What kind of girls do rich men like. Successful men: features, character traits and style What do rich men like in women

I want to get married, and not just…. My future husband should be rich, successful, with a respectable appearance, positive in all his habits and actions, strong physically and spiritually ... And you dream about it? Surely, the portrait of the chosen one does not end with the listed qualities, there are still a bunch of “golden” adjectives in stock. The only question is - "Do such a man need you?" Can you give an answer? Experts of TM "Placent Formula" and "Lanier" offer to find the answer together and figure out what kind of woman a rich and successful groom really needs?

The goal of any relationship is to give something and acquire something. If a man gives his chosen one a position in society, status, fame, money, spiritual development, what then can she offer him?

I'm so rasty: are your qualities unique?

"A slender figure, attractive appearance, education (1-2 and more higher!), Own real estate, successful work" - the answer of many women. Do you think that's enough? Is what you offer your successful chosen one unique?

About beauty if we speak, the Slavs have enough of this kind. In a crowded place, on the street, such a man will hardly notice you among other equally beautiful girls.

About a slender figure it can be noted the same as about a beautiful appearance: for anyone there will be competitors with an even more spectacular figure.

About education you can tell right away that you won’t surprise anyone with this today. There are many beautiful women doctors of sciences, with three or more educations, smart-smart, but still lonely.

About sexuality, the ability to be a super-lover also has its "but". Can't representatives of the most ancient profession do this?

And why should the ideal man choose you? Try to analyze everything without offense for your own good! List out loud or write down on a piece of paper the qualities, in your opinion, that may interest a rich and successful man:

  1. Can you listen with interest?
  2. Do you appreciate, see and admire the good qualities of a man?
  3. Are you his muse and inspiration?
  4. Do you always put a man in charge, and leave the last word for him?
  5. Always positive, in a good mood no matter what?
  6. Do you know how to relax a man, create an amazingly comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the house?
  7. Do you cook deliciously, that there is no equal in this art to you?
  8. Do you shine with happiness, do you know how to get pleasure from everything?
  9. Do you accept a man as he is, with all his flaws?
  10. Do you trust your chosen one and follow him impeccably in everything?

If you counted at least 5 positive answers to the above questions, then you are actually a unique woman! In the modern world, such ladies with such qualities and skills are very rare. And just such a woman will be noticed by a rich and successful man!

If you offer only external qualities and sexuality, do not expect a real relationship with the soul in return. In exchange for a body, you will receive an identical one - you will simply be used as a beautiful thing, and no more! If you offer yourself smart and educated, do not expect romance, tenderness, care and love in such a relationship. In this case, you are “doomed” to be a colleague, friend, business partner.

Marrying a loving and affectionate millionaire: an exercise in identifying blind spots

If you sincerely want to build a happy family life hand in hand with an ideal, successful, wealthy man, you need to honestly identify your blind spots. To do this, do the following exercise: take a pen and a piece of paper, and describe your chosen one, write 20 qualities that do not relate to appearance that you see in him, visualize him and, as it were, observe from the side:

  • his profession, position held;
  • how he spends time, what places he likes to visit;
  • what are his friends;
  • his behavior with women;
  • relationship with parents, etc.

At the same time, you must feel it, let your body and subconsciousness accept the male energy, be filled with it, and feel the male vibrations. Then, with the eyes of this man, imagine meeting yourself. See his attitude towards you: do you attract him? what does he think of you? what is missing to interest him?

Be attentive to your subconscious, and write down everything that you “hear” on a piece of paper. This technique allows your inner woman to meet with your inner man. And to make a pair, they both need to be honest! When you do the exercise, return to your female body.

You can see that a man passed by, left you on the street, was not interested. Why? And it's not all about the figure, thin waist and long legs. Many men do not like the excessive emotionality of women, the lack of grace, lack of self-confidence, nervousness, and neglect. From this practice, you will also understand with which man you will be comfortable in family life, maybe even with someone who is of your level, and with whom you can develop spiritually and achieve other benefits of the Universe, including material prosperity.

It happens that a woman receives offers of a hand and a heart, and unknowingly rejects her own happiness, since a man's status or earnings are lower than her. But in fact, it was with her that he would become the successful and rich that she dreams of. The question is: will the Universe offer her such a gift again?

The mistake of many ex-brides is to focus their attention on external data, and not on feminine qualities that will lead to a happy life. And then such beauties ask and complain: "What am I so-so-so-so-and-so-lonely?"

The ideal woman for the ideal man: important qualities

So what are these qualities of a happy ideal woman?

  • Positive attitude
  • Self-sufficiency
  • An inexhaustible sense of gratitude
  • The ability to see good qualities in people
  • To love life
  • Follow the set goals
  • Enjoy yourself and the flow of life
  • Communicate without reproaches and claims
  • Emphasize your merits
  • Where you need to keep silent
  • Do not judge or discuss

It is in the search for such a woman that successful men are: with an inner potential for love and a high level of their own self-esteem.

Willingness to accept the ideal man into your life

Sometimes our “want” is not enough to fulfill the desire. In fact, maybe during this period of your life you are not ready for a relationship with such a man, therefore the Universe for your own good does not provide an opportunity to get to know him. This is comparable to the fact that you want to ride a horse, and the Instructor chooses a horse according to your abilities and character. But he does not suit you, because you want to ride the Arab Beauty, the Olympic champion. And at this moment you do not think that you cannot curb his temper, that you cannot manage correctly. The result can be tragedy, trauma ...

So in life, if a woman gets a successful man, but she is not ready for this, her life turns into a real hell. And expensive gifts, going out into the world are no longer pleasing. She is tormented by a constant feeling of jealousy and fear that he will leave her. With such behavior, she gradually cools the feelings of a man and kills her worth.

Just like a horse feels a confident jockey next to him, so does a man - a self-sufficient, real woman worthy of him! Therefore, in your choice of a man, you should be adequate, and “not aim at” someone you’re not ready for yet.

Take care of your appearance, highlight the feminine beauty, which is mainly concentrated on luxurious hair. To do this, you have the best cosmetics TM "Placent Formula" and "Lanier", which is capable of making stunning beauty, silky, shiny strands even from naturally rare hair. But also cultivate spiritual qualities, and you will see that you will soon meet someone with whom you will truly know women's happiness!

03.02.2015 12:23:45

At all times there have been moralizers who convincingly proved that money is evil. And at the same time, from time immemorial, those people who achieved a high level of well-being in their lives were considered successful. The current era is not much different in this sense from all previous ones. Wealth and success certainly go hand in hand. Wealth is a special zone of attraction, where the best, standard, ideal things and objects rush. Really wealthy men can afford to choose the very best, including women. And whoever believes that in the search for wealthy partners a woman turns herself into a thing, let her continue to hover in the lofty spheres, depriving herself of many pleasures that accompany the life of wealthy and wealthy people.

And yet, what kind of girls do rich men like? It is impossible, of course, to speak too broadly about all rich men, because each of them is also a person, which means that he has individual preferences, certain psychological complexes and sexual needs. And yet, when a man achieves a certain status in society, and his business becomes successful and profitable, certain stereotypes are imposed on all his life choices, including the choice of women. It can be noted that at all times and in all cultures the cult of wealth is accompanied by the cult of beauty, including that of women. Therefore, it should be noted right away that rich men tend to surround themselves with girls whose appearance is most consistent with the standards of female beauty that have been formed today.

In this regard, if you are actively looking for a rich man, the prerequisites for you are external splendor, which today, thank God, is quite achievable thanks to the presence of all kinds of beauty salons. In no case do not believe the TV tales about how "gray mice" find themselves wealthy men and live happily ever after with them. The first step in finding a rich man should necessarily be to create your own bright, attractive and sexy image. And here we are not even talking about the sexual predilections of wealthy men, but about the fact that a beautiful woman is a status thing for a successful businessman or high-ranking official. With your girlfriend, you should not be ashamed to appear at social events and chic events.

However, not only the gorgeous appearance of the chosen one is important for successful men. A beautiful doll for certain events can also be hired from an escort service. It is very important that the girl is also relaxed and sociable. This also plays a huge role in both personal and social communication. It's not bad if the girl knows foreign languages, especially if the man does business with partners from other countries. In short, a rich man remains a man who expects beauty, sociability, affection and support from a woman. The rich man differs from other men only in that he has the opportunity to choose, which means that in order to get to know him, you must definitely get into the zone of his choice.

It's no secret that successful men are popular with the fair sex. But not all women equally understand the meaning of these words. Someone includes wealth in this category, someone - popularity, and someone - personal qualities and so on.

Levels of needs

Successful men earn their status through long and painstaking work, as well as through natural ability. In addition, it is worth noting that achieving heights largely depends on what goals a person sets for himself at one stage or another, as well as on what he wants from life. So, there are several levels of needs:

  • Physiological - food, shelter, clothing, etc. Most people go through this stage at a young age, earning minimal living expenses.
  • The need for security implies confidence in the future. A man is trying to earn money for his own home, as well as accumulate a certain amount as a "safety cushion".
  • The third level of needs is social. Successful men strive to form a stable as well as gain a certain weight in society.
  • The need for self-expression and self-realization implies the disclosure of one's talent. Moreover, we can talk not only about creativity, but also about entrepreneurial activity.
  • When a man has a need for harmony, he seeks to create a family, working for the benefit of his woman and children.
  • The highest level of needs is spiritual. Quite often, successful men resort to charity work or become interested in religion.

The ingredients for success

The life of a successful man includes three main components:

  • natural inclinations, which imply the presence of certain abilities and talents;
  • material success - the achievement of certain successes in the struggle for resources (money, material values, etc.);
  • the spiritual level is the ability to resiliently cope with failures and find the strength to move forward.

Success in all areas

Success includes many aspects, the main one of which is health. Wellness gives you the strength to move forward and achieve your goal. It is also worth deciding on a specific field of activity. Only by directing your efforts in a certain direction, you can achieve heights.

Contrary to popular stereotypes, a successful man is not at all a heartthrob surrounded by crowds of female fans. It is worth solving all your problems with women. Link your life with your only chosen one, and if there is none at the moment, do not be sprayed on meaningless connections. You also need to clearly define your relationship with others. Designate a circle of close friends and maintain close ties with them. You should not confuse loved ones with those who can be useful in your work.

It should be clearly understood that success is not a specific point, after reaching which you can stop and enjoy the results. This is continuous work on self-improvement, which is aimed at being better than others and yourself of yesterday.

The style of a successful man

Many believe that the indispensable attributes of successful and wealthy men are. So, women's magazines recommend paying attention to watches and shoes first. Also, there must certainly be an expensive suit, a briefcase and other signs of luxury. But all this is only appropriate in a business setting. If you meet a man "at the parade" in public transport, in a park, or just in an ordinary setting, know: most likely, you are dealing with a womanizer who is trying to attract the attention of women with an outer veneer.

In ordinary life, successful men do not like such "show-off". Outside of work, they wear shorts, flip-flops and the most ordinary T-shirts. Nevertheless, such people look neat and noble enough even in the simplest clothes. And of course, they can leave behind expensive accessories such as watches, rings or chains. It is also worth noting that grooming is an integral sign of success - a stylish, beautiful haircut, clean skin, nails and, of course, a slender, toned body.

Principles of Success

The life of a successful man is based on the following principles:

  • the ability to be decisive and take responsibility;
  • in relations with family members, it is worth behaving exactly like a head, and not like a cruel tyrant;
  • the ability to behave with dignity, without bragging about their position;
  • respect for women;
  • awareness of their responsibility to the family in terms of providing material benefits;
  • the ability to control emotions, not giving them an outlet at a critical moment;
  • responsibility for raising children on an equal basis with the wife and other family members;
  • gaining authority is worth instilling respect, not intimidation.

A successful man through the eyes of women

Every woman wants a successful man next to her. What is he? On this score, you can hear many opinions. So, most ladies see their ideal as follows:

  • characterized by pronounced leadership qualities, thanks to which there are always a lot of people around him;
  • has a good and high status in society;
  • in his activity there are much more successes and victories than failures and failures;
  • sets clear goals for himself and knows how to achieve them;
  • stands firmly on his feet, is confident in the future and can provide a stable income for his family;
  • has an active life position, constantly strives to learn something new;
  • popular in wide circles, enjoys authority;
  • receives from his work not only material reward, but also pleasure.

What kind of women do successful men like?

Every successful man has a woman behind him. It should be noted that businessmen and other wealthy people are quite demanding of their soulmates. So, if you want to enter into an alliance with a successful and famous man, you must meet a number of requirements:

  • often they choose girls that are much younger than themselves, but mature enough, ready to create a family and have children;
  • It is not at all necessary to be able to cook and iron shirts, because, most likely, the housekeeper will do it for you (but you should prove yourself in some area of ​​creativity);
  • it doesn't matter if you have a prestigious university, the main thing is that you must be able to maintain a conversation;
  • a woman must certainly be beautiful and well-groomed, but you should not be zealous with extended nails and hair - this is a sign of bad taste;
  • as for work, it is difficult to predict here (a man can in every possible way encourage your labor aspirations, or he can categorically forbid you to fulfill any other role, except as the keeper of the family hearth);
  • Despite their wealth, rich men really don't like it when someone wastes their money, so forget about the crazy daily shopping trips.

What a woman should be ready for

If you want to connect your life with a rich and successful man, then you must be prepared for the following risks, namely:

  • too big a difference in age, which often leads to a "generational conflict" and other inconveniences;
  • excessive jealousy of both mere mortals and more successful individuals;
  • lack of romance and reverent attention, because all energy, as a rule, is directed to work;
  • the risk of becoming a victim of kidnappers, scammers, robbers and other ill-wishers of your beloved;
  • even the richest person can go bankrupt, and therefore think about whether you will love him without money;
  • most likely, you will have to refuse to communicate with your old friends who do not correspond to your husband's social status;
  • young pretty people will constantly revolve around him, who will become the subject of your concern.

The most successful men

Every woman dreams of Hollywood stars, artists or world famous millionaires. So, the most beautiful successful men are as follows:

  • George Clooney - despite his considerable age (50 years), remains at the top of popularity and still wins women's hearts;
  • Daniel Craig - like his screen character James Bond, cannot leave any beauty indifferent;
  • David Beckham is an example of an ideal family man, an exemplary handsome man and a successful man;
  • the more serious and "adult" the roles of Leonardo DiCaprio become, the more his fees, as well as the crowd of fans around the world;
  • despite the fact that he started a family long ago, he still excites the minds of women all over the world.

How to make your man successful

Of course, everyone would like to meet a rich and successful handsome man. But, unfortunately, there are not so many of them. That is why it is worth remembering that a successful man is the work of the woman who is next to him. Follow these guidelines:

  • if you lack something in life, feel free to tell your husband about it (but without reproach) - let your desires become motivation for him;
  • putting your soul into your faithful (cooking, cleaning, washing, etc.), do not forget about yourself - visit beauty salons, walk with your friends, develop your talents;
  • take care of your husband's health so that he can put all his energy into work (watch his diet, make him go in for sports and give up bad habits);
  • tell the man about your love more often, and also become a support for him in all his endeavors;
  • for a man, life outside the home will always come first, and therefore always start conversations concerning family life first;
  • develop alternative scenarios for your future life (if you really love your husband, you will be equally happy with both a millionaire and an ordinary manager or


A man's success is made up of many complementary factors. This is, first of all, health and good physical shape, which together give strength to move on, to new achievements and heights. In addition, there must be specific natural inclinations that determine the propensity for a particular type of activity. And, of course, there must be a constant desire to create something new, to improve your life, as well as the life of loved ones.

It is worth noting that any girl dreams of having a successful man next to her. Real miracles can be done with the hands of a woman. With a little effort and wisdom, you can lead even the most hopeless, at first glance, person to career heights. The main thing is boundless love and desire to achieve heights together. A wise woman will always achieve her goal if she knows what she wants from life.

The modern world is oversaturated with information, it is everywhere, and through television, the Internet, certain stereotypes are imposed on a person. Marrying a rich man, getting everything in stock at once is a girl's dream, but one cannot say that it arose in the 21st century, this approach has always been relevant. It was just that the ladies chose not expensive restaurants or beautiful things, the consistency of a man was important to them, his ability to surpass rivals.

Evolution and the best of the species

Historically, men are stronger than women. He was always a breadwinner in the family, he knew how to find and kill a mammoth. Later, the world changed and instead of animals, they began to bring money home. It is the ability to make money that shows the potential of a man, his capabilities and prospects. Those who get the most get the best women. Firstly, he can feed their families, and secondly, wonderful children are born from the best men.

An adult woman chooses not only a life partner, but the father of future children. The conditions where she will give birth are important to her, as well as opportunities for the development of babies. These are instinctive needs that are difficult to ignore. Of course, a man's appearance, his ability to behave, character matters, but all this does not help to provide for the family in the future. But the skills of interacting with people, the ability to handle cash flows, see prospects and realize opportunities give a chance for a good future. And if a man has realized all this, he cannot be poor.

Prosperity is not about dining in restaurants, the outer side of wealth is beautiful, but it is not the main one. It is important that money gives certainty and stability. A woman strives to strengthen her position in order to safely raise a new generation, without worrying that she will not be able to feed her children.

Husband and superiority

Today women can earn good money themselves, they have the opportunity to receive significant funds on their own. But as before, girls are looking for support, support and advisor in a man. That is why they expect him to stand on the same social ladder or higher in order to harmoniously build a family. It is difficult for a lady to rely on someone who does not know how to do anything in life, does not pretend to be more and is not very interested in anything. Such a companion simply does not evoke positive emotions, cannot be an object of love.

A man must show children how to be realized in society, how to use knowledge, how to make money and conquer the peaks. If he himself does not know how to do this, then the meaning of marriage is lost. A woman is looking for someone who is better, more comfortable in the life of the family, and not just a burden that cannot achieve something. He is waiting for support, and he also wants to be able to lean on a strong shoulder at the time of difficulties. But if he is not a strong and reliable person, then why build something together?

Of course, sometimes social boundaries win. Sometimes the voices of those around them press too hard, arguing that it is necessary to get married, that a woman can only be realized in a family. And if there are only weak representatives of the strong half nearby, then you have to choose from them. But hundreds of women then leave their men, realizing that it is better to be alone than with someone who can never become the master of the situation.

Men are more likely to be successful in business, but female entrepreneurs also exist. Moreover, some of them independently achieved tremendous success in their careers.

The most famous business women

Internet- colorface.ru presented its users with a rating of the most successful business women on the planet. In the first place is Indra Nooyi, who is the CEO of PepsiCo. This company is engaged in the production of various soft drinks. This woman constantly takes first places in various ratings, as she has become a leader in the field of doing business among the fairer sex.

In second place in this ranking can be noted Irene Rosenfeld - a representative of the board of directors and CEO of Mondelez Internasional, which produces chocolate, biscuits, chewing gum and coffee. In 2010, she was named the highest paid female executive.

Wu Yajun is a Chinese entrepreneur who has independently built her career in the real estate market and made a huge fortune. She is one of the twenty richest women in the world.

The fourth place is taken by the CEO of Xerox - Ursula Burns, she headed one of the largest corporations in the United States. This woman became the first African American woman to take such a leading position.

Ginny Rometty - CEO of IBM is the fifth most famous business woman. She began her career as an ordinary engineer, but over time she achieved immense success.

Georgina Reinhart, who controls the functioning of her deceased father's iron ore company, closes the six most famous women businessmen. After the death of the founder of the company, its assets could go to the young wife of the deceased. However, his fourteen-year-old daughter filed a lawsuit and won the case. Now, according to the BRW edition, in 2012 she was the richest woman in the whole world. Her fortune was $ 28.52 billion.

The most famous female entrepreneurs

Another internet portal (linesa.ru) featured the most famous women in entrepreneurship. This list includes the likes of Jessica Alba (creator of an online store that sells safe products for children), Kim Kardashian (creator of ShoeDazzle), Venus Williams (founder of an interior company) and Michelle Monet (famous model and creator of the MJM International project Ltd).

Tip 3: why there are many single women among rich and powerful women

Stereotypes in society are often strong. If success and solvency for men is usually considered an unambiguous plus, then you can sometimes hear negative statements about successful women. They also say that such ladies lose their femininity, and that they cannot build happiness in their personal lives.

Success of a woman - plus or minus

Polls show that more and more men (more often strong and successful) want to see successful women with them. This is not about the woman being necessarily rich and influential or leaving her partner far behind. The bottom line is that ladies who, in some business, are less fixated on relationships (and a woman's psychological dependence can irritate a man), they are more confident in themselves, often have many interests and are able to maintain a conversation on different topics. Besides, a woman who has achieved something is probably not stupid. And contrary to the prevailing stereotype, at the moment of frankness, men admit that intelligence in women is very attractive to them, especially if this is not the only virtue and is combined with charm and charm. Women who combine intelligence and attractiveness are able to captivate and fall in love with men for a really long time.

Why successful women are single

However, there is an opinion that successful women find it difficult to find a mate, that men are afraid of them and run away from them, while others use their money and connections. And this is also true. Self-love is a man's weak point. And if a man is initially not sure of himself, if he sees that he is initially more stupid, poorer than a lady and cannot become her equal, he will run away from her, or the woman herself will not want to communicate with him. It also happens that a man has achieved success in life, but complexes from a distant problematic childhood still remain in him, and then he will not want to see a strong woman next to him, because will not be able to assert itself at the expense of her.

If she plays the role of a man in a couple, helping her partner financially, sooner or later he will leave, because will not be able to respect himself next to her, and, perhaps, will enjoy her support, while meeting other women on the side.

However, the tension in personal communication with the opposite sex can be fully justified in rich and influential women, because they know that among men there are hunters for their wealth and useful connections. Moreover, these ladies cannot afford to be too open so that it would not be used against them later. Therefore, it is useful for such women to study psychology and evaluate men more carefully, however, those who have achieved a lot usually have discernment. The main thing is not to succumb to feelings too early and not create an illusion for yourself.

A woman can scare off any man herself if she behaves arrogantly, if she is too serious and does not allow herself to enjoy life. A man will be simply bored with her or he will feel psychological pressure.

Problem or myth

From all of the above, we can conclude that a woman with a high social position should look for an equally successful and confident man. And you should also focus on mutual attraction and respect, the presence of common interests - on what usually allows a couple to have a harmonious and strong relationship. And here everything is already individual.

In general, there are hardly any reliable statistics showing that there are more lonely and unhappy women among rich and powerful women than among all others. Rather, it depends on the woman herself, how she behaves in personal relationships and how she knows how to build them for the benefit of herself. After all, all people have their own reasons for loneliness.

Every girl dreams of seeing a life partner next to her who will be reliable, successful, intelligent, generous and cheerful. But, not every potential bride gets such a set of qualities in one bottle. Why? Find out from this article what kind of women successful men choose to marry.

So, let's look at the personal qualities of women that successful men like:

1. Confidence

This quality in a woman is very much appreciated by men who are confident in themselves, their strengths and their future. Every strong man wants a woman next to him who knows what she is worth, without complexes and constraints. If a woman is not confident in herself, then she will not be able to be confident in her man - and such unions are doomed to failure.

2. Sense of humor

Strong and successful people have a sense of humor, and such men need a person nearby who is able to understand them, to be on the same wavelength. So if you want to marry a successful one, train your sense of humor.

3. Femininity

This is the first quality that attracts the attention of all men, without exception. Femininity is real, coming from the inside, and not ostentatious, which is expressed in outfits and hairstyles. Femininity is more than just outward signs - it is the constitution of the soul.

4. Optimism

A man striving for success simply cannot be a pessimist, and he will choose such a life partner for himself. Belief in the future, the ability to see only the good side in everything - this inspires a man, and helps him in realization.

5. Well-groomed appearance

Speaking about beauty, each person means something different, so natural data is not the main thing. What matters is how a girl disposes of what nature has given her - her body. You can run it to such an extent that your own reflection in the mirror will not please, but then do not hope to fall in love with not only successful, but any man in general. Men love with their eyes - and this is a fact, because the first thing they pay attention to is their appearance. A successful man chooses the best for himself, and a woman is no exception.

6. Sincerity

None of the men wants a double-bottomed person next to him. Successful men treat their families like home front to which they return from the daily battles for a better place in the sun. A woman who is next to a strong man cannot be sincere, as he will very quickly notice it. One of the strengths of successful men is that they are amazingly versed in people.

7. Willingness to Trust

Men value trust in women, and the ability to completely surrender the situation into the hands of the strong. A man who is blindly trusted by a woman simply cannot let her down. Some women, even saying that they trust, still do not stop worrying and worrying, trying to take part. This offends a man, tramples on his sense of dignity. This is how losers are born.

8. Caring

Many men who make great victories in the professional field or in business and business are not at all adapted to solving small everyday problems. Therefore, such men prefer to have a woman nearby who can take care of them.

9. Character

There is a stereotypical opinion - next to every strong man there is always some kind of beautiful doll that constantly assent to him and agrees in everything. No, it’s not like that. In fact, it is important for a man that he has a personality next to him, and not just a beautiful appearance, which will get bored very quickly.

10. Kindness

The ability to compassion, forgive, show kindness - all these qualities we can observe in women of great men who often do charity work. The kindness and gentleness of a woman bring balance to a man's life, equalize it.