What do the pits on the nails of the hands mean? All about the appearance of dimples on the nail plates. Causes of deformity of toenails in a child

A normal nail is supposed to be strong, elastic, even, smooth, shiny, pink and transparent - the tip of the finger must be clearly visible through its top. However, if the appearance of the nail plates does not correspond to the ideal, this is not a reason to suspect that you and your loved ones have various kinds of diseases.

It is possible that the whole point is in the wrong diet, with an emphasis on sweets and refined foods, or in the prolonged New Year's fast with the rejection of animal protein and fat. Food extremes deprive nails of everything they need, and primarily the amino acids that make up the super-strong protein keratin, as well as the minerals that strengthen them: calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iron, silicon and sulfur. Especially sulfur! Its atoms form multiple bonds between the chains of keratin molecules, giving them strength and preventing nails from breaking and exfoliating.

Due to hereditary characteristics, some of us accumulate sulfur more actively than others: these lucky ones never break their nails. If you are not one of them, go on a special diet. Nails love scrambled eggs and chicken broth - these dishes are high in cysteine ​​and biotin, as well as enough fat and water, which make up the thin layers between keratin layers - they are the ones that give healthy shine and elasticity to the nails.


Within a week, the nails lengthen by a little less than a millimeter, and they grow fastest on the middle finger of the right hand, and on the left they do it more slowly. Why - no one knows!

For strength, you will need cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, jelly and jellied meat, meat (especially chicken and turkey), fish, seafood. Vitamin replenishment will be provided by fruit and vegetable salads, herbs, wholemeal bread, brown rice, nuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Problems with nails often begin due to the fact that you eat dry food, forget to quench your thirst. So drink more green tea and mineral water. And have patience - the entire nail plate is updated from three months to six months: only then it will be possible to fully appreciate the effect of this diet.

Nail health: signals

In ancient times, Chinese healers made a diagnosis by the type of nails with the same accuracy with which they now do it by computed tomograms. If the same mark constantly appears on the nail, or it cracks or breaks all the time in a certain place, this is not an annoying accident, but a hint from the body that has entered the fight against the disease!

Marks on the thumbnail indicate a malfunction in the respiratory system, the index finger - about diseases of the large intestine, the middle one - about circulatory disorders, the nameless one - about nervous and endocrine disorders, the little finger - about the pathology of the small intestine and heart. It is interesting that warning signs of this kind appear long before the deterioration of health and the appearance of the first symptoms of a developing ailment. In total, over two dozen different diseases can be determined by the condition of the nails!

In the fetus, the nails grow to the fingertips only towards the end of pregnancy, so the length of the nails is an indirect sign of the full-term baby.

Of course, it is worth going to the doctor with your "secret" signs ... In general, you should undergo regular medical examinations. Just let's immediately agree not to fall into paranoia: marks on the nails can signal internal diseases, but they can also signal improper hand care. So what kind of marks can appear on the nails?

Longitudinal dents and ribs. They can indicate abnormalities in the function of the stomach, intestines, liver and other digestive organs. But most often it is the result of a vegetarian diet, in which the body suffers from zinc deficiency. To replenish it, take vitamin complexes with this mineral and eat a handful of pumpkin seeds every day.

Cross dents and pits. It is possible that we are talking about a prolonged inflammatory process smoldering in the body. It can be anything from caries and sinusitis to cholecystitis or pyelonephritis. But before you look for hidden diseases in yourself, try a little easier to wield a manicure stick, pushing back the cuticle and cutting it off. By pressing too hard on the nail at the base of the hole, you can easily deform it.

Not all nail problems have a medical connotation. They can break and delaminate, not because you are sick, but because you spend too much time at the computer keyboard.

Tubercles associated with metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders. Most likely, it is still not very up and running. Less sweet and greasy - and your nails will bounce back!

Point grooves- as from a needle prick, giving the nail plate the appearance of a thimble, are considered a sign of psoriasis. Although, most likely, you applied them with an ordinary needle when you returned the torn button to its place or embroidered a portrait of your boyfriend with a cross.

Yellow holes. This shade is associated with liver diseases, but in 99 cases out of 100 it is not about it, but about nicotine. The Ministry of Health warned you ...

Too bulging nails(shaped like watch glasses) indicate unhealthy lungs or heart.

If they also have a bluish tint, and the fingers themselves expand in the upper phalanx, acquiring the shape of drumsticks, then diseases of the cardiovascular system can be diagnosed without going to a fortuneteller: everything is already too much running.

Pale nail holes- by themselves or in combination with white spots - in the folk tradition they are considered a good sign, but doctors do not see anything good here. This happens when there is a lack of iron, calcium, zinc and silicon in the body. These conditions lead to iron deficiency anemia and osteoporosis, in which not only nails but also bones become brittle. The latent deficiency of iron, calcium and zinc due to a dislike for meat and dairy products and frequent dieting is a serious problem for top models and film actresses who are forced to maintain their figure at the expense of their own health. It is worth replenishing the reserves of substances necessary for the body, and the nails will return to normal.

Increased fragility indicates troubles in the work of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of the ovaries and malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. But it is possible that we are just talking about your habit of walking without gloves in the cold: nails become dehydrated and cracked from temperature changes.

SOFT AND THICK NAILS from a guy trying to get to know you, most likely, are not talking about a lack of calcium or fungus, but that he is an athlete-swimmer or an instructor in the pool.

Nail length

And what about friends who, like Lindsay Lohan, Kirsten Dance, Orlando Bloom, Elijah Voodoo and Philip Kirkorov, have preserved their teenage habit of biting their nails almost to the ground? Stay away from them! Such people are usually burdened with psychological problems and torn apart by internal contradictions: they can suddenly explode and generally behave unpredictably. A bad habit of this kind is akin to a drug. This is a kind of way to relieve internal tension, which is why it is so difficult to get rid of it.

If you yourself are sometimes trying to release stress in this way, try kneading the dot in the center of your chin clockwise instead - very calming. And most importantly, replace the bad habit with useful ones. For example, instead of biting your nails, do a manicure or do some handwork, following the example of Jennifer Aniston: she sculpts all kinds of shells and spirals from clay, and then jewelers cast them in gold and platinum. As a result, Jenn has the most original jewelry in Hollywood and no gnawed nails!

However, the other extreme - too long nails in the style of a vamp woman - is also not a sign of your high sociality. They cause those around you to subconsciously anxiety and make them treat you with suspicion. It was not for nothing that such nails were considered a demonic belonging among all peoples: on this basis, it was possible to recognize a witch, a mermaid or a sorcerer.

In adults, the average length of nails is 1.5 cm.And over a lifetime, men cut an average of 4 m of nails, and women - 4.5 m.

The habit of biting your nails

Biting your nails is not only an unaesthetic habit, but also a very unhygienic one. According to Jewish beliefs, evil spirits have an unhealthy habit of spinning around us at night, and at dawn hiding under our nails. That is why the inhabitants of Judea were instructed to wash their hands with the first rays of the sun, without touching them to the face (so that acne and spots do not appear), as well as to the nose (so that a runny nose does not start), eyes and ears (so as not to go blind and deaf) ... The ancient horror story makes sense - you never know what microbes could breed under the long-uncut nails of prehistoric beauties, given that neither antibacterial soap nor nail salons existed! By the way, there were no microscopes either, so Hippocrates, with a blue eye, declared to his fellow citizens that demons of diseases were hiding under the nails and, being a priest of the god of medicine Asclepius, magically expelled them from there, cutting and burning them in front of amazed patients (from such a demonstrative nail burn, in fact, then the treatment of many ailments began). Modern scientists, who do not like such attractions, have calculated that under the nails, which look absolutely clean, depending on their length, from 100 thousand to a million microbes can be hidden. There is something to think about!

The ancient Romans, like the Greeks, considered nails a refuge for evil spirits. Therefore, in order to get rid of the infection, they cut their nails and, under cover of night, glued them with resin to the neighbor's door - so that the disease would spread to him and her demon would not be angry with the former owner for his exile. With the advent of Christianity, which forbade wanting harm to one's neighbor, they began to hide their nails in the hollow of an oak tree: it is strong, it will withstand.

Irina Kovaleva

The appearance of nails is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a health point of view. The fact is that it is on the nail plates that many diseases manifest themselves in the first place. Therefore, it is very important to examine your nails from time to time and pay attention to the slightest changes in their relief, color and appearance... For example, if there are dents on the nails, then this may be a reason to see a doctor.


This disease is transmitted by contact, through the scales of the skin of a sick person. It is incredibly contagious and very difficult to treat. There are several types of fungus, and therefore, almost any deviation from the norm in the condition of the nails can be associated with this particular lesion, including dents. It is very easy to become infected with a fungus, since the only thing that can protect against it is the body's immunity, and those with weakened it are almost always infected.

Toenail fungus can be contracted in places where people walk barefoot or in shale, which also does not protect against the fungus. These can be showers in fitness clubs, saunas, solariums, etc. The situation with nail fungus on the hands is more complicated, since it can be infected almost everywhere. However, it is less common, probably because most people often wash their hands and bacteria - pathogens do not have time to penetrate the bloodstream.

These bacteria are very viable and can withstand both maximum heating up to 180 degrees and cooling down to -60 degrees. Therefore, the only way to get rid of them is to treat the surface with an aggressive chlorine-containing detergent. In addition, the best environment for them is a humid neutral, and therefore it is worth keeping your feet dry to reduce the risk of infection. An acidic environment is destructive for infectious agents, and therefore, for prevention, foot baths with lemon juice or vinegar can be done. Also, the likelihood of infection increases in the presence of injuries and wounds on the skin, so that the integrity of the cover must also be carefully monitored.

The reason why, with this disease, dents and pits appear on the nails in the uneven thickening of the plate. This usually occurs at a fairly late stage in the development of the disease. Therefore, it is likely that before that you have already noticed earlier symptoms in yourself. In any case, in the presence of symptoms such as discoloration of the plate, fragility and fragility, thickening or dimples on the nail plate, it is recommended to immediately consult a dermatologist.


If you have dents on your fingernails, then the reasons may lie in the general condition of the body. Lack of vitamins can have a very significant negative effect on the condition of the nail plate. In this case, more often than not, there is also increased hair loss or brittleness, poor skin condition, etc. Vitamin deficiency can be seasonal or have other reasons, for example, recent childbirth, etc. In particular, if the dents are located in the form of transverse grooves, and even several pieces on the plate, then this indicates a lack of iron. This symptom is often observed in vegans at the very beginning of the change in the diet, when the body has not yet adapted to the lack of meat and is experiencing an acute lack of zinc.

In order for both the nails and the entire body to come to a normal state, it is necessary to start eating right and include the necessary vitamins in your diet. If we are talking about nails, then to improve their appearance, it is important to get enough B vitamins contained in cereals, E - in butter, A and others. Of the microelements, calcium plays the most important role, which can be obtained by eating cheese and dairy products, as well as iron and zinc. If eating the right food does not bring the expected result, then you can start taking multivitamin complexes sold at the pharmacy. However, it is best to be prescribed by a doctor.

Somatic diseases

Often, quite serious diseases of internal organs manifest themselves through the pits on the nails of the hands. Thus, if a dent has formed on the thumb, then this is evidence of problems with the lungs and / or respiratory system. On the index one - with the gastrointestinal tract and the digestive system, as well as, sometimes, with the intestines.

If pits appear on the nails on the middle finger, then this may indicate a whole range of problems. This may indicate problems with blood circulation and blood oxygen saturation. In addition, about problems in the cardiovascular system. A similar diagnosis can be assumed with such manifestations on the little finger. Nervous system problems may explain the appearance of indentations in the ring finger nail.

If all fingernails are in dimples and grooves, then we can talk about changes and disorders in the urinary system, kidneys, adrenal glands and liver. Small pits indicate an unhealthy state of the pancreas. Latent inflammatory and purulent processes can also manifest themselves in a similar way.

Naturally, the condition of the nails cannot serve as a reason for establishing an unambiguous conclusion about the state of health. Thus, in order to determine what dents on the nails mean, it is important to assess the full range of symptoms. And if suspicions of any diagnosis are confirmed, immediately seek qualified medical help.

“Hands are the most honest part of a woman: they will tell what her tongue will never betray” - the French joke, hinting that the carefully hidden age can be recognized by the hands. In fact, the hands are much more eloquent. By the condition of the hands, and especially the nails, one can judge about disorders in the human body.

The nails can be used to diagnose disorders of the body and some diseases:

* If the color of the nails is uneven, bluish or paler than the color of the skin, there is reason to suspect a violation of the circulatory system.
* Transverse grooves on the surface of the nail indicate a recent severe infectious disease.
* Longitudinal scars on the nails are a sign of an unbalanced diet.
* Horizontal dents or dimples remain after abrupt, adversely affecting the body, dietary changes.
* Brittle nails most often cause frequent contact with aggressive detergents. Another more serious cause of brittle nails is metabolic disorders.
* White spots on the nails indicate an excess of sugar in the blood (possibly incipient diabetes).
* Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail indicates a violation of fat metabolism, and may also indicate respiratory diseases.
* The appearance of bulges resembling small pearls is a sign of a protracted viral disease.
* Concave (spoon-shaped) nails can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.
* The wells of the nails become whitish or pearlescent if the skin is insufficiently nourished.
* Nails begin to flake or split if there is a malfunction in the ovaries.

By the nails, you can also establish the approximate time of occurrence of deviations in the work of one or another organ. For a week, fingernails grow by about 1 mm, and the full life cycle of a human nail is about 6 months. Based on this, we can conclude that the deviation due to which the spots or grooves that appeared near the hole appeared appeared about 3 months ago.

Hands can also reveal the secret of internal changes in the body:

* What your hands will tell you: Purple fingertips indicate poor digestion.
* Dark red with a lilac shade of the color of the fingertips indicates problems with the functioning of the kidneys.
* Spots on the skin of Venus tubercles indicate disorders of the reproductive system.
* Red nodules between the toes can appear with thyroid disease.
* Rough skin on the back of the index fingers is a sign of malfunctioning of the gallbladder.

Is it true that nail polishes contain toxic substances?

The opinion about the harmful effect of varnishes on the health of the nail plates is widespread. It is only partially true. Only low-quality varnishes of dubious origin are harmful to the nails. High-quality varnishes not only do not harm nails, but, on the contrary, nourish, strengthen and protect them. Especially useful are nail coatings enriched with proteins, calcium, natural oils and vitamins. However, even under the highest quality nail polish of bright or dark color (scarlet, purple, dark brown, black, etc.), a protective base should be applied - it does not allow bright coloring pigments to be absorbed into the nail plate, and then the nails do not change their natural color.

What are different manicure products - varnishes, bases, fixers?

All manicure products are complex compositions composed of chemicals from five basic groups: solvents, thinners, plasticizers, film-forming agents and dyes. In addition to the basic components, the composition of manicure products includes specific additives aimed at nail care (natural oils, vitamins, proteins, minerals, etc.). Attention: low-quality varnishes may contain substances hazardous to health. These substances can not only cause allergic reactions, but also provoke the growth of cancer cells and can cause fetal malformation in pregnant women (!).

Toluene, sulfonamide, formaldehyde rubbers, formaldehyde, methacrylate, dibutyl phthalate (DBF) are recognized as dangerous components of nail varnishes.

The base under the varnish (base) is the same varnish, only without dyes. The content of the caring components in the base is usually higher than in the decorative varnish. The task of the base under the varnish is to prevent the penetration of bright pigments into the nail plate, giving the nails a yellow color over time. The special base can be replaced with a regular light or clear varnish.

A fixer (protective coating) is a means that no longer protects nails, but a decorative varnish. Its task is to protect varnish pigments from fading in the light, to give strength to the varnish coating and to maintain the original gloss of the varnish. There are no caring components in the fixative, since they cannot penetrate into the nail plate through a layer of decorative varnish.

The following nutritional supplements will help strengthen your nails: vitamins A and D, calcium, proteins. But, perhaps, the most pleasant way is to eat 200 grams on an empty stomach for a month. fruit jelly, as gelatin is good for nails. It stimulates their growth, makes them stronger and smoother.


The disease leukonychia (or white dots on the nails) can appear in a person at any age, regardless of his social status and gender. As a rule, the ailment is a delamination of the nail plates and the formation of cavities in them of various shapes, sizes and colors. Leukonychia often occurs on the nails of the hands, because they are more exposed to heavy loads and contact with aggressive chemicals.

Why do dots appear on the nails

Healthy beautiful nails are an indicator of grooming and indicate the state of the human body as a whole. Often, the presence of certain diseases can be determined by changing the type of plates. One of the symptoms of a malfunction of the body is considered to be white spots and stripes on the nails, which can grow and cut off, or stay in place and increase in size.

A healthy person should have hard, shiny nails. color pink... The environment, nutrition, beauty care, mechanical, physical and chemical stress are important factors that affect the appearance of troubles such as spots and pits. White dots, depressions, stripes on the nails have a medical name - leukonychia.


White spots on the nail plates are not always a sign of the development of the disease. They often indicate mechanical damage and, over time, quickly disappear without assistance. The appearance of points, irregularities on the horny tissue can be preceded by various events of external or internal origin. The disease often appears as a reaction of the body to a complex of negative factors. External causes of leukonychia:

  • Alcohol and smoking. They have a detrimental effect on the absorption of useful microelements.
  • Injuries. Careless damage to the nail plate, carelessly done manicure can provoke the appearance of white dots. In addition, mechanical stress often leads to onycholysis - distal plate detachment.
  • Aggressive substances. Contact with detergents, chemicals, frequent use of acetone, low-quality varnishes also affect the development and structure of points.
  • Manicure by an inexperienced master or non-sterile instruments. As a result, there is an infection of hard and soft tissues, their inflammation, destruction.
  • Stress. A busy work schedule, constant worries, overwork, nervous situations affect both the state of the psyche and the appearance of the hands.
  • Tight shoes (for the legs).
  • Neglect of personal hygiene products.

Sometimes white dots are a sign of a malfunction in the body, which can only be determined by a qualified doctor. Internal causes of white stripes, spots, dots on the nail plates can be:

  • kidney pathology;
  • disturbances in the digestive system;
  • accumulation of slags;
  • severe restrictions on food;
  • problems in the work of the intestines, stomach;
  • the development of the fungus;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • dysbiosis (violation of microflora);
  • lack of protein in the body.

What do the points on the nail plate mean?

To find the cause of the appearance of white spots, it is necessary to correctly determine their type. There are several varieties of dots, which are classified according to their location, appearance, shape, size, brightness of expression and quantity. There are several types of leukonychia disease:

  • Limited. It appears as small white spots. Pathological changes affect only one part of the nail, the rest looks healthy. This type is often confused with point leukonychia.
  • Spot (full). It is characterized by the appearance of small dots on many nails at once. They sometimes grow together into one large spot, covering up to half of the plate. As a rule, this disease occurs due to mechanical damage.
  • Striped. It appears with chemical poisoning or as a result of a lack of trace elements. White stripes occur with a diet, unbalanced diet. Lines can be positioned vertically or horizontally. At the same time, the edge of the nail is destroyed.
  • Total. Pathology begins with small dots, which, gradually increasing in size, cause complete destruction of the stratum corneum. The disease is common in children. If this type of ailment is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor, since such leukonychia is considered an indicator of infection or diseases of internal organs (liver, kidneys).


Dark spots on the nails indicate internal problems of the body. First, red, and then blackening dots appear due to injury. If it was not there, such spots indicate psoriasis, heart disease. Yellow dots can appear in smokers and indicate the presence of a fungal infection. Dark bluish spots indicate respiratory problems. More often than others, white dots appear, which are air bubbles that arise due to a failure in the development of cells. The reasons for such a violation may be:

  • lack of nutrients;
  • stress, depression, nervous breakdown;
  • malnutrition, strict protein restriction diet;
  • exposure to chemistry;
  • acute and chronic infectious diseases;
  • injury.


Pinpoint indentations that form small pits in the plate are called thimble syndrome. The size of such dents is approximately equal to the head of a pin. The bottom of the pits is slightly flaky, but the surface remains smooth. The depth of the indentations depends on the disease that caused this condition. The pits can be small or deep (for example, in syphilis). If their appearance is accompanied by itching, burning, then this indicates the presence of a fungal disease.

Cross dents appearing on the thumbnail are often indicative of breathing problems. Small, randomly spaced grooves can occur due to malfunctioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and the digestive system. Dots on the nails in the form of holes indicate the presence of psoriasis, dermatosis, alopecia areata (alopecia) or spleen pathology.


Longitudinal stripes on the plate can signal a malfunction in the work of internal organs, weakened immunity, hormonal imbalance, fungus. Along with serious diseases, the appearance of longitudinal stripes is possible due to poor manicure, when the nail was damaged. Irregular grooves often occur in diseases of the endocrine system (obesity, diabetes mellitus).

Transverse stripes look like arcuate grooves, stretching from one skin ridge to another. Often such lines form white spots of small diameter, densely gathered in one plane. The most common cause of transverse stripes is a lack of vitamins (iron, zinc). In addition, transverse dents that appear on the nail indicate the presence of problems with the bronchopulmonary apparatus.


If any changes appear in the condition of the nail plates, you should seek the help of a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct initial examination which includes an external examination of the fingers, interviewing the patient, taking a scraping for the fungus. After that, the patient can be referred to such specialists as: oncologist, neuropathologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist or dentist. If the appearance of points provoked non-mechanical tissue damage, to identify the real cause, the patient is assigned a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • general analysis of urine, blood;
  • radiography;
  • spectral analysis for trace elements;
  • sounding of the stomach, intestines;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of points on the nails

When leukonychia occurs, an integrated approach to treatment is required. It is important to accurately establish the cause of the onset of the disease, because only its elimination will help get rid of white spots. It is better to carry out treatment under the supervision of a specialist. The therapy plan depends on the location of the spots, the severity, and the form of the somatic disease. As a rule, it is compiled individually for each patient. All patients with leukonychia are recommended to carry out the following measures:

  • elimination of stressful situations;
  • proper hand skin care;
  • balanced nutrition, enrichment of the diet with foods rich in protein, microelements and vitamins (meat, green fruits and vegetables, dairy products);
  • elimination of aggressive external factors (contact with varnishes, paints, household chemicals);
  • intake of vitamin and mineral complexes: Pantovigar, Revalid, Perfectil, Fitofaner, Alphabet Cosmetic tablets.

For local treatment of nail plates, the doctor may advise the patient to:

  • the use of traditional medicine (medicinal baths with chamomile, applications with oils);
  • the use of antifungal drugs and ointments for external use;
  • carrying out procedures with professional cosmetic products to strengthen nails (baths, compresses);
  • manual therapy; the use of massage and medicinal lotions improves blood circulation, metabolism in damaged tissues.

When a patient detects diseases of the digestive, nervous, excretory or cardiovascular systems, the treatment of white spots on the nail plates should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. Only complex therapy will help eliminate unpleasant cosmetic defects in the form of spots and prevent the progression of the disease.


Fungus infection can occur in public places - swimming pools, saunas, baths. Infection is possible with skin contact with an infected person. Pathogens often live in dirty water. To make a diagnosis, a dermatologist performs a scraping of the nail plate. The type of fungus that caused the infection is determined in a laboratory. Based on the test results, further treatment is determined. All funds and preparations should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Therapy for fungal infections is a slow process, because the penetration of medicinal ointments through the nail plate takes a long time. The most effective drugs for the treatment of fungus are: Fundizol cream, Lotseril varnish, Batrafen, Undecin ointment. In addition, healing baths with sea salt, potassium permanganate help. Essential oils of tea tree, celandine, which at the same time strengthen and prevent brittle nails, have proven themselves well in the fight against fungus.


With a chronic non-infectious disease - psoriasis, patients rarely have only one nails affected. Typically, other parts of the body are affected as well. In psoriasis, treatment is performed with phototherapy, and surgery is also possible to remove the deformed plates. Sometimes a defect can be hidden by a manicure. Symptoms for psoriasis can vary:

  • Small depressions (holes) appear on the nails.
  • Thickening is formed.
  • The nails turn yellow with a brown tint.

When choosing a treatment, a specialist takes into account the severity of the course of the disease, the causes of psoriasis, and the individual characteristics of the patient. The initial degree of the disease includes the following therapeutic measures:

  • restoration of digestive function;
  • using medicated varnish and gels to moisturize the skin;
  • regulation of hormonal levels;
  • taking antihistamines (Suprastin, Claritin), multivitamins (Complivit), glucocorticosteroids (Betamethasone ointment) and immunosuppressants (Cyclosporin, Methotrexate);
  • the use of external agents (Belvedere varnish, Daivonex cream).

Damage to the nail

Constant exposure to chemicals on the nails leads to onychochisis, and the symptoms of the disease are the nail fossae. Medical workers and employees of factories involved in chemical processing are susceptible to the disease. The constant use of disinfectants, detergents at home only aggravates the process. If white streaks appear after exposure to chemicals, discontinue use or wear gloves. Special baths with potassium permanganate and soda also help.

In case of mechanical damage (from blows, improper cutting of the cuticle), the horny tissue of the hand can be treated with tincture of oak bark, sea salt, iodine. After the procedure for steaming nails in such a bath, the damaged area should be dried and lubricated with fish oil. Damage to the nail can be caused by the influence of temperature... Such lesions occur in people exposed to long-term exposure to ionizing radiation. Cold compresses, baths with salt, rubbing sea buckthorn oil will be able to alleviate the patient's condition during thermal exposure.


White spots are considered one of the main signs of a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Concomitant symptoms of vitamin deficiency are: peeling of the skin, dry and brittle hair. Often, with a lack of vitamins, pits, white dots appear on the nails of the hands. Horizontal or vertical stripes indicate that there is not enough iron in the body. With exhaustion (dystrophy), weakness of the plate, silicon, vitamin B, zinc, iodine, iron, selenium and copper are needed.

The lack of vitamins can be compensated by the organization of a healthy balanced diet and the ingestion of special complexes. The following are very popular: Merz dragee, Complivit tablets, Alphabet complex. Nutrition for vitamin deficiency should be varied. It is necessary to eat products of animal origin (eggs, meat, fish, cheese), plant foods containing useful microelements.


After successful elimination of white spots, it is recommended to carry out regular prophylaxis in order to avoid the reappearance of defects in the future. Timely rest, healthy sleep, and nutrition without severe restrictions have a positive effect on nail health. To prevent the appearance of stains, you can use soothing baths with natural ingredients (lemon, salt, honey, soda, essential oils, herbal decoctions). Besides, prevention of lekonychia involves:

  • compliance with the regime of rest, work;
  • timely diagnosis, treatment of somatic diseases;
  • elimination of alcohol, smoking;
  • the use of protective equipment when working with chemicals;
  • careful manicure;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.


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What do the transverse pits / grooves on the nails mean? and got the best answer

Answer from Constantine [guru]
Lack of vitamins and then normalization

Answer from Elena-Maria[guru]

Answer from Loser[guru]
I read that each nail is an indicator of one or another organ in the human body. In its ideal, the nail should be even, shiny and not exfoliate, the more it does not fit these conditions, the more the organ is not healthy, the indicator of which it is.

Answer from Anatoly[active]
vitamin deficiency, lack of calcium, etc. but it is better to go to the doctor, because the symptoms are similar to different deficiencies or, God forbid, diseases, with respect.

Answer from Andrey Pistsov[newbie]
vitamin deficiency, lack of calcium

Answer from Lyubov Brynzan[active]
The nails can be used to diagnose disorders of the body and some diseases:

If the color of the nails is uneven, bluish, or paler than the color of the skin, there is reason to suspect a violation of the circulatory system.
Transverse grooves on the surface of the nail indicate a recent severe infectious disease.
Longitudinal scars on the nails are a sign of an unbalanced diet.
Horizontal dents or dimples remain after abrupt, adversely affecting the body, dietary changes.
Brittle nails most often cause frequent contact with aggressive detergents. Another more serious cause of brittle nails is metabolic disorders.
White spots on the nails indicate an excess of sugar in the blood (possibly incipient diabetes).
Yellow spots or complete yellowing of the nail indicates a violation of fat metabolism, and may also indicate respiratory diseases.
The appearance of bulges resembling small pearls is a sign of a protracted viral disease.
Concave (spoon-shaped) nails can be a sign of iron deficiency anemia.
The wells of the nails become whitish or pearlescent if the skin is insufficiently nourished.
Nails begin to flake or split if there is a malfunction in the ovaries.
By the nails, you can also establish the approximate time of occurrence of deviations in the work of one or another organ. For a week, fingernails grow by about 1 mm, and the full life cycle of a human nail is about 6 months. Based on this, we can conclude that the deviation due to which the spots or grooves that appeared near the hole appeared appeared about 3 months ago.
Hands can also reveal the secret of internal changes in the body:
A purple colored fingertip indicates a poor digestive system.
Dark red with a lilac shade on the tips of the fingers indicates a malfunction in the functioning of the kidneys.
Spots on the skin of the Venus tubercles indicate disorders of the reproductive system.
Red nodules between the fingers can appear with thyroid disease.
Rough skin on the back of the index fingers is a sign of malfunctioning of the gallbladder.