How to put on a maternity bandage at work. Bandage during and after pregnancy, how to wear, indications, use. Bandage for pregnant women "Ekoten"

Pregnancy is not only a time of joyful anticipation, but also a serious test for a woman. Such amazing sensations, as when expecting a child, mothers do not experience in any other state. However, it is at this time that the responsibility grows not only for oneself and one's health, but also for the baby. The belly growing with the fetus can eventually become a heavy burden, the load on the spine increases, and the legs hurt. Often in such situations, a special device is used, called a bandage for pregnant women. What is a maternity bandage and when can and when can you not wear it? We will try to describe this as exhaustively as possible in this article.

What is a maternity bandage?

The maternity bandage looks like a special elastic medical belt or panties. Its main function is to provide abdominal support during pregnancy. What a maternity bandage looks like, everyone decides for himself, but it should be borne in mind that a belt is much more practical than panties. During pregnancy, the mother has to go to the toilet more often, so the bandage panties must be removed and put on often. It also requires frequent, almost daily washing. Those who wore a bandage during pregnancy have already made sure that it is the belt that is the best suited as a support and support for a rounded tummy, because it does not hinder movements and, having fixed it once, you can wear a bandage belt for a long time, not taking off.

Do all pregnant women need to wear a bandage?

As a rule, the bandage is recommended by the doctor who "guides" the pregnant woman. He will advise on the correct size of this device, answer questions regarding wearing. Although even among doctors there is no consensus as to whether it is possible for pregnant women to wear a bandage - some recommend it to almost every future woman in labor, others categorically reject it. But if your back hurts or you stay on your feet for a long time, it makes sense to contact your doctor with a question about the possibility of using a bandage.

Should you wear a bandage during pregnancy?

Not all expectant mothers should definitely purchase a bandage. As mentioned above, even doctors doubt whether it is compulsory to wear a bandage during pregnancy. Therefore, if you are not worried about lower back pain, the question is: do you need a bandage during pregnancy, you can not even put it on.

Although it should be noted that this device, in addition to a medical one, also plays a cosmetic role - it helps to reduce the number of stretch marks, which are inseparable companions of pregnancy. Whether it is necessary to wear a bandage during pregnancy to avoid stretch marks - every woman decides for herself. Many, of course, want to look as attractive after childbirth as before.

If there are no contraindications regarding the location of the fetus, you do not experience any inconvenience and allow funds, you can not ask yourself whether it is worth wearing a bandage during pregnancy, but feel free to buy and use it.

What is a bandage for during pregnancy?

It has already been indicated that the brace reduces the load on the back, helps to reduce lower back pain, as well as to reduce the number of stretch marks. But this is not all that a maternity bandage is for.

It is prescribed for medical reasons:

  • weak abdominal muscles, especially in the second and subsequent pregnancies;
  • pain in the legs;
  • large fruit;
  • the threat of late miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • infringement of the lumbar nerve;
  • pregnancy after a recent surgery of the peritoneum (less than 1.5 years);
  • the risk of premature prolapse of the fetus and other obstetric pathologies;
  • pathology of the uterus - underdevelopment of the cervix, increase, polyhydramnios;
  • spinal pathology - scoliosis, osteochondrosis.

Active women also do not have to wonder why a bandage is needed during pregnancy - after all, they spend a lot of time on their feet and pregnancy does not always mean a change in the established rhythm of life. At the same time, the bandage will support the already rounded belly, reduce stress and, accordingly, reduce fatigue after a busy day. This is true not only for working women, but also for travel lovers - everyone who does not reduce their activity even during this exciting period of waiting for a child.

Prenatal brace - when to start wearing?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the question of wearing a bandage does not arise - since the tummy is still small and not burdensome. Your doctor will give you advice on when to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy. As a rule, it is appropriate to start using this device at the 25th week of pregnancy, and if the child is not alone, then even earlier. In general, if there is a desire to purchase prenatal band when to start wearing - everyone decides individually, focusing on their own feelings. If there is back pain, discomfort when walking, then you can already think about putting on a bandage. You can, of course, decide on your own when to wear a bandage during pregnancy, but it is best to consult with a specialist who will not only answer the question of when to wear a bandage during pregnancy, but also advise on which type is suitable for individual characteristics future mother.

Maternity bandages - how to choose?

If you are buying a bandage for the first time, then a few simple rules should be followed:

  1. First of all, you should consult your doctor. However, there are women who do not want to be intrusive and ask the doctor a lot of questions, especially about how to choose a bandage during pregnancy and who make such a choice on their own.
  2. Decide on the type of bandage - it will be a belt or panties. You can also choose both the prenatal bandage itself and the universal one.
  3. Before choosing a prenatal bandage, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. It is better to give preference to natural breathable fabrics that will not cause allergies and irritations. Most often it is cotton. Also, the brace should stretch to hold the abdomen securely.
  4. Pay attention to the manufacturer. Domestic bandages today are in no way inferior to foreign ones, and even benefit from a lower cost.
  5. If your choice is a bandage panties, then their size should significantly exceed the size of the underwear worn before pregnancy. If you prefer a bandage belt, you should take into account the size of the hips and abdomen, obtained when measuring while standing. Before choosing a bandage for a pregnant woman, you should take into account its ability to increase in size (for example, a bandage belt can be Velcro), because the tummy continues to grow.
  6. The purchase must be made in specialized stores, where you can be advised on how to choose the right maternity bandage and put it on. There it will be possible not only to examine it, but also to try it on - which you cannot do in a pharmacy. In this case, it is better to take an assistant with you so that he can assist with the fitting. Since the bandage should not cause embarrassment and discomfort when wearing, it is better to immediately try it on before buying.
  7. The bandage must be selected based on your financial capabilities.

How to determine the size of the maternity bandage?

It depends on which species you have preferred. The bandage belt corresponds to the size you had before pregnancy - (S (42-44), M (46-48), L (50-52), XL (52-54), XXL (from 56)). Better, of course, before buying a prenatal bandage, how to choose a size - measure the hips and abdomen. Bandage panties should be selected at least one size Moreover underwear worn before childbirth.

How to wear a maternity bandage?

How to put on a maternity bandage is also determined by its type:

  • The bandage belt can be worn both in a prone position and in a standing position, which is very convenient for active women. If it is put on for the first time, it is better to do it in a supine position. The bandage in front should pass under the stomach and grab the pubic bone, behind - on top of the buttocks, with an emphasis on the thighs;
  • A panty bandage is worn only in a supine position with raised hips - this can be facilitated by a roller pillow placed under the back.
  • the universal bandage is worn mainly in a standing position. If you have chosen a universal maternity bandage, the doctor or the consultant of the store where you made the purchase can advise how to wear it. Also, this process is clearly demonstrated in the instructions attached to the purchases. The brace should be placed wider underneath the abdomen for maximum support and comfort. After pregnancy, it is worn the other way around.

The sequence of how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women lying is as follows:

  1. Lie on your back with a pillow under your buttocks.
  2. Lie down a bit, giving the baby time to move upward, which will relieve pressure on the bladder and relax the abdominal muscles.
  3. Fasten the bandage. The main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to squeeze the fruit. But it should not be lightly fastened either - there will be no expected effect.
  4. Carefully roll onto your side and slowly get up.

How to wear a maternity bandage correctly?

There are certain rules for wearing a bandage for pregnant women, which make the use of this device as comfortable as possible:

  1. A properly selected bandage does not stand out from under the clothes, does not create a feeling of discomfort. There should be no pressure on the abdomen.
  2. Also, wearing a bandage during pregnancy should be based on your own feelings - if the baby is anxious or there is a lack of oxygen, it is immediately removed. You can put on the bandage after a half-hour break.
  3. To understand how to wear a universal maternity bandage, you need to read the instructions. It has a narrow and wide edge. In the prenatal period, the wide part is located on the side of the back, and the narrow one supports the abdomen.
  4. To find out how to properly wear a maternity bandage and the rules of caring for it, you should read the instructions that come with such a purchase.
  5. Constant wearing of a prenatal bandage is not recommended, as it can disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  6. Do not wear the bandage too high, as this causes discomfort and stiffness.

How long can you wear a maternity bandage?

A correctly worn bandage is such a comfortable thing that you want to wear it all day, but you cannot do this, because it negatively affects blood circulation. It must be worn daily, but intermittently. Each woman can decide how much to wear the bandage on her own, relying on her own feelings - if the child begins to worry, the bandage should be removed. Also, the doctor can recommend how many hours a bandage can be worn by pregnant women. Typically, the time is 3-4 hours. After that, you need to take a break for 30 minutes. On the recommendation of a doctor, from the fourth month of pregnancy, the bandage is worn daily - until the very beginning of labor.

Can you sit in a prenatal brace?

Opinions about whether it is possible to sit in a prenatal brace are very opposite. Some categorically forbid doing this, while others say that it is possible. However, you should remember how to sit in a maternity bandage - your back should be flat. If you feel discomfort, it is better to remove the bandage and sit without it.

In general, the answer to the question: is it possible to wear a prenatal bandage while sitting, sounds like this: it is possible, if you need to sit down for a short time.

Can pregnant women sleep in a bandage?

It is recommended to take off the bandage at night or during the daytime sleep. After all, its main task is to reduce the load on the back while in an upright position.

How to remove the maternity bandage?

It should be noted that in order to avoid a sharp lowering of the abdomen, this should be done in the supine position.

How to wash a maternity bandage?

Care of the bandage consists in washing it using the specified temperature regime. How to wash the bandage can be found in the instructions attached to it. It is better to do this for the first time before wearing it - right after purchase. An unequivocal answer to the question: "can a maternity bandage be washed?" - necessary! After all, this will prevent the multiplication of dangerous bacteria and preserve the health of both the mother and the baby.

We hope our advice will help you not only to choose the perfect bandage for yourself, but also to use it correctly so that it will bring maximum benefit to both you and the child you expect. And you can buy a bandage for pregnant women in our catalog of goods for mothers.

Maternity Bondage - Mom's Reviews:

Yana. 01.10.2015 10:34

I started wearing a maternity band at 27 weeks. Although I was expecting one child, I had a very large belly (everyone around me thought that I would have twins). I will say that as soon as I started wearing the bandage, it became much easier, my back ached less, and in general I began to get less tired. Mom, I advise everyone to use a bandage - this is salvation!

Kristina. 08.10.2015 10:19

The doctor ordered me to wear a bandage. Due to the fact that the fruit was located very low. I myself would probably not even have thought to buy it. But I learned from the doctor that in any case it must be worn from the second trimester, so that there is no danger of premature birth.

Lily. 08.10.2015 16:50

The doctor advised me to purchase a bandage as soon as it became clear that I would have twins. I got the bandage right away, but I started wearing it around week 20, since I had a fairly large tummy, and my legs were very tired. From the moment I started wearing it, I noticed relief

Olga . 09.10.2015 12:17

In my first pregnancy, I had some kind of ordinary local bandage bought at the pharmacy, just like a wide Velcro belt. Well, I will not say that it is convenient. Rather, on the contrary, it causes unpleasant sensations. And when I was pregnant with the second, I realized that I would not tolerate this bullying for the second time. I bought "Neun Monate" more expensive and better. This is a really normal bandage. It does not prick anywhere, does not rub, maintains well and is soft to the touch. If he suddenly crawls out from under his clothes - it's okay, he looks decent, almost invisible. So whoever chooses a bandage does not need to save. I think it's okay to pay a little more and then wear it calmly without discomfort.

Anyuta. 03/16/2016 18:05

Great article, but which company is better to buy? Which maternity bandage firms are the most proven?

Dana. 03/16/2016 20:57

Anyuta, best of all buy bandages from Chicco and Anita. And so, it all depends on what kind of bandage you need, how often you will use it and wash it. But, it is better not to save on it, since you will wear it from 20-25 weeks until the birth. If you opt for a prenatal and postpartum brace, then you will wear it after you give birth, so that your tummy will get in shape faster. Therefore, when buying and choosing, take into account all these factors, because you buy a bandage in order to facilitate the pregnancy process.

Alice. 03/25/2016 14:12

Oh, for the first time, I put on a bandage with great difficulty. And then my husband wore it to me. In fact, such a thing cannot be ignored. When you walk in it, it is easier to walk, the child does not press down so much, and you don't want to go to the toilet so often! The only thing that confused me was that you can't sit in it. But in this case, I just lowered the bandage lower so that I would not put pressure on my tummy. But I chose the clothes: leggings, loose tunics, dresses. It's just that whatever you put on the bandage, it slides off)) therefore, in order to feel beautiful, I tried to carefully select my image.

Marina. 04/20/2016 12:32 PM

I didn't even think that the bandage would become more important for me than brushing my teeth in the morning! From the 30th week, my back began to hurt very much. I saved myself by endlessly looking for where to lie down. But you need to move so that the baby is comfortable, so that more oxygen enters the blood. My doctor strongly recommended that I wear a bandage. I bought a bandage belt - it is more hygienic than panties (you can not wash it every day). At first it was unusual in him. Also summer, heat! Then I got the hang of putting on a bandage - lying turned out to be more comfortable for me. And I bought not the cheapest one - there was no allergic reaction from it on the skin.

Olesya. 04.24.2016 15:13

My pregnancy was not going as smoothly as I would like. Doctors diagnosed the fetus as being too low. They even wanted to put him in the hospital "for preservation." But who wants to lie within four walls, staring at the ceiling? They agreed that I would wear a maternity bandage. I didn't wear it all the time, but when I knew that I had to spend a lot of time on my feet. I didn’t feel any discomfort, but on the contrary there was a feeling of being fit and collected.

Tanya. 04/25/2016 18:41

The first times, when I put on a bandage, my husband helped. Probably my design was not comfortable. But with him it is much easier, and then there are no stretch marks. In general, it is better to choose bandages when consulting a doctor.

Martha. 04/26/2016 18:37

I got a bandage in late pregnancy. Perhaps that is why she was able to reach the due date.

During pregnancy, an enlarging belly requires additional support. A correctly selected bandage during pregnancy relieves the condition of the expectant mother, allows her to feel confident, prevents the appearance of stretch marks, and provides support to the internal organs. So that the bandage is only useful, it is important to find a comfortable model and learn how to put it on correctly.

What is a bandage for during pregnancy

Maternity bandage - orthopedic product that supports the growing abdomen, ensures the correct position of the fetus and prevents the prolapse of internal organs. A properly selected product does not squeeze the body, but it also does not slip during movement. There are different types of bandages, some of the products can be worn after childbirth. Usually the attending physician gives recommendations on the choice.

The main functions of prenatal braces:

  • abdominal support;
  • removing the load from the spine;
  • prevention of skin stretch marks;
  • ensuring freedom of movement;
  • additional protection against accidental injury;
  • fixing the fetus in the desired position.

Bandages are absolutely essential with multiple pregnancies, after a variety of gynecological operations. They are needed by women who lead an active lifestyle. A properly fitted bandage can prevent the threat of miscarriage.

Which is the best prenatal bandage for pregnant women to choose

There are several options for bandages at the disposal of expectant mothers. The choice depends on the characteristics of the figure, the season, personal preferences and other important points.

  • Maternity Bondage Briefs... A very popular model. Made of high-tech elastic fabrics, the panties with a high waist and a comfortable insert on the abdomen look aesthetically pleasing, easy to put on and take off. This model is almost invisible under clothes. The bandage supports the abdomen well without squeezing the thighs. The panties are not suitable for women prone to swelling. In the early stages, you can wear variations of this model in the form of cropped panties and even thongs. Such options with inserts of elastic lace look very elegant, but they will not be able to support too big a belly.
  • Maternity bandage belt... An alternative to panties, perfect in hot weather. A wide strip of elastic fabric is located under the belly, the tight fit is guaranteed by the wide Velcro fastener. For added convenience, there are additional attachments on the sides. There are products of various densities. A type of belt - a bandage with a "hood" - a wide fabric insert that is worn on the stomach. This product is ideal for multiple pregnancies that require particularly gentle and effective support.
  • Lace-up bandage... Many gynecologists consider this model to be outdated. This type of bandage is sewn from dense non-elastic fabrics: cotton, linen satin. The lacing, located in the central part of the product and on the sides, helps to regulate the density. By opening or pulling it together, you can adjust the volume of the product. Some skill is required to properly don the bandage, thick fabric and lacing can puff up under clothing. Supports the back well.
  • Universal maternity bandage... Elastic model, suitable for wearing during pregnancy and after childbirth. An economical option for women who want to keep their figure and tighten their muscles. It is a tape on a retainer, narrow on one side and wide on the other. During pregnancy, the wider part of the strap moves to the back, and the narrower part is fastened under the belly, providing support. In the postpartum period, the bandage is put on so that the wide part completely covers the abdomen, and the narrow one supports the back, fixing the correct posture.

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women

Purchase a quality bandage you can in a pharmacy, an orthopedic salon or in a special store for expectant mothers. An experienced consultant should help in the selection.

How to choose a maternity bandage? The volume of the thighs is measured under the belly and is checked against the table that is attached to each product. You need to measure the girth of the hips immediately before buying, not focusing on the size before pregnancy. A couple of months after conception, the pelvic bones begin to expand, and the volumes increase significantly.

For women, prone to edema and weight loss, it is worth choosing models with additional Velcro fasteners. They help to vary the volume of the garment and guarantee comfort.

Prenatal braces may have different degrees of fixation, light to very dense. Important and fabric structure... Summer bandages are made of thin, breathable materials. There are also models that combine several functions. For example, special bandages with reinforced fixation of the spine have been created for.

Bandages are available in black, white or flesh colors. Color selection depends on the season. In summer, it is more comfortable to wear products in skin color, absolutely invisible even under thin clothes. It is advisable to choose smooth models without protruding seams, lace inserts and other decorative elements. These bandages are more comfortable and look much better.

The selected model is desirable try on immediately before buying... Try buttoning and unfastening it yourself. Consider yourself in the mirror from all sides, sit down and bend over. A properly fitted bandage does not restrict movement at all, but you should feel comfortable support at all times. If the model slips, bulges or curls, it is best to look for something else.

How to put on a maternity bandage

Gynecologists recommend put on prenatal bandages lying down... This will help to fix the abdomen in the desired position, preventing prolapse and without squeezing the uterus. The details of putting on and wearing each model should be explained by sellers when buying. Feel free to question them. An improperly worn bandage will not only fail to provide good support, but it can also be harmful.

Bandage wearing rules

When to start, how long to wear a bandage during pregnancy? Purchase a bandage recommended at 3-4 months of pregnancy, when the belly begins to enlarge. Some gynecologists recommend wearing the product no longer than 4 hours a day, while others see no problem in spending most of the day in the bandage. Taking breaks is important, removing the product every 3 hours for 30-40 minutes. You cannot sleep in a bandage; during the rest period, the muscles should completely relax. But the product is absolutely necessary during walks, sports and other active movements. The bandage will also help with a feeling of discomfort in the back, which is often the case in late pregnancy.

Doctors recommend having at least 2 bandages... The garments will have to be washed frequently, intensive use will stretch the elastic fabric, and the degree of support will deteriorate. If the skin is noticeably redness, itching and small pimples appear, it is worth using a hypoallergenic baby cream and increasing the rest time from the bandage.

Contraindications for use

There are very few contraindications to wearing a prenatal bandage.

  • Malposition. If the baby is lying across the uterus or is positioned with its head up, you should not fix it in this position. The bandage will prevent your baby from rolling over, which can complicate labor.
  • Skin hypersensitivity, allergy to synthetic materials... Most of the models are made from the latest generation of high-tech fabrics that do not irritate the body. However, if you have allergic reactions, you will have to make a choice in favor of classic products made from fine cotton. Such models are made to order in orthopedic salons or sewing workshops.

Maternity Brace Video

Watch a tutorial video on the topic. A brief overview of the most popular models of bandages with recommendations for wearing them will be useful for all expectant mothers.

Usually the bandage is prescribed for a period of 22-30 weeks. However, the obstetrician-gynecologist can prescribe it later (after the first complaints of lower back pain appear, so as NOT to REPLACE THE WORK OF OWN MUSCLES WITH A BANDAGE.


Let's start with the academic rule - it's better not to experiment with your health! So if all your friends and acquaintances on your term have already worn a bandage, this does not mean at all that you need to follow their example. It is necessary to purchase special underwear only according to indications.

These include:
- back pain (to reduce the load on the spine, the bandage was
- the threat of termination of pregnancy, underdevelopment of the cervix;
- low position of the fetus with weak abdominal muscles (the band fixes the child higher and does not allow him to go down ahead of time);
- a scar on the uterus (after a previous cesarean or other gynecological operation); an operation on the abdominal cavity within a year and a half before pregnancy (the band prevents the abdomen from hanging over the seam and getting wet);
-neurological pain caused by a pinched nerve in the lumbar spine (without a brace, the pain that pulls the leg can worsen so much that it becomes difficult to walk);
- twins or triplets (a heavy uterus puts a particularly heavy load on the spine).

Without support
Not everyone needs a bandage. If you do not have the listed indications, if the abdominal muscles are developed, and the back does not hurt, then the bandage is useless. Most often, tall slender ladies do without third-party support, but large and short ones need additional support.
Other contraindications include skin reactions to synthetic products and pelvic or transverse presentation of the fetus. The bandage fixes the position of the baby, and if the presentation is incorrect, it will be almost impossible for the child to return, which means that the risk of complications and surgical intervention during childbirth increases. Therefore, if after the 24th week of pregnancy the presentation is not cephalic, no matter what the back pain is, the bandage is not prescribed.

Dressing procedure
If a bandage is prescribed, a doctor will help you choose the right size. To do this, he measures the circumference of the abdomen in the navel in a standing position. It is advisable to purchase underwear where there is an opportunity to try it on. This is rare in pharmacies, so it's best to go to maternity clothing stores. The doctor should show how to put on the bandage, since the illustrations on the packages are not always correct. Often the underwear is worn too high on the model (in this case, it can squeeze the fetus). The first time you try on the bandage while lying down, it is easier to feel the pubic bone. In general, the process of putting on resembles wrapping in a loincloth - the bandage should go along the lower part of the buttocks, completely pass under the abdomen, resting on the hips, and grab the pubic bone in front. The doctor should also adjust the model so that you feel comfortable, not too tight and not too weak. However, it is worth remembering that as the abdomen grows, it is imperative to adjust the degree of tension.
After you learn how to properly adjust the ties, you can perform the procedure while standing (after all, during the day you will not always be able to lie down).
Contrary to popular belief, bandages do not protect against stretch marks. Stretch marks appear primarily due to a decrease in skin elasticity and hormonal changes. Unfortunately, the bandage cannot influence this.

Many sports moms are wondering if a bandage can be worn while doing fitness. It all depends on the condition of the woman herself. If you are used to an active lifestyle, you have strong muscles abdomen and a healthy back, you may not need a bandage at all. If the doctor recommends wearing a bandage, and during training you feel comfortable in it, then you can play sports in a bandage.
The lineup
Bandages are subdivided into prenatal and postnatal.
Prenatal bandages are most often made from synthetic materials, but there are also completely cotton - for mothers with sensitive skin. Some manufacturers have up to six sizes.

Bandage tape is a dense wide band of elastic material with a wide part in the middle and narrower ends. It is adjustable with a stitch (usually velcro) in the front, and two more on the sides. Some manufacturers have perforated tape - thanks to the holes, the material "breathes" and it is not so hot in the bandage. This model is preferable for back problems, especially if support is not needed throughout the day. The tape can be used both during and after pregnancy. In the first case, with the wide part in the back, in the second, in the front. Panties. The bandage tape runs inside the maternity panties (both tall ones that cover the belly and low ones that go underneath). The tape itself is not as wide and dense as in the previous model. There are models with an adjustable fastener between the legs as a bodysuit - this is convenient for those who have a lot of fat thighs during pregnancy. Such bandages are sometimes trimmed with lace, they are quite convenient to put on and take off. But many are confused by their main drawback - they must be washed daily, like any underwear. Belt. The bandage resembles high panties for pregnant women, with the difference that a thin elastic band only passes from the side of the abdomen. And the model itself is only adjustable from the side. The option is suitable for those for whom it is more important to fix the baby's head from drooping, but the support of the lower back is not so important. Some manufacturers have a fabric insert over the bandage made of a special "breathable" material with a "second skin" effect.

Postoperative bandages can be selected based on prenatal volumes. True, it is worth remembering that during pregnancy, the hips diverge and do not always quickly return to their place, so you can not guess with the size.
“Regular” panties look like high panties with fasteners on the sides or on both sides of the abdomen, often with a bottom fastener, like a bodysuit. Most often they are made of synthetic materials that aid in compression and provide microcirculation of air. There are also cotton models that help to restore the elasticity of the abdominal muscles due to a tight insert and strong pulling. Some manufacturers have models trimmed with lace.
Postoperative - special bandages for those who gave birth via cesarean. They resemble a very wide belt - from the waist to almost to the pubis, with a fastener along the entire width. This brace is softer than the usual postpartum brace and is specially designed to be worn after surgery.

A bandage is preferred for back problems. Especially if support is not needed throughout the day.
The “belt” model is ideal if you need to secure the baby's head from drooping. Lumbar support fades into the background.

If you gave birth yourself, it is advisable to refrain from wearing a bandage. It replaces the work of the abdominal muscles, and they come into shape more slowly. Better help your muscles with exercise.

How much to walk:
After the bandage has been prescribed, it is necessary to walk in it until the very birth, especially for those who spend a lot of time on their feet or lead a sedentary lifestyle. Some doctors recommend not wearing the bandage for more than three hours at a time. However, if it fits perfectly, no breaks are needed. If your back starts to hurt only after a few hours of walking, you do not need to wear a bandage all the time.

After cesarean.
If you gave birth by caesarean section, then you cannot do without additional support (with the exception of the longitudinal suture). You can put on a bandage almost immediately after the operation and walk in it for 40 days. However, it is better to clarify this issue with a specialist in a maternity hospital or antenatal clinic. Your doctor will be able to recommend the model you need.

The birth of a baby is a great happiness and joy for every woman, but the period of bearing a child takes a lot of strength and health. Pregnancy is fraught with the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and thighs, back problems. To reduce stress on the spine and prevent back pain, doctors recommend that expectant mothers wear a brace. It effectively supports the muscles of the thighs and abdomen.

You can buy a model of the required size in the Daughters-Sonny online store.

Bandage for pregnant women: how long to wear

Manufacturers make many options for supporting devices, models can be made in the form of panties, corset (an outdated version that doctors do not recommend using) and a belt. The main thing that every woman should know is how long it takes to wear a prenatal bandage. Doctors recommend wearing it from the 20th week of pregnancy. At this time, the tummy grows intensively, it becomes more difficult to wear it, so support is needed.

It is imperative to use support products for women who are expecting twins or triplets. In addition to multiple pregnancies, the bandage is also indicated for:

  • low fetal position;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • strong stretch marks;
  • back pain.

Panty models are high underwear that effectively supports the abdomen. In quality products, the lumbar region is reinforced with corset bones that relieve tension from the back.

The belt looks simpler, it is put on top of the linen. Models are equipped with size adjustment. We offer our customers improved options for a belt with a knitted insert on the belly. Popular are universal products that can be worn not only before, but also after childbirth.


You can use the bandage from the 20th week of pregnancy; it is recommended to wear it for no more than 5 hours. To avoid squeezing and overloading, every 2-3 hours the product is removed for 20-30 minutes. Do not tighten the belt too tight.

Features of wearing supportive underwear

If you have correctly determined from what stage of pregnancy the bandage can be worn, then half of the problem is solved. To benefit from using the chosen model, you need to wear it correctly. Adjust the clasps to a comfortable position. To do this, you need to correctly put on and fasten the bandage. It is better to do this while lying down, then, without getting up, fix the fasteners. When buttoning the product, remember that you cannot squeeze your stomach too much, but it makes no sense to freely wear such devices.

Supportive panties are worn on a naked body, a belt - on underwear. This is the best option that prevents skin irritation and prickly heat. To avoid buying a fake, shop at specialized stores or pharmacies.


Your doctor will advise you on how to wear the support device. To make a woman feel comfortable, the size of the bandage should be chosen correctly. For this, a dimensional grid is used. When calculating, you need to take into account the volume of the hips. If you find it difficult to understand dimensional grid, contact our consultants.

An important point - you can't wear the model all the time, let your stomach rest every three hours. During this time, try to lie down or sit in a comfortable place.

A bandage is a special medical belt, the main function of which is to provide a comfortable condition for a woman. This concept includes many factors - the redistribution of the main load, the removal of fatigue, the correct development of the child. Due to the variety of types and models, today you can pick up a copy that meets the main requirements of convenience and safety.

Functions of prenatal braces

It is necessary to know not only how to properly wear a bandage for pregnant women, but also about its importance in the process of gestation. There are universal models that women successfully use in the recovery period after childbirth. During pregnancy, only a doctor can prescribe a fixation device.

Indications for wearing a bandage:

  • physical activity of the expectant mother, if her schedule assumes more than 3-4 aces to be in an upright position;
  • Weak or stretched abdominal muscle fibers
  • back pain, osteochondrosis;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • large fruit;
  • stretch marks and flabbiness;
  • deviations in the course of gestation - an abnormal structure of the organs of the reproductive system, the threat of miscarriage.

If a woman feels normal and all tests are in order, she is unlikely to be prescribed a medical belt. Some expectant mothers consider the retainer to be the only panacea for stretch marks. But it is not so. The bandage must be used with significant breaks, including the period of sleep. And the fetus does not stop in its development and growth for a minute, therefore, the belly also grows regularly, regardless of the time of day.

The only way to prevent stretch marks will be fractional nutrition, which allows you to gain weight correctly, as well as moderate physical activity, and the use of natural vegetable oils - olive, sesame, jojoba.

How to wear correctly

Women are often worried about when to start wearing? I do not want to use additional devices too early, it causes panic and the thought that you can skip the necessary period. Expectant mothers have nothing to worry about, if they are registered with a gynecologist, the doctor will definitely inform about the need to choose a model.

Often, you can start using the bandage after 4 months, during the period of active growth of the tummy. Already at 20-24 weeks, most pregnant women have noticeably rounded shapes. If the bearing is multiple, it is possible to wear a medical belt earlier, it all depends on individual characteristics.

How to dress correctly:

  • you need to take a lying position, you can put an additional soft towel roll to slightly raise your hips;
  • lie quietly for a minute, relaxing the whole body, wait until the fetus occupies the upper abdomen;
  • as soon as the feeling of heaviness and pressure on the bladder passes, this is a signal that the retainer can be put on;
  • fasten and roll over on its side, only from this position you need to get up pregnant.
  • a belt that is too loosely tightened is not effective for use, and with excessive pressure, not only the mother, but also the baby may feel uncomfortable, especially in the third trimester he will actively show his displeasure;
  • if the bandage is put on correctly, the elastic part or the belt will cover the area under the abdomen and the upper pubic area, the main emphasis is on the hips, orthopedic models have special plates for correcting the position of the back, they should not exert pressure and sit well in the lumbar region;
  • comparing the instructions of some manufacturers, it can be noted that in the figure, the belt or bandage panties sit high enough, in practice the belts or elastic strips of special underwear will pass slightly lower.

The use of the bandage should not cause discomfort, let alone painful sensations, neither in the first minutes after fixing the device, nor after wearing it throughout the day.

How to choose the size

Maternity products manufacturers offer many models and colors. They also differ in functional purposes - prenatal, postnatal and combined - which is successfully transformed, depending on the current situation of the woman.

How to choose the size of a bandage for pregnant women:

  • a medical belt should be purchased, focusing on the initial size before the period of conception S (42-44), M (46-48), L (50-52), XL (52-54), XXL (56 and above), but if the increase significant by the second trimester, you need to look at the size larger;
  • several bandage panties will be required, in any case they will have to be washed regularly and you will not be able to limit yourself to one pair, they are chosen one size larger from the original (before pregnancy), the elastic properties of the material are smaller in size, the vessels may not exert pressure, disrupting normal blood circulation;
  • you need to focus on your own feelings, if the bandage fits, it will not cause discomfort;
  • in order for the uterus to take the correct position for fixation, you need to lie on your back and slightly raise your hips, measuring in an upright position, it is difficult to find a suitable model.

How to wear

A bandage is a medical device used to correct pathologies and abnormalities during gestation. Therefore, for the safety of mother and child, it is necessary to adhere to the recommendations for use.

Terms of use:

  • you need to start wearing from the moment of appointment and before the start of the childbirth process;
  • every 2-3 hours it is necessary to take a break, remove the belt for half an hour, while sleeping, also the retainer is not used;
  • in the bandage, you can sit, stand, walk during pregnancy, do your usual things, lead a fairly active lifestyle;
  • it is also recommended to take off, as well as put on the retainer, lying on your back, raising your hips, touching not only the underwear model, but also the belt, this will allow the internal organs and the fetus to take the correct position.

When choosing a bandage, you should focus on the quality of the material, corrective functions, as well as your own feelings, in this case, both mom and baby will feel comfortable.