inflatable furniture and various devices for movement will come in handy. For example, a table and chairs for little ones are always appropriate in a nursery. Here you can dine, and eventually draw and receive guests.

  • Sleds or snow scooters. A child's car park must have such a vehicle. Remember yourself as a child: how great it was to slide down the slide in the snow! This is also a thing that lasts for more than one year and you can safely bring it into the house even for the summer birthday boy. This coming winter, parents will use a sled as an alternative to a stroller in snowy weather. And in a few years the baby will be able to ride them himself. By the way, such a gift is also for New Year Suitable for a one year old child.
  • Swing. Of course, not all families live in private houses with large yards. But now there are options for “apartment” swings. Hanging models are easily attached to the ceiling in the nursery. The baby will definitely appreciate such changes in the interior.
  • Bicycle with handle. This is a summer alternative to a stroller. Models are usually three-wheeled. The child can turn the pedals himself, and if he gets tired, the parents control the vehicle using a special handle at the back. It's good if the bike is equipped with a hood. This will protect the young rider from the sun.

If you have chosen a vehicle or a swing, be sure to consider safety. Such products should be equipped with protective straps to prevent the baby from falling out while riding or swinging.

Clothes, shoes and household “beauties”

Such gifts will never be superfluous. Until the age of two, children grow very quickly and, due to their activity and curiosity, constantly get dirty. So extra pajamas or golf shoes around the house will come in handy.

  • Suit for going out. Pay attention to the weekend outfits. It often happens that casual wear
  • a one-year-old child has just enough, but there is a gap in the “ceremonial” wardrobe. Perhaps a high-quality suit for going out is what you need for your birthday.
  • First boots.
  • This thing will help teach your baby to keep order in his room, and will also save space on shelves and in chests of drawers.
  • Box for first hair. This is just the thing for a first birthday. After all, it is on this day that godparents cut several strands of hair from the child’s head. Parents usually keep their curls all their lives. A small box, perhaps made of silver, will work well for this purpose.

If you are going to give clothes or shoes, do not buy things based only on age. Children per year can be larger or smaller than the “standard”. It’s better to ask your parents about the height of the birthday boy and the size of the insole. But don’t take things end to end, because toddlers grow like yeast dough.

Present for the whole family

A certificate for a photo shoot is a great gift that all family members will be happy with. First of all, it's memory. And secondly, a reason for another small celebration: you need to dress up for the occasion and get everyone together in good mood.

But don’t stop at just the certificate. It will be great if along with it you give five to seven beautiful A4 photo frames. Then, for sure, the pictures will be printed and decorate the walls of the nursery.

If the family leads an active lifestyle and the child is good at water procedures, you can give a subscription to a special pool for swimming together with small children.

When it comes to original gifts for a child, the option of inviting animators to a party is often considered. This is a good idea. And it will be great if, for example, the godfather plays one of the heroes. But it's better to save it for later. At one year old, the child will not yet appreciate your efforts, but he may even be afraid of the “giants”.

A magic book from mom and dad

Guests are guests, but a gift from parents is also necessary and important. Here's an interesting idea: a self-made educational book. This product is made of fabric and cardboard, with beads, buttons, and colored paper. Each page is a separate story.

Here is a bouquet where the petals can be removed and then attached back. And a paper doll, as well as a whole closet with clothes for her. And in the magic chest there are soft cubes hidden for the child. There is even an ocean where dolphins splash. Looking under the strawberry bush, the baby will find berries. You can remove a star from the sky and grab a hare by the ears. In general, parents can come up with whatever plots they want for the book.

This is now a fashionable gift and patterns are easy to find on thematic websites. For a child, this “beech” is useful for the development of fine motor skills, imagination, and logic. Later, with the help of such a book, it will be possible to act out skits and train speech. By the way, this is also a great New Year’s gift for a one-year-old child.

What to give a one-year-old child is not an easy task, but so exciting! In search of a worthy surprise, you yourself will plunge into the atmosphere of childhood. But even in a fairy-tale mood, do not lose your vigilance - purchase all products for your baby only at official retail outlets. Toy producing countries must inspire confidence, and the manufacturing company must have the necessary quality certificates.


The baby has grown up - he is exactly one year old! What to gift? Here are some ideas on this matter.

Photo: www.hochuprazdnik.ru

Of course, the child still knows little about his birthday, but the adults are inspired and are going to celebrate this important event properly. Well, it’s clear that a holiday means gifts.

This moment is the most interesting. It is not difficult to give gifts to parents who are involved in this anniversary. They will be happy with all sorts of “useful things” that make life easier, and even just an envelope with some money. Flowers for mom, after all, a year ago she tried really hard. But what to give a one-year-old child to really please a one-year-old baby is not an easy question.

About such amazing “one-year-olds”

What do psychologists say about them? They say the following: of course, each baby already has individual characteristics, passions and interests. However, by this time they all achieve similar skills in communicating with the outside world: they can maintain attention, remember objects, happily “ride, ride, ride ...” on their knees, play pats, “magpie-crow,” and joyfully raise their hands when speaking “they sat on their heads…”, they show great interest in bright pictures, look at them, try to name them.

At this age, imagination and memory are already fully developing.

What is the best gift for a 1 year old child?

A 1-year-old child may not be fully aware, but he will definitely understand that something joyful is happening, because there are familiar smiling faces around, a lot of attention, an unusual object with a burning candle, which (be careful!) the baby will definitely want to touch. What will please him most?

Photo: tort-vintage.ru

The general rule when choosing gifts for a first birthday, both for boys and girls who are actively exploring the world, is large, bright objects. Remember that such kids try everything “by tooth”, and in order not to worry about their health, you should take a closer look at the quality of plastic and paints.

Modern parents strive to teach their children almost from the cradle - they will be just right educational tables, mats(from 500 rub.), lacing toys and puzzle houses, construction sets with large parts(from 900 rubles), improving memory, logic, motor skills, perseverance, giving the first concepts about color, size, shape.

Photo: fb.ru

It is better not to give toys “for growth”. Each age has its own level. Make your baby happy on his birthday! Almost all children experience delight when they are thrown into the air. Doing this constantly is quite a tedious task. A wonderful gift for a 1 year old child would be swing(if, of course, the dimensions of the room allow). Parents will be able to free their hands, and kids will be able to rejoice, while simultaneously developing the vestibular system and learning to maintain balance. You just need to take care of safety (check the reliability of the fastenings) so that the baby does not fall and get scared.

Photo: www.golden.by

At this age, not only boys, but also girls love cars. It will be just great if a large, bright dump truck allows the child not only to load animals or cubes and transport this “wealth” from one room to another with a serious look, but also provides the opportunity to climb into the back so that dad can ride with a rope.

And also

Both one-year-old beautiful girls and little hooligans love to splash in the water. This pleasure can be supplemented bath toys, for example, a water orchestra or a little penguin, which, when immersed in water, stretches its neck and begins to flap its wings, or a whale with a little fish friend, which it throws above itself on a fountain (from 400 rubles).

Photo: img.dooyoo.co.uk

And, of course, all one-year-old babies are novice athletes. Standing on the floor is just right for them. gaming complexes, which must be equipped with a soft mat (this is in case of unplanned landings). The “Early Start” sports complex invented by the famous teacher Lena Danilova will be very useful (you can choose different configurations, as well as colorful covers).

Photo: sportkompleksy.ru

All the kids are talented

Perhaps you have long dreamed of updating the wallpaper in your apartment. Gifts given to a child for 1 year will help speed up this process. Finger paint. The world around will be transformed, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow. Of course, not only paper can be damaged, but also clothes, walls, and even your faces. But believe me, it’s worth it - the birthday boy will be happy.

Photo: www.4child.ru

All children are attracted to music. Don't give drums or loud whistles. This is an unfortunate gift, a “headache” for parents. It's better to choose children's piano or music case: both pleasant sounds and benefits. When inserting objects into the slots, a musical note will play if the attempt is successful. The baby's joy is guaranteed, plus the development of his eye and ear for music.

Photo: bigtoyshop.ru

You will certainly be captivated (and will also develop a sense of rhythm) and a whole set of musical instruments on a stand (from 1,300 rubles). The arsenal of such a gift, consisting of a number of noise instruments, has enormous possibilities: tapping rhythms, singing to instrumental accompaniment, scoring fairy tales (in this case, a special sound can be selected for both characters and events).

Would be a great gift for a 1 year old child interactive center with many buttons, pyramids of various shapes, a telephone, numbers, letters, flashing lights, mooing cows, meowing cats, bells and folding tables for drawing and a board are provided for the development of all talents and will occupy the little one for a long time (it is quite possible that even until the next day birth).

Photo: babycomfort.by

Let's start learning... how to dress

Traditionally, one of the best gifts for a 1-year-old child is a soft toy. And from them it is better to choose not only interesting, but also useful. For example, a toy that teaches how to dress. Of course, young princesses and princes at one year old do not yet know how to dress themselves, but they can start learning. Funny Cheburashka- the hero of the famous cartoon is ready to help: a jacket with a zipper, pockets with Velcro and buttons, boots with laces and buckles. The baby, having mastered how it all works and, having figured out where is right and where is left, will be happy to try to get dressed without outside help, and such an addition as 10 phrases that Cheburashka can say will allow your baby to quickly make friends with him.

Photo: www.neopod.ru

We hope that we were able to help you choose the best gift for your baby for an amazing and incredibly joyful event - his first birthday!

On your baby's first major holiday, you want to give him something useful, important, or simply interesting - something that both he and his family will like. When deciding what to give to a one-year-old boy, do not rely solely on your own considerations and experience, consult with the parents of the birthday boy. They already know what’s really interesting for him now. In addition, it would be a good idea to coordinate with other guests, otherwise you risk duplicating someone else's gift. And even if you are up to date with family affairs, know the tastes and needs of the future birthday boy, it may not be easy for you to navigate the huge assortment of modern children's stores.

The boy actively explores the world around him not only through ordinary household objects, but also through toys. We will look at useful and funny toys and games that will not only help brighten up leisure time, but will also make a significant contribution to the development of the child. One way or another, know that you can’t necessarily give a boy something expensive and large-scale as a gift for a year. Choose your gift with soul, thinking about how you will like it and whether it will be useful.

Look for items with sanitary and hygienic certificates, quality made, without small parts. The gift must be exactly age appropriate.

If there is still a lot of time before your birthday, in addition to children's stores, you can also look at online markets - perhaps what you planned to purchase will be found there.

Outdoor games

Exciting outdoor games organized at home or on the street will help make your baby dexterous and skillful and diversify his activities. When selecting equipment, it is important to take into account the wishes of the parents, as well as whether the room can accommodate, for example, a play complex.

  • Perhaps there is no child who does not build huts from chairs and blankets or hide under the table. And if the house is complete with balls, it will be very similar to the popular “dry pool”. The tent is often equipped with “labyrinth” tunnels and basket-pockets for balls and other toys. Children climb in such houses for hours.
  • Sandbox and set for it. It is unlikely that parents will be happy with sand scattered throughout the house, but, most likely, they will approve of the idea that they can give their son a small sandbox for installation in his dacha when he turns 1 year old. Boys love to play in the sand, especially if there are wheelbarrows, trucks, shovels, buckets, seeders, and molds in the sandbox. Child psychologists recommend “sand therapy.” Sand, dry or wet, has different properties. Kids pour sand, build with it, bury themselves, create and destroy - all this is useful for discovering their capabilities and strengthening their sense of independence.
  • Large rolling machine (tolokar). Initially, this was a brand, but now the word “tolokar” in everyday life has become a common name for all children’s vehicles of this kind. In a spacious car you can ride yourself, pushing off with your feet, or carry your toys by tying a string. And the transport does not necessarily have to be with lights and music, the baby will really like it anyway. It is better if there are no large parts or protrusions on the pusher that could restrict movement.
  • Runbike.
  • Another device is a bicycle, when riding it you need to push off with your feet. A very successful purchase that can be given to a 1-year-old child: the boy will love it, especially if the baby is well developed and already walks well.
  • Gurney.
  • The rolling toy is rolled in front of you on a cane or pulled by a string. They come in various modifications. They are used both at home and on the street.

Swing. If you have enough space in your house, purchase a stationary floor swing with metal “legs.” True, they will delight the little one only until they become too small for him. A light swing on ropes is suitable, which can be hung on door frames or mounted on daddy's horizontal bar.


Rubber horses, donkeys and other cute animals are a fun version of mom’s fitball: jump as much as you like. There are jumping ropes that turn into rocking chairs (curved runners are included).

Transport toys allow you to enrich the game situation (add movement of characters) and make the game more realistic. Psychologists and teachers are confident that transport toys help a child learn and master social roles, develop imagination, motor skills, emotions.

  • Models of cars.
  • It is unlikely that a toddler at this age will appreciate “just like real” models, but will definitely pay attention to stylized cars - large, bright. Boys love functionality, rotating, swinging and lifting parts. So a tractor, truck, excavator or concrete mixer will be more relevant than a passenger car.
  • An electric car is the envy of all the surrounding kids, just like on the playground in the park. Such a car is recharged from a regular outlet, and can also be equipped with a remote control (so that an adult can “pick up” control in a timely manner). Of course, unlike tolokar, this is a purely entertaining thing.


A selection of cartoons for the little ones will interest the child. This could include educational series. Note that, regardless of the quality and benefits of cartoons, you should not show them to your child for more than 15 minutes a day. They cannot replace live communication with adults and peers.

There are countless entertaining toys and fun games, and it is not difficult to find them. But there are also activities designed for mental development, let’s look at some of them.

  • Good for the mind and development of creativity A child is initially a creative person. The main thing is that adults always participate in educational games. It is thanks to imitation that the baby will quickly master new skills, because his attention is currently only attracted to other people, and not a single audio or video recording at this age will help him acquire unfamiliar skills.
  • Books.
  • There is plenty of room for choice: toy books, “folding books” and others - fascinating reading with comments from elders will interest the little fidget, help him learn about the world around him and expand his vocabulary. Highly advertised music/interactive books are not the best option. What they “tell” and “sing” will not always be understood by adults, but for the development of speech it is much more useful to hear the voice, intonation and correct pronunciation of loved ones. Coloring books. It is unlikely that a one-year-old child knows how to wield a brush well and use paints, but books have been specially developed for the little ones, the pictures in which acquire different colors
  • , you just need to apply water to them. Real magic!
  • Hypoallergenic and non-toxic - you dip your fingers into the jar and draw whatever you want on paper. And parents won’t scold you for getting your hands dirty, and even more so if you use such paints in the bathroom. Frames with inserts.
  • This set will help your child navigate colors and shapes, remember names (animals, transport, fruits, vegetables, various objects), make comparisons, develop fine motor skills and perseverance - boys are still less persevering than girls. Tools “like dad’s”

- even for a year old this is not at all early. A children's screwdriver will definitely become one of their favorite toys. You can use a hammer to tap not on a nail, but simply on any surface. By the way, there are also special “knock” panels into which you need to hammer balls or pegs with a hammer.

These games and entertainment are useful for improving thinking, and many of them develop fine motor skills. The fact is that boys have lower finger sensitivity than girls, and it is more difficult for them to learn to hold small objects correctly - a pencil, scissors. On the contrary, wide, sweeping movements (“gross motor skills”) predominate. To successfully prepare your child for kindergarten, where manual labor, drawing and writing are important, it is useful to work on motor skills now.

"Long-lasting" gifts

  • Should the item be actively used in everyday life and serve as a pleasant reminder of the donor every time? Why not - although practical gifts will please parents first of all. They can be very inexpensive or very valuable.
  • Height meter. It will help if parents have problems feeding their child. Such dishes are securely attached to the table and will not “fly” to the floor (remember about “wide motor skills”!). Its attractive design develops interest in food, which will help the little one eat with appetite and lift the mood of the whole family.
  • Cloth. Start nurturing your little gentleman’s sense of style and don’t hesitate to buy clothes “like grown-ups.” Instead of flowers, hearts, flashy inscriptions and faces - “serious” checkered shirts, T-shirts with cars, classic jeans, a real “men’s” coat, and so on. If you have the opportunity to sew clothes with your own hands, such a gift has special value and energy.
  • Car or bicycle seat. Suitable for families where there are avid travelers on wheels and where little ones usually can’t sit still. A useful gift with a clear concern for safety. The main point is to agree on the purchase with the parents and select a chair according to the age and weight of the birthday person.
  • Savings card, bank account. A cash gift for any amount, which can be issued in a bank and subsequently saved for a growing child.
  • Gold/silver coin. This tradition can be continued by giving a coin for each birthday. Unnoticed, the boy will almost have a “pirate chest” of treasures.

This is what practical gifts are all about, but perhaps you would like to give something special and memorable without necessarily being too expensive.

Unusual and memorable surprises

Many of these gifts will stay with your child for a long time and serve as a reminder to him and his family of his first birthday. Here are some ideas. You might like them godparents who come up with a surprise for their godson.

  • Lamp or night light. An ideal assistant for parents putting their baby to sleep. A projector depicting a “starry sky” or a moon lamp will create a charming atmosphere in the room, in which it is not at all boring or scary to fall asleep.
  • Chain with medallion or cross. If a child has never had this before, it is very a good option gift.
  • Seedling. “Plant a tree, raise a son...” - taking this literally, give your dacha parents a tree that is also a year old, and it will grow and get stronger along with their son.
  • Cast.
  • Wine. Continuation of the tradition of burying a bottle of good wine deeply on the first birthday and uncorking it many years later, already for the wedding. Instead of burying it, it is enough to simply store the “birthday” heirloom in a safe place.

By finding a suitable gift for a one-year-old boy, you will not only please the baby and his loved ones, but you will also get a lot of pleasure yourself. Today, so many wonderful toys and useful entertainment have been invented for children - you will certainly find what you need, even if you have never had to do it. The main thing is that the toys are age appropriate.


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And we love to play with Teddy Bear! Teddy bear from CHICCO appeared with us a year ago. And now it is one of my youngest son's favorite toys. Packaging: a bright, yellow-green cardboard box, the bear sits very comfortably in it and without even taking it out, we can already play and press buttons. Teddy bear is so beautiful, so bright, so soft and so cuddly! The toy is made very carefully! Teddy is always smiling! He is very happy and is always in a great mood!
Teddy has round, glowing three buttons - red, yellow, green. If you press the buttons, they light up and you can hear the name of the numbers, or a song about an apple, bees or rabbits. We prefer the one about rabbits - after all, the melody is so familiar to us (those who have a bunny GO GO MUSIC from CHICCO will understand us)!!!
Teddy has different ears - one crunchy, the other with balls inside.
Teddy can speak and sing in two languages, Russian and English. To select the desired language, just lightly click on the drawn circles on Teddy’s overalls. We choose English more often - I don’t know why
Teddy can laugh loudly, complains of dizziness if thrown, knows how to yawn sweetly, and sometimes offers to clap his hands. To do this, you need to either shake his paw or tickle his heels. Alpheus has already figured out what needs to be done to get what he wants.
Teddy can sing and speak loudly and quietly (the volume switch is located inside Teddy, on the back and is protected with Velcro).
Teddy, if no one pays attention to him, offers to play with him, but if he doesn’t want to play, he simply switches off. It is very convenient when a child goes to bed with a bear - the bear is tactfully silent and does not interfere with sleep, even if you lie on it and throw your legs and arms.
Everyone who sees him for the first time is delighted with Teddy and wants to cuddle him!
Teddy, Teddy, Teddy...... in general, my son loved him very much. Wonderful toy!


We also like to play with a puppet glove (also chicco, by the way). The puppet glove turned out to be a multifunctional toy! You can play with it regardless of age, come up with a great variety of different games - it all depends on your imagination and the imagination of your baby. You can come up with fairy tales or dramatize already known ones. Each finger of the glove is a hero of your story - a chicken, a mouse, a cow, a farmer. Each finger is sewn from fabric of a different texture and different patterns (for example, my favorite finger with a chicken - it has such a wonderful body in apples), the fingers can also make different sounds - squeak (this is a mouse), ring bells (this is a cow ) or rustle. There is a door on the palm that closes with Velcro. And the palm itself is made in the form of a farm house. The toy, by the way, develops imagination not only in children, but also in parents - it’s been tested on itself, sometimes you can twist such a plot, just have time to play along with the heroes!!! And this glove also turned out to be very necessary for us and simply irreplaceable on our recent trip to the sea . When my son got a little sick and categorically refused not only to swim in the sea, but even to get out of the stroller at all, he happily played with his glove on the shore. By the way, the glove does not take up much space, and is very comfortable, functional and interesting when traveling!


Well, like any boy, my son loves cars from the Turbo Taem Stunt chicco series of cars. Tommy, Richie, Stevie, Willie, Donnie, Henry are colorful cars with character, each performing its own special trick. Donnie is blue! Rides on rear wheels! It starts by simply pressing on the back of the machine and pressing on the top of the body. By pressing the back of the machine you can set it in motion or stop it. Driving 1 meter, the car performs a fantastic and exciting trick! On the tummy of the car, near the front wheels, there is a retractable mechanism with a small wheel that lifts the front part of the car, and due to this, it rides on two rear wheels!
The machine is very neat, small, and easily fits in the palm of your hand. The wheels are rubberized and provide excellent grip on any surface. The machine is made of shockproof safe plastic. My son really liked Donny, he immediately started playing with him, rolling him around, imitating the sound of a motor. Our dream is to collect all the cars from this series!


Chicco Talking phone
We bought a phone for our daughter when she was 6 months old. I was very pleased with the quality of the plastic, which is simply indestructible. At six months old, my daughter twisted him, bit him, threw him, but nothing happened to him. This toy is designed for children from 6 months to three years. The phone is Russian-English, speaks two languages, switches with a button from one side to the other, which is located on top near the antenna. On the front panel there are four buttons with numbers in the form of a bird, a dolphin, a dog and a frog; in the center there is an orange button on which a telephone is depicted; by pressing it, the child hears the sounds of a call and a voice that says: “Hello, who is this?” . Just above the buttons in the form of a semicircle there is a button with an image of a globe; when you press it, a song comes from the phone, and the globe itself begins to spin. All buttons flash with multi-colored lights that glow very beautifully in the dark. If the child does not play with the phone, he says: “Bye, bye.” To completely turn off the phone there is a switch on the back panel. The phone runs on two AAA batteries. My daughter plays with her phone all the time - it’s one of our favorite toys!!


The talking dragon (or Drakosha) Chicco appeared in our home when our daughter was not yet two years old. The little girl immediately liked the toy. Firstly, Drakosha sings in two languages: Russian and English. The baby, depending on his mood, can safely switch the melodies himself. Secondly, I really liked that the toy is made of high-quality materials and without foreign odors. You can safely carry the dragon with you around the apartment using a string (for safety reasons, the manufacturer makes the string as short as possible), but it can be easily extended. if you tie a string to it. The age category indicated on the box is 12+, however, our daughter is now 4 years old and she is still interested in the toy. I recommend.


Mouse with cheese and crackers is an interesting, entertaining toy from Chicco! Bright colors and interesting design immediately attract the baby's attention. The toy is firmly attached to the table and holds tightly. We use it during feeding, I attach it to the table and that’s it!!! The child is busy: spinning the wheel, moving rings, listening to the sound and rustling of the mouse. We eat lunch very quickly and continue playing on the floor. The toy is mechanical, no batteries, it is always ready to spin! Your little one will definitely love the Mouse with Cheese and Crackers toy.


Thanks for the useful information
I love multifunctional, safe and educational toys, so I gave preference to one of the best brands. For example, the Chicco “Animal House” sorter is not only all the components in one convenient storage unit in the form of a house, but also a very multifunctional toy; this model offers several types of sorter. The sorter is very bright, all its components (figures, keys) are presented in rich bright colors, and have a streamlined shape without pointed corners, which is very safe! One sorter is on top of the roof, where you can study the figures, and the other sorter on the doors of the house will introduce you to the animal world. Well, the keys cause special delight. Each key has its own shape and color scheme in order to determine which door needs to be opened. Due to comfortable handle it can be easily carried.


I also think that every boy, as well as girls who are not indifferent to cars, should have a car like the “Billy Big Wheels” Chicco. It will serve as a faithful friend, because I have never seen a stronger, more reliable and impact-resistant machine. Despite her characteristics, Billy is very positive; those sweet, kind eyes and wide smile beckon her to play. Controlling Billy with the steering wheel allows even a 2-year-old child to feel like a real professional in driving. Everything is here for safety, the steering wheel is round as expected and NO AERIALS! The car is very maneuverable, on the steering wheel there are control buttons forward-backward, left-right, and a horn in the middle. Do you think that's it? Nooo, Billy also makes realistic engine sounds when starting to move, sound effects when the car is backed up accompanied by the illumination of red brake lights, and the bright glow of the headlights themselves. Obstacles are not scary for an SUV, just look at those massive, reliable wheels, so the driving surface can be different and even contain obstacles. In general, there is an opportunity to admire the machine and make your child happy))


Well, I recommend the Chicco “Talking Farm” toy to everyone who wants to give a gift and not make a mistake with the choice. Because my kids are simply delighted with such an entertaining, versatile toy. Moreover, his little son is now already 3 years old, but he still spends time with interest with her (at the time of the donation he was 1.9), and his little sister is six months old, but she is also already happy to press the buttons that are within her reach. The toy has proven to be long-lasting and versatile for active development. Very high quality, easy to carry, with thoughtful design down to the details. A kind of educational gaming center where you can play and learn in a relaxed playful way at the same time. And also expand your knowledge in both Russian and English. Thanks to this toy, we became acquainted with the animal world and learned to count. And to make learning and games more fun, there are also musical time-outs.


The most versatile and cool gift is a construction set! Choosing toys is a very responsible matter! You need to choose the right and useful toy so that it doesn’t lie in the dust in the corner. The designer is a priori a very necessary thing for the development of motor skills of children. And the designer CHICCO Building blocks Animals 40 pcs are made just for kids - large parts of different bright colors, easily removed from each other and do not get stuck. Some details have large drawings of animal faces. There are instructions on how to fold the animals and how to use the mobile application to make them come to life. But some parts are not firmly attached and the animal falls apart... But overall, we are satisfied!


The Chicco steam locomotive walker is ideal for babies who are just learning to walk, and will remain a favorite toy for a long time. When my son tried to take his first steps, he needed support to hold on to. And that’s when we purchased the Chicco “Locomotive” walking gurney. The back of the toy is strong and reliable. It is this that serves as a support for the first steps. The Chicco steam locomotive walker is made of thick, high-quality plastic. It has wide wheels, making it stable, and you don’t have to worry about the safety of the child. She helped her son learn to walk. But even after this, interest in the toy was not lost. The seat lifts up, and underneath there is a trunk for toys. It was just a hit for my son! The backlit electronic panel located on the steering wheel attracts the child's attention. There are buttons with different sounds on it: animals, a beep, a bell, a cheerful melody. And the disk that spins makes the sound of a steam locomotive. It is very convenient that there are two sound volume modes. And what’s especially interesting is that the panel is removable and can be used as a separate toy! The ratchet lever and horn make the “Locomotive” gurney-walker even more interesting. When the baby learned to walk, he mastered a new function of the toy. Now you could ride on it, pushing off your feet from the floor. I can say with confidence that the Chicco steam locomotive stroller is a really useful educational toy that develops coordination and fine motor skills of a child. I recommend her to all my friends. Chicco, as always, is on top.


And for little racers, Chicco created a real replica of the Fiat 500 Sport. This radio controlled car looks very beautiful and cute. The workmanship is excellent. The plastic is of very high quality, without the presence of foreign odors. The design is pleasant - soft colors, light turquoise headlights, coral stripes on the sides. There are numbers in front and behind - on a blue background there is a raised Chicco inscription. The machine is controlled by a steering wheel on which control buttons are located. Two red triangular buttons - forward and backward movement. In the middle of the steering wheel is the inscription Fiat, when pressed the horn sounds. If the car encounters an obstacle, the sound of the running engine changes to the sound of a skidding car. And when moving backwards, the car makes a reverse sound. The steering wheel is ergonomic and comfortable. Even small hands can easily control the machine. On the back of the steering wheel there is a battery compartment and a button to turn the steering wheel on/off. Thanks to intuitive driving, not only children will enjoy playing with the car! Simply put, when you tilt the steering wheel, the wheels of the car also turn. The model is so similar to a real car, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail, that playing with it is a pleasure: the wheels are rubberized and stable, there is an exhaust pipe, and rear-view mirrors. The Fiat 500 Sport Chicco has become a real favorite of my son. He's been playing with her for over a year now, and he's not tired of her one bit.


Well, our hit is the talking keys Russian/English Chicco - a high-quality musical educational toy for children from 6 months. I was attracted to it by its pleasant gentle melodies, quality and price. I was not mistaken in my choice! The child plays with it with pleasure. It has three buttons in the form of a boat, a car and a house. There is a battery compartment at the back. Using the lever on the toy, you can select Russian or English. The sound volume can also be adjusted on the side panel of the toy, or the sound can be turned off completely. When you press the buttons, you can hear different sounds. There are 24 of them in total: these are rhymes, melodies and funny phrases. With the help of lighting effects you can attract the child's attention for a long time. Talking keys have two pendants: one in the form of a ring for fastening, the second in the form of a machine with a rattle. It can be easily attached to the stroller and the child will watch it with interest. Chicco talking keys develop memory, language skills and movement coordination. We immediately really liked the Chicco talking keys. I recommend to everyone!


A Pirate Chest sorter would be an excellent gift for a one year old. My eldest son did not have sorters, but with the birth of my second son, I realized that children simply had to have such a useful toy at home. And the choice certainly fell on Chicco. Firstly, the quality of workmanship, this Chicco has no equal. The dense, slightly soft plastic of the chest captivated me in the store. The bright, funny figures of basic shapes that we study with the little ones will also not leave anyone indifferent. The chest is easy to open and close, which is not unimportant, because kids get upset if they don’t succeed in something, and you can also roll it around with a string, which makes my sons delighted. The whole family likes the toy, it’s beautiful and friendly, like all Chicco toys, you can come up with a lot of fun games with it, and most importantly useful ones, because a pirate chest develops fine motor skills, logic, visual memory, ingenuity, teaches shapes and colors, and what else do children and their parents need for happiness? For us, the chest has become one of our favorite toys, we recommend it to all the little ones, they will definitely love it!


The best toy for developing accuracy, speed and agility is the chicco Rugby game center. The toy perfectly develops coordination and accuracy. The child will also be able to run around and have fun at home. The set includes a goal, ball with stand and instructions. The toy is designed for children from 1.5 to 5 years old. There are 3 variants of the game in rugby. Each option is designed for a specific age of the child.
Option 1 - building a tower (from 1.5 years old). From large plastic blocks you can build a tower 80 cm high. Each block is numbered (from 1 to 6). Therefore, in addition to construction, you can study numbers and colors.
Option 2 - rugby goal (from 2 years old). To do this, collect the goal and score the ball. When the ball flies over the goal bar, the scoring sensor is triggered, the star on the bar lights up and a melody sounds.
Option 3 - obstacle course (from 3 years old).


The best educational toy is a construction set! Construction set is my son's favorite game. It perfectly develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child. At first we had a cheap construction set, but it didn’t quite suit us. Later we got this new one from Chicco. The difference is obvious. This constructor is safe. It has no sharp edges or chemical smell. The set includes 40 blocks of various shapes, sizes and colors. The blocks are large and a child will not swallow them. With the help of this construction set, you and your child can build 5 vehicles in turn - a car, a steam locomotive, a helicopter and 2 types of airplane. The cars turn out to be large and you can play with them. The locomotive and the car have wheels and can be rolled on the floor. And after you build the locomotive, you can bring it to life. This can be done using a special application installed on your smartphone. You can revive a steam locomotive and a helicopter. After the figure comes to life, you will be able to see on your phone screen a winking train or a little man waving his hand from a helicopter cockpit. It turns out to be an interesting and fun activity. I recommend this designer


My son's very first "Fold and Roll" Playskool truck. I bought it when Romochka was only 7 months old. My son became interested in the toy, looked at it for about 5 minutes, turned the truck, and touched the figurine of a smiling man with his hands. And for more than six months now, Romochka has been happily playing with the truck: rolling it around her room, going around obstacles. The toy is with us everywhere at home, on a walk, and even at a party. We often take it with us, or rather, our son grabs it by the handle, which is on the roof of the car and carries it wherever he needs it. The truck is lightweight, so it is not difficult to take with you.


Is your baby taking his first steps or are you looking for an anniversary gift? An excellent purchase would be the Chicco Walking Wheel "Talking Shopping Cart" 4 in 1 educational toy!
Why is the cart so interesting?
The most important function is, of course, the walker. The legs of the cart are made in such a way that a baby who begins to walk will not turn it over on himself; the distance for the legs is the most appropriate. Accordingly, this is simply a great support and support for the baby.
Secondly, this is an excellent sorter. Three figures of rectangular, square and round shapes easily fall into their holes and end up in the cart. The basket is very spacious, it can be used to make thorough purchases and serve as storage for small items.
Thirdly, the basket has interactive, fun elements:
- Coin acceptor, like in the most modern supermarkets. The coin can be inserted inside, and with the help of a lever it snaps back.
-A rustling candy-ball that can be twisted and rotated with handles.
- the disk with the handle rotates in a circle, while making a sound.
-The scanner is the highlight of the cart. It can also serve as an independent toy. If you click on the screen, one of the songs will play. Taking into account the fact that the toy is bilingual songs you can listen to in both Russian and English languages. But that’s not all, if the scanner is brought close to product figures, it will recognize them from a distance and will talk about the shape and color (for example, cheese, yellow, triangle...).
What I would like to note about the minuses. There are no obvious shortcomings, the only thing that could be wished for is wheel stoppers if it is used for children with an unsteady gait. But we got by easily, we have both flooring and laminate flooring at home, and the baby never fell.
It is worth noting that the cart is easy to assemble, there are clear instructions, and the kit includes stickers to decorate the cart. The scanner runs on 3 AAA batteries. I certainly recommend this toy for children from their first steps up to, I think, three years old.


Now I’ll tell you about our favorite toy. Chicco Billy big wheels! We have two of these Billys - red and yellow! Billy is actually a handsome guy - red (or bright yellow), bright, the wheels are really very large and he easily overcomes various obstacles, a real SUV! To start the journey with Billy, you need to turn it on - the on-off buttons are located both on the machine below and on the remote control. This is very good, if the baby is not playing, then we turn off both buttons and thus save batteries. As soon as both buttons are turned on, you can go. On the control panel, which is made in the form of a steering wheel, there are buttons - forward, backward, and a horn! There are no antennas on the steering wheel (which always break, stick out and try to hit someone). We really love cars with this type of control - they are safe! When moving forward, Billy's headlights light up (you can play in the dark, they will show the way like two cat eyes), when moving backwards, Billy makes a beeping sound - get out of the way, be careful, and when you press the signal, we hear a very clear and ringing beep! How to drive - yes, it’s very simple, turn the steering wheel like a real car, and Billy will go around, crash or turn - it all depends on your skill! Billy is always cheerful - he has eyes drawn on his windshield, and a very sweet smile on the front bumper! The car runs on batteries (they need to be inserted into the steering wheel and into the car itself). All compartments are carefully closed with bolts (as with all toys from this company) so that children cannot get to the batteries on their own. So if you are looking for a chic, high-quality and very interesting toy for your baby, Billy will please you very much!


The first birthday is the most exciting and important moment in the life of parents and child. Therefore, guests should take care of the baby’s good mood. And to do this, you need to choose and present the gift that he likes. Today we’ll look at gift options that are suitable for boys and girls on their first birthday.

A win-win gift option for a one-year-old boy - a car

Male children, by their nature, are drawn to various objects on wheels, as well as construction sets. It is for this reason that a gift for a child for 1 year can be as follows:

1. Car on a string. This is a wonderful gift for a 1 year old boy. It will become a favorite toy that the baby will probably not want to part with for a long time. But other types of machines, for example, those with batteries, are not worth buying inertial ones. The little one will not appreciate your gift, he will start taking out the batteries, and he may even get scared if the car has sound. But in the end, money is thrown away.

2. Wheeled car. This is also a win-win option. Here the child not only plays, but also develops his knee joints. Therefore, to some extent it is even useful thing. It’s just better to push off with such a car on the street. Then the child will be able to thoroughly enjoy driving his own car and will not knock corners that will interfere with him if he wants to play with the car at home. Some relatives buy huge cars with remote control. But, firstly, such children's transport costs a lot of money, and secondly, the child is in one position in the car, he does not move, does not develop.

3. Bicycle. This is a wonderful gift for a child's birthday. The boy will especially like it. Naturally, not one where the baby has to turn the pedals on his own, but a special one for children, with a handle for the mother, who will carry the baby from behind.

4. Design machine. Such a gift for a 1-year-old boy will be a real find not only for the little one, but also for the mother. After all, she will be able to engage with her child, playing with him. This fun is a wooden machine with figures of various colors and sizes mounted on top. At first, the baby will be interested in riding it, and you will provide him with this opportunity, and then he will become interested in the construction set. And here the mother will join in and help the little one learn colors, shapes, and put the parts in the right place.

Great gift options for a one-year-old girl

Gifts for babies are different from gifts for boys. After all, girls are more drawn to dolls, strollers, and dishes. Therefore, a wonderful gift for a female child would be:

1. Doll. This is a standard one-year gift for a child. The girl will definitely like it. When buying a doll for a baby of this age, pay attention to the size and weight of the toy. It should not be too big or, conversely, small. It is advisable to buy a set of outfits for the doll. Then the girl will be interested in dressing up her toy. And this activity will also be very useful for the little princess. This will help develop fine motor skills, as well as broaden the horizons of the future fashionista.

2. Matryoshka. This is a wonderful thing that any girl will love. Choose a bright, cute matryoshka doll. This useful gift, since it will develop the baby’s logic, thinking, and fine motor skills. Parents will certainly be grateful for such a thing.

3. Children's dishes. This is an educational gift for a child. The girl will clearly like him. After all, they love to play with plates, pots, and spoons. Therefore, this would be an appropriate gift set.

Souvenirs for children as a good memory

A gift for a 1-year-old child can be not only useful, interesting, but also memorable. When the baby grows up, he will certainly remember the person who gave him such an interesting and original thing. Read below for specific ideas for memorable gifts.

1. A silver spoon with the baby’s name or initials. Such a thing, of course, one year old child won't appreciate it. But over the years he will understand the value of the present. And soon he will brag about it an original gift, and you will be remembered for a long time.

2. A large photo album with a photo of the baby on the main page. Such a gift for a 1-year-old child can be ordered at any printing center. It will definitely become a real family heirloom.

3. Cast of the legs and arms. This is often given as a gift for the birth of a baby, but if you know that the baby did not have anything like this, and the mother really wanted it, then you can make such a surprise. And decorate it festively and magnificently.

4. Items embroidered with your own hands and dedicated to a small creature. For example, a painting, an icon, a towel, etc.

Universal gifts for one-year-old boys and girls

Birthday gifts for children can be very diverse. There is a large selection of toys that can be given to both babies and toddlers. Let's give a few examples.

1. Rocking horse. Both boys and girls will like this toy.

2. Cubes, constructors.

3. Puzzles with animals.

4. Educational houses, clowns, posters.

5. Children's tent.

6. Homemade wooden swing.

Choosing a book for a child is a very responsible matter.

What could be better than a book for a birthday? Just don’t buy the first fairy tale you come across. Which book should you choose for your baby to make him interested? Read about it below.

1. It must have a cardboard cover, and the sheets in it must be thick, preferably laminated (what if the baby wants to taste it).

2. It must certainly be bright and colorful, with large drawings.

3. Choose books according to the baby’s age. For a one-year-old baby, poems about animals and various household items are suitable. It is also worth paying attention to simple fairy tales such as “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hens”, “Spikelet”, etc.

Bath toys will delight your baby

Absolutely all children love to splash in the water. And to make this activity even more enjoyable for them, you can give your one-year-old toddler some trinkets for the bathroom. This:

Rubber ducklings, frogs, fish and other freshwater animals, as well as animals.

Bathroom rug. You will need it when the baby gets up. To prevent a child from falling on a slippery surface, you need to have good coverage. Choose a bright, colorful rug so that the baby is interested in the gift.

Various animal toys with suction cups that stick to the bathtub itself. Not every mother is able to buy them for their baby because they are expensive, but as a gift it would be a great idea.

Set for fisherman. It includes fishing rods that have a magnet at the end. This is what you need to catch the fish that are also included in the kit.

Practical gifts for one-year-old babies

In addition to toys, invited guests can give those things that will be useful in advance, for for a long time. For example, a gift for a 1 year old child could be as follows:

Set of children's bedding;

Chair for babies;

Set of children's dishes;

The choice of useful things is great. Consult with your parents and discuss what they will need next when the baby grows up. They will definitely tell you something.

What should you not give to a one-year-old baby?

Birthday gifts for children should not contain the following content:

1. Money. It is not good to give an envelope on your first birthday. If you really want the parents to choose the right thing themselves, then you can donate money. But on one condition: be sure to provide some kind of toy to the child. For your child's birthday, you need to come with a trinket.

2. Diapers. This is not even a gift, but a hygiene product, so giving it for a birthday is absurd.

3. Sweets and chocolates. Sweet gifts for children at this age are contraindicated as they can cause an allergic reaction.

After reading this article, you have gained information about what you can give to a boy and girl for 1 year. We found out what gifts they would be especially happy about, and also what specifically should not be given on their first birthday.