The story of the relationship between Evgeny Kuzin and Sasha Artemova. Photos and video of the wedding of Sasha Artemova and Evgeniy Kuzina What’s wrong with Cousin and Artemova

In recent days, Alexandra Artyomova has stopped pampering her subscribers with joint photos with her husband Zhenya Kuzin. Thus, the girl provoked rumors of separation star couple. Under the last single photo of the beauty, netizens wondered where her lover had gone.

“Zhenya is no longer with you at all? I haven’t seen him for a long time.”

"Where is your husband?"

“Sasha, have you and Zhenya separated?”

“Why are you two nowhere to be seen?” , - the fans were scared.

Some have suggested that Kuzin is now in his hometown - Novorossiysk. However, fans of the couple, who closely follow the lives of their idols, asked not to spread false information and assured that Sasha and Zhenya are both in the capital and live happily together.

“I looked and didn’t see or read anywhere that Zhenya was in Novorossysk. Sashka answered both here and directly yesterday that Zhenya was at home.”

“She wrote here that they have no time for Novorossiysk now”

“Stop writing nonsense, they are together. Do you have to take pictures every day and post them together?”

Most likely, everything is really in order in the relationship between the young people, because they recently got married. Moreover, Alexandra is constantly suspected of being pregnant. Looking at the girl’s belly, Internet users are constantly trying to see her interesting position. And once, who published a photograph together with Alexandra, signing it ambiguously.

Alexandra, in a post on the microblog, informed her subscribers that she had good news, but did not say what it was. Fans immediately began to come up with the most unusual versions, one of the most popular versions was the theme of pregnancy.

Many followers, mostly women, noticed a strange feature, Alexandra lately does not show her full-length photos, but in the full-length photos Sasha is dressed in quite spacious outfits. Thus, additionally drawing attention to the topic of her pregnancy. And many fans consider this a direct sign that there is a belly that needs to be hidden, which means there is something to hide. Many subscribers write: It’s time for Artemova to become a mother; Sasha, stop talking about the wedding, it’s time to have children; Alexandra, you will make wonderful parents, don’t delay.

Alexandra Artemova is pregnant: Alexandra’s life story

19 year old violinist Alexandra Artemova comes from Lugansk. Throughout her adult life, Sasha remembers herself as a little daughter, for whom her mother literally decided everything. And in 2014, Alexandra, having decided to break free from parental care, went to the reality show project House 2, of which Sasha became a participant on September 13, 2014. Sasha’s family, of course, did not support her daughter’s decision. Alexandra first met Kuzin on the House 2 project, where they built their relationship. The couple legalized their relationship on November 22, and the celebration took place on November 24.

Alexandra Artemova is pregnant: rumors about Artemova’s pregnancy

According to fans of the reality show Dom 2, Alexandra has become somewhat rounded and changes characteristic of girls in a special position have appeared in her face. And Sasha’s latest photos on her Instagram page left no one in doubt that the girl was pregnant. In all the latest photographs, Alexander is wearing loose outfits, but fans were able to see a slightly enlarged belly underneath them.

So far the couple has not given any comments on this matter, but fans are confident that they will not have to wait long. For Alexandra Artemova, this is her first pregnancy, and Evgeniy Kuzin already has a child from his first marriage. The boy lives with Evgeniy’s ex-wife, Margarita Agibalova, and this year he went to first grade. It is also known that Alexandra and Evgeniy visit the child together.

The young family is congratulated on the upcoming addition. Evgeny Kuzin posted a joint photo with his beloved wife on his microblog, under which he made it clear that there would soon be three of them.

Alexandra Artemova and Evgeniy Kuzin
​Photo: Instagram

In the family of ex-participants of “DOM-2” Alexandra Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin, apparently, a new addition is expected. At least, this is how one can interpret the post of the young man, which he made this Saturday, April 14.

Evgeny Kuzin posted a photo on the microblog in the company of his beloved wife, which they took during a recent trip to Abrau-Durso. The couple is captured inside a beautiful installation - a metal heart.

“The heart is in us,” Kuzin signed the photo, adding emoticons in the form of three hearts to the comment.

Subscribers of the ex-participant of the reality show immediately realized that the third heart was probably still inside Sasha Artemova. Thus, they concluded that Cousin had so gracefully informed everyone that his beloved beautiful wife was in an interesting position, and they immediately began to congratulate the couple on the upcoming addition.

“Happiness to you guys! I can imagine what it will be like beautiful baby these handsome guys!”, “Clever girls! Keep it up! All the best to you”, “This is wonderful, good luck to you!”, “Great news, congratulations on the upcoming addition!” - fans of Alexandra and Evgeniy are sincerely happy for their favorites.

Let us remind you that Kuzin and Artemova had a magnificent wedding at the end of November last year. Sasha eclipsed all the DOMA-2 brides with her wedding dresses. After the celebration has died down, the couple makes it clear that they are managing to build a harmonious relationship. Sasha Artemova managed to make friends with the son of Zhenya Kuzin from her marriage to Rita Agibalova. The other day the entire family was visiting Evgeniy’s parents in Novorossiysk.

Plus, the young wife clearly knows how to motivate her husband to succeed and take action. On New Year For example, Evgeny gave Alexandra a luxurious gift - an Infinity car. Artemova immediately boasted about her husband’s gift on a social network, thanks to which he received his moment of fame in the form of enthusiastic reviews from users about his chic gesture.

For fans of a scandalous personality, a talented violinist and part-time former member project “House-2” Alexandra Artemova is still interested in the life and biography of the girl, despite leaving the project.

The girl was born in Orenburg on March 7, 1995 into a simple family with no income or connections in show business. Artemova’s father left his wife and two little girls (Sasha and Nastya), giving preference to another woman. Soon, Alexandra’s mother left her hometown with the children for Lugansk (Ukraine) for permanent residence, where she met a man who replaced the kids’ dad. Artemova’s stepfather turned out to be a worthy man. The man cared, raised his sisters, gave gifts, treated his wife’s children as if they were his own.

Sasha had a love for music as a child, and her parents helped in this direction by enrolling their daughter in a music school. Here young Artemova learned to play the violin and practiced vocals, receiving praise from teachers for her efforts and behavior.

Sasha participated in numerous musical events and became a laureate of collective competitions. In an interview with journalists, Alexandra admitted that during her childhood she listened to her mother’s opinion, tried to please her parents, and was considered smart and a favorite in the family. Having left her hometown, the girl broke free from her parental care and began to build new life according to your own principles and desires.

Personal life

The dreams of the young violinist were no different from the plans of most of her peers: a prince, clothes, eternal love. In Lugansk, the pretty Sasha was courted by one guy who managed to melt the heart of an unapproachable girl, despite having an average financial status.

The couple enthusiastically planned a joint life “route”, and, without waiting for Artemova’s 18th birthday, they decided to get into a civil marriage. Alexandra’s lover was also a musician, he often disappeared on trips, and then moved to China, where he was offered to work. Love could not stand such a test. Sasha was burning with jealousy and was incredibly bored. As a result, the young people separated.

Project "Dom-2"

In 2014, a miniature participant Artemova appeared on the screens of the famous television project “Dom-2”. The path to the popularity of the now famous Alexandra turned out to be thorny and unexpected for her.

Having said goodbye to her first love, Sasha decided to radically change her life. The first thing she did was buy a ticket to the capital of Russia, where her sister Anastasia lived after graduating from university and have a good marriage.

Alexandra Artemova in the project "Dom-2"

The scandalous project, where young people find love and popularity, interested Sasha, and the girl decided to become a participant by submitting an application. On September 13, 2014, Alexandra Artemova made her debut in a reality show on the TNT channel.

Initially, the girl showed sympathy for one of the prominent representatives of the male half of the project - Ilya Grigorenko, but did not receive mutual favor. This guy tried to build a relationship with the scandalous heroine of “Dom-2” -. Later Sasha had a conflict with her.

Alexandra was in single status for a whole month, which threatened her with elimination from the show. At one of the votes among girls, he saved Artemova by explaining his feelings. Sasha was not taken aback and admitted to the presenter that she had also been eyeing the young man for a long time. The couple had the opportunity to build a relationship here, and soon the guys were given an apartment to live together.

The “domestic” love of Alexandra and Nikita was reminiscent of Italian cinema: quarrels, reconciliations and disagreements again. When Sasha received a call from Moscow for a session, she had to leave her television lover for a while, which he took advantage of by cheating on his friend with another participant.

Artemova could not forgive the betrayal; the relationship was destroyed. The girl continued filming with difficulty, watching her ex-beau build a new love.

Soon, another person appeared on Alexandra’s “amorous” horizon - . The guy turned out to be serious towards the lonely Sasha. They began an affair, and a few months later Artemova even met Zhenya’s parents.

Alexandra Artemova now

Sasha and Evgeniy are still together. According to latest news“Dom-2”, the couple won a competition called “Wedding for a Million”. This money should be spent by young people on organizing wedding ceremony. In the near future, the lovers even plan to buy their own home.

The guys said that they wanted to leave the project and continue their relationship outside the cameras, which left viewers of the reality show in bewilderment. Artemova and Kuzin have a unique chance to win the main prize of the program at the final competition - a whole house. But the couple has their own plans. Potential newlyweds have already looked at an apartment to buy in one of the districts of Moscow, but according to information posted on their personal pages in in social networks Artemova (

The stars of “Dom-2” Sasha Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin played a gorgeous wedding.

The stars of the show “Dom-2” Evgeny Kuzin and Sasha Artemova, who on November 22, got married the day before.

They invited relatives and closest friends to the celebration.

As you know, at the beginning of the year, Artemova and Kuzin won the “Wedding for a Million” competition, which was held as part of the reality show “Dom-2”. Now they have spent an impressive amount of money to create the holiday of their dreams. For the celebration, Sasha and Evgeniy chose a restaurant located in one of the elite cottage villages in the Moscow region.

Sasha chose white for the special day fluffy dress with an original skirt. The bride's head was decorated with a delicate veil made of thin lace. Evgeniy appeared at the celebration in a three-piece suit and a top hat.

Rustam Solntsev was one of the first to arrive at the celebration. The showman congratulated Zhenya and Sasha and also wished them happy family life. A video appeared on Rustam’s microblog in which you can see Artemova’s wedding dress. Then the parents of Evgeny Kuzin arrived with their son Mitya from his first marriage. Ex-wife Rita Agibalova congratulated Zhenya and wished him family happiness on the day of his wedding with Sasha.

“It is important for me that the child appeared at such a significant event for me, today I am going out with my son,” Kuzin told reporters.

All tables are decorated with beautiful orchids. Many of the guys’ colleagues from the television production are present at the wedding. One of the first guests was Victoria Romanets, who arrived at the holiday together with Anton Gusev.

During the evening, Sasha managed to change several outfits. As the bride admitted, they had to very quickly resolve the issue with the holiday. “I want to ask my mother for forgiveness, we created a celebration in a month. I’m sorry for saying some words, I love you very much,” Sasha said and burst into tears.

“62 people came to the wedding, I chose the guests, over the 9 years of living in Moscow, many left memories in my head. I'm glad you all came today. You, my queen, also appeared in my life. Everything happens here, for you and for you,” said Kuzin.

Rustam Solntsev congratulated the newlyweds and noted that Sasha and Zhenya had been going to this wedding for a very long time: “I am happy to lead this celebration. Don't break anything. The most important ones here are them.”

Wedding of Sasha Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin

According to Anton Gusev, Sasha Artemova and Evgeny Kuzin are a wonderful couple. “Congratulations to the newlyweds! The most important thing: you guys enjoy each other, it’s obvious. I wish the boys that they have family hearth so that they grow and develop, create everything for the sake of the family and their future! I wish you to be surrounded by only the strongest friends who will not betray you. It’s important to appreciate what you have today, to be happy right now and to appreciate every moment with the person you love,” he said.

Victoria Romanets joined the warm words of her husband. “I want to wish Alexandra female happiness. Everything is in Evgeniy’s hands. A man makes his woman happy. Let the smile never leave her face. Nothing has changed in my life after marriage. The most important thing is love, a wedding is a formality. Give each other love, happiness and positive emotions!” – the brunette noted.

Daria Pynzar also congratulated the couple on the important event. “Our dear Sashenka and Zhenechka! We wish you children, happiness, love and mutual understanding. In general, I believe that everyone’s relationships are different; there is no perfect recipe for happiness. We need to learn mutual understanding, to feel and understand a friend,” the TV presenter addressed the lovers.

Nelly Ermolaeva emphasized that she has known Evgeny Kuzin for a long time. “We always supported each other in difficult times and rejoiced in happy days. Zhenya is a lone wolf, he is comfortable, he will find friends in any city. Happy family birthday!” - she said.

Stepan Menshchikov said that it was a great honor for him to attend the wedding of Kuzin and Artemova.

“Warmest congratulations. I am very pleased to be in the company of such wonderful people, where sincere feelings are felt. I wish them to carry them throughout their lives, so that they have a strong family and many children. I love them very much,” he addressed the newlyweds.