The young lady was sewing as always. Sign: prick your finger with a needle, what is it for, how to protect yourself. Your laces are always a mess

In the modern world, the chances of a girl to prick her finger sewing needle extremely few. It is much more likely to get a scratch from the jewelry or be pricked by a rose thorn.

However, even in the last century, girls spent most of their day sewing and embroidery, which could well lead to minor injuries with a needle. They embroidered primarily in order to prepare the dowry for marriage. This is probably why the meaning of most of the signs associated with needle injections is associated with love and marriage.

Damage from sharp objects on the right hand means quarrels and troubles in a relationship with a male representative, a slight cut on the left hand means a scandal with a female colleague or acquaintance.

The worst omen is to cut several fingers on the left hand with a knife, it is believed that this can lead to the loss of a relative or family member. Relatives of the injured person should immediately go to live elsewhere. At the same time, if there is blood flow - expect the loss of a blood relative, and if there is no blood - just big trouble.

The girl knew that this was a sign that she would soon meet her soul mate. If the beloved has already been, then at this moment he thinks about her, remembers, misses

Pricking your finger while sewing has always been considered a sign rather positive than negative. As a general rule, such an event promised the girl praise and high appreciation of her work.

The second meaning is that her lover thinks about the girl, dreams of meeting her. To prick her finger with a sewing needle before Christmas or New Year meant that next year the girl would certainly meet her betrothed and get married.

It was undesirable to embroider before the wedding, because if the bride pricks her finger, her married life will be hectic and prickly.

The value of the prick on each finger:

  1. Accidentally injuring a girl's thumb with a needle means that soon she will receive a marriage proposal. For a married lady, on the contrary, such an injection is a negative omen, foreshadowing unpleasant events and scandals.
  2. Getting an injection in the index finger - to family troubles or quarrels with relatives.
  3. To prick the middle finger indicates that one should beware of envy and gossip from others. The feelings of the beloved should be protected and more attention should be paid to him.
  4. To prick the ring finger is a sign of damage or an unkind eye. You have an ill-wisher who wants to bring negativity into your life. Caution and discretion should be exercised.
  5. A prick of the little finger indicates possible jealousy on your part. You should stop being jealous of other people's victories and focus on your own life.

A young lady who had not married sat down to embroider on New Year... If she pricked her finger with a needle, then she will get married in the New Year. It was a divination rite

Prick your finger with a rose thorn or pin

To prick with a rose thorn means disappointment in a loved one, most likely in the giver of flowers. Received a pin prick - soon you will lose touch with a close friend. If you accidentally sit on a needle or pin, this portends disappointment in your loved one.

Of course, cuts and pricks are common in everyday life. If this happens rarely, and the trauma does not cause you much of a problem, you should not attach too much importance to such events.

However, if such pricks and cuts occur frequently enough over a short period of time, you should listen. Perhaps this is a sign of fate, foreshadowing good events or warning against failure.

After the depreciation of the ruble, clothing in Moscow stores has risen noticeably. Someone, having resigned themselves to this, began to go to shopping centers less often, someone now makes purchases exclusively at sales, and some have discovered second-hand stores or returned to the method tested by generations - hand-made sewing.

The Village met five people who create clothes for themselves and others on their own, and found out why sewing is akin to meditation and whether it is possible to sew a dress for a thousand rubles.


I am a third-year student at Moscow State University of Theater Arts, Kosygin University. I love my university for the fact that it provides a classical knowledge base, with which you are almost like Roland Bart (French post-structuralist philosopher and semioticist. - Ed.) studying costume design and semiotics (a science that studies the properties of signs and sign systems. - Ed. note). This is very cool!

I went to university after I started sewing on my own. Then I realized that I want to say something to people through working with clothes and fabrics. I am concerned about the issue of consumption and overproduction, as well as a huge amount of garbage in the form of ugly clothes that in no way reflect personality. I would like people to stop sewing and buying all this.

I started sewing clothes simply because I could not always find what I wanted in stores. It is much easier to independently do something corresponding to the internal state.

I've been sewing for four years now. She studied herself, but periodically checked something with her aunt, who is professionally engaged in sewing, and did something using video tutorials. I am very inspired by personalities with pronounced character traits. I have an acquaintance whose image fascinated me. Then for some reason I decided that I wanted to sew a shirt. And she expressed in her her impression of his image, of how a person presented himself, and how he looked. And then I just started sewing more and decided that I needed to go to study to become a fashion designer at the university.

I have not tried it yet, but I really want to take, for example, Galliano's thing or someone from the new designers and try to copy it. It seems to me that everyone who sews needs to have the skill of copying. In easel painting, students of the same "Surikovka" all preparatory course copy Russian and Soviet painting, developing technique.

I often do things to order. Recently I sewed for a movie heroine: a classic blue dress with a half-sun skirt - according to the script, it was her husband's favorite dress. A quiet, homely, downtrodden woman - this heroine devoted her whole life to her family. She gives injections to grandmothers and cooks for her husband. In general, I would like to participate more in such projects, when you do not just sew, but with history.

For myself, I have practically not sewed anything since the summer. I have cut jeans - nothing new has happened to them since. Probably the hardest thing for me in sewing is working with fabric. It is very important to choose the right material for the chosen shape and be able to work with it - to know how to tailor it correctly, to calculate everything correctly. Sewing skill is developed with the amount of sewn. An even line is not the worst thing. It's scary when you're afraid to start.

Recently I sewed a coat for a girl to order. In terms of the amount, it turned out to be almost the same as buying ready-made in a store. But finding a coat of the cut and quality that you like is not always possible. When you sew yourself, you can clearly define the style features. But, for example, there is Massimo Dutti - and you stylize it or not stylize it, but it is difficult to remove the classics from it.

I love to sew clothes as a gift: I gave my sister a dress for the New Year, and I sewed a shirt for my friend. Even now I am sewing a shirt for my friend - also a shirt. I love giving ready-made things to my friends, I give them something like this: “Oh, this will suit you, take it!”.

Quite often I go to second-hand shops, and more often than not I do not even have a goal to buy, but I have a task to get inspired or find something to work with. There are very high quality items in second-hand shops. I also love Avito and eBay is a treasure trove. There are also pure accidents. I recently bought myself a down jacket - in the dark, in Kuzminki, from a girl for 650 rubles. She, apparently, washed him unsuccessfully in the washing machine - he was all strayed to one side. That is, there is fluff on the one hand, but not on the other. I sat over him for half a day, trying to bring him to his senses. Now he seems to be alive and everything is fine with him, but it took a lot of patience.

Probably, I would like to open my own workshop. Maybe we'll get together with our friends and try to rent something bright, like in the artist's house on Vavilov Street, and work together.

I am 26 years old, by education I am a graphic designer - I studied at the "British", but there the cost of education was greatly increased, I had to take an academic leave. Now I am still looking for a job in my specialty and my sewing skills are very helpful. The last part-time freelance jobs were related to the fact that I sewed something.

Since childhood, I have altered and spoiled my mother's things in every possible way. Mom dressed very cool. She had, for example, an Armani leather jacket, a bunch of pretty dresses. My great-grandmother taught me how to sew. I remember that in her room there was a Singer typewriter - a wooden one with a metal pedal. As a child, I was not very sociable, I stayed at home and loved to delve into my things. So I took it myself and started sewing - after my great-grandmother showed how the machine works.

The first thing I changed was one of my mother’s dresses, from which I made myself a blouse. It was in the third grade. Now I don't even remember how it happened, but I came to school in a new outfit. Later, at the age of fourteen, I began to sew strange outfits for myself - such was the period: I listened to strange music and looked rather strange, looked like a punk. Already in high school, I ruined the aforementioned Armani jacket: I sewed an absolutely terrible bag out of it, having no idea how to work with leather correctly. And even spent a whole year with her. The first more or less adequate thing that I sewed for myself eight years ago was a dressing gown without buttons.

I tried to make a collection of clothes. But the problem is that I don’t have the patience for such things. Here you need knowledge and you need to think about everything in detail. And I rarely sew things from scratch even for myself. The fact is that I don't cut very well, and in order to build something, I need to strain.

So it's much easier to buy something in a second-hand store, and only then alter everything for yourself. Moreover, in recent times clothes have gone up insanely. I worked in JNBY retail and know the cost of things. I really don't want to pay for them three or four times more money than they actually cost. Because, on the one hand, I don't have much money, and on the other, I want to avoid being involved in the consumption machine. Plus, of course, it's still more interesting to have a thing that no one else has, even if you remade it from the mass market.

Sewing is like meditation: you do something with your hands, and this affects your mood and brain function. It seems to me that manual labor is, in principle, very important. But lately, I no longer sew, but redo it. Having discovered "Megastil" for myself, I often buy things there that do not suit me, for example, in size, and alter them for myself. The complexity depends on the thing - the skirt is easy enough to reshape. But, for example, in a coat or trousers, you need to unpick everything and know the very design of the thing well.

In terms of inspiration, Instagram influences me: I see some things in the feed that I like, and often think: “It would be cool to sew myself the same one, but from a different material”. I have a fairly large stack of Burda magazines with ready-made patterns... If you take some basic pattern, you can build anything you want out of it. The things that come to my mind, I try to sketch.

I remember that two years ago I sewed myself a dress from velvet on silk. It was a real hassle, because the material is complex: it is difficult to process the edges on a regular household machine. And I made the pattern like this: I had a Paul Smith sweatshirt with very cool sleeves, I ripped it open, took off the pattern and just lengthened it.

Recently I had a part-time job where I sewed 30 raincoats, and at some point did not sleep for two days. I arrived after the rest, I was offered to sew them, but they dragged on for a very long time: for a month they approved the samples that I sewed. Suddenly, a girl from there calls me and says: "We have a deadline in a week." I urgently needed to go and buy about a hundred meters of fabric. It is good that there is a warehouse at Shchelkovskaya where everything is sold in bulk, in rolls of one hundred meters. You can also find all sorts of locks and fittings there. For the first time in my life I installed the buttons myself with these raincoats, and as a result, the deadline was not in a week, but in two.

Personally, I really like the cutting process when you transfer the pattern to the fabric. But the most wonderful moment is when you have already put on a thing and can go out in this form.

In terms of difficulties, it happens in different ways. It all depends too much on what kind of clothes you sew: for example, dresses are very difficult to process the edges. Plus the level of difficulty depends on the material and the presence of small parts. Maybe that's why I will never undertake to sew myself a dress shirt. I'm not the kind of person who can sit down and spend an entire day doing such a painstaking job with one thing. There was a case, I tried to sew myself a bra. But you need a special machine and a lot of patience - all these fabrics are slippery and stretch a lot. I had patterns of vintage lingerie - I sewed one for myself once and then decided that I didn't want it anymore.

Of course, it's cheaper to sew yourself anyway. But your time is also money. You can go to the bar in the evening, or you can sit down and do sewing. If you know the places where you can buy fabric inexpensively, half the job is done. So, you can sew a dress for 800 rubles, but it will look like a Zara dress made of the same fabric for 8 thousand rubles. Moreover, the fabric can be found better.

I sew a lot as a gift. I give bags, backpacks - bag-like, with a thick bottom. I rarely buy clothes for myself. Recently, I have become quite cool about clothes in principle - in the sense that I no longer need to buy a new sweater, a new coat, and so on every season. Because if I buy a coat, then I try to buy an expensive and high-quality item that can then serve me for a long time. The last coat I bought at Uniqlo on sale eight years ago, I still wear it today.

In the future, I want to work in my specialty, as this is most interesting to me. But at the same time, I want to bring the story of the bags to mind. So far, I am sewing myself, but if there are sales and it becomes interesting, I will give it to production, otherwise I will have to sit at the typewriter from morning to evening.

I am 28 years old, I have two educations, and according to the first I am a director-teacher. I graduated from college in Yaroslavl, then came to St. Petersburg - there I already studied producing. But it so happened that from there I escaped from the third year and moved to Moscow. And then I came across Vyacheslav Zaitsev's Fashion Laboratory. I studied there for a year, then Vyacheslav Mikhailovich left me to work. I offered him a project - to create clothes for fat people from his brand. He liked this idea, and he gave me complete freedom. I myself drew sketches, cut and sewed myself. I worked with Zaitsev for about a year, and our paths parted, went to do my own thing: I got the first clients who, through word of mouth, began to pass me from hand to hand.

It all started with sewing for yourself. From an early age, I asked my granny to alter or fix something for me - first in early childhood and then, when I graduated from high school and entered college. When I started shopping with my mother, I constantly didn’t like something, and most of the time it was the same thing on sale. My grandmother played a big role - it was she who instilled in me a sense of style and always discouraged me from dressing like everyone else. She often said: "Why, like everyone else, if you can do something of your own to look up to you?"

For the first time, I seriously took up sewing in directing, when it was necessary to pass a diploma and sew costumes for a theatrical performance. Naturally, the students do not have the money to buy, so you have to come up with it yourself. I bought fabrics, cut something somewhere, made costumes - everything went very well. And then I forgot about this experience and went on to become a director.

It all happened in a few weeks. I arrived in Moscow at the end of August, and in September I went to study at the Fashion Laboratory. While directing, I realized how important a costume is, how big a role things play in people's lives. A person dressed in luxury brands behaves differently: he has a different posture, manners. People who wear mass-market clothes look more athletic.

Until recently, I was not interested in sewing for extras, I wanted to work with specific people. That is, I was engaged in individual tailoring. Now my colleague and I have created a brand of industrial technical clothing. We sewed a collection, made a show and opened a small showroom - we do not sew rags for the sake of a rag, but clothes for people - workers in any field. Cooks, paramedics, builders, security services, the military - they are distinguished by their clothes. We take a gown and recycle it. We take an interesting fabric and experiment with it.

I am inspired by people and their stories - victories or, conversely, tragedies. There is a lot of inspiration everywhere, even in the clothes themselves. I can look at a regular down jacket and be inspired by some detail. Instagram also inspires. Plus, now there are a lot of public places where guys post interesting things.

In principle, creativity itself is a kind of meditation. And if you really want to do something, then the right people come to you, you find the appropriate fabrics, suitable associations and pictures.

First of all, I try to sew on myself. I have basic things: trousers, shirts and T-shirts - what is comfortable for me to work in. Specifically, now I sew myself quite rarely, because the workload is large. If I have a fabric left and I like it, I take it and sew. I also sew as needed for a special occasion or event. I build the patterns myself, but the fabrics are mostly Italian.

Arma has a stock store of Italian, French and German fabrics. In the Krasnoselskaya area there is a store with a large selection of fabrics - quite expensive for sewing, but they differ in quality and appearance. I look at my fellow workers - they can afford to sew from synthetics, but for me this is an insult.

Sewing is no longer difficult for me. I have worked a lot and done a lot of things, and I understand that the whole technology is very simple, the main thing is to get my hands on it. Naturally, it is difficult to work with light fabrics such as chiffon, organza. You can't even breathe there when you sew. Trousers have always been especially difficult for me - I was afraid of them. Especially for obese women. But one day I took an order, sewed trousers, everything went well, and the fear immediately disappeared.

If you are afraid of something, naturally, you do not undertake it, and this complex grows. In fact, you just need to start. Now I have learned a lot, but there are still difficult things - this is all that needs to be planted on the figure. The human body is very specific: in the morning it can be one, and in the evening it can be different. You need to understand the composition of the tissue, how it behaves during human movements, in a static state, and so on.

I sew clothes as a gift. For example, to all your friends. It's nice when they write: "I'm in your sweater!" The most important thing is to be needed. It is, of course, cheaper for yourself to sew than to buy. One and a half to two thousand for the fabric - that's all. Now I don’t buy clothes for myself - maybe socks. And I order underwear from Russian designers, as well as shoes. I try to support my colleagues.


I am 29 years old, I design stage costumes and just sew custom-made clothes. I even made costumes for Anita Tsoi's dancer at the Golden Gramophone. I haven't bought any clothes for myself for seven years.

At the age of 13, I transferred to an art class at a gymnasium where local fashionistas studied. Then I started to redo my mother's old things, because I wanted to look different from everyone else. For example, I took out old jeans, cooked them in different colors, sewed in guipure, made some interesting textures and came to school with them. One day the headmistress sent me home to change with the words: "You are discriminating against children who do not have money for clothes." And when I said that I was doing all this with my own hands, she gave me all the resources and a teacher to implement my ideas. This is how my first collection of clothes was born at the age of 14.

When I was 12 years old, my mother said: "You are already an adult, now I will not sew for you - I will only show you what's what." And that's all - I checked every step with her. I even remember my first piece, which I made when I was 12, a black pencil skirt with green zip. Often I would take my mother's old things and redo them. I remember how I found a corduroy skirt and an old polar fox collar, cut it into five parts, painted each one with special paint, cut and pasted the skirt with this fur. Embroidered with beads and sequins on top.
Unfortunately, the skirt has not survived.

There are several options for how a thing appears. It happens that an image appears, for which you select the fabric and texture.
And it happens that you see a fabric in a store and a specific thing is born in your head. In fact, an image can be born from any random object. You look at a brick - and the idea of ​​texture arises. You can even look at the doorknob and get inspired by the shape and material.

I love to look at different designers on - you can find anything there, literally all the collections. It seems to me that everyone there can find a designer to their liking. Many teachers say: don't look, otherwise you will start copying. But in reality, you just keep up with the times.

I studied at the National Design Institute of the Union of Designers of Russia. When I entered there, it was a small university, where teachers were looking for their own approach to each student. For me, this is a great value in education. Every year we released a collection of clothes on a given theme.

Then I tried to repeat the clothes of famous designers, but not one to one. After all, you can also get inspired by other designers - there are a lot of talented people in the world and there are elements that just never go out of your head. For example, I saw a collection with a fringe at Givenchy and made myself a vest from double-sided leather - I cut each fringe separately. It is very time consuming, but in the end I ended up with a fringed vest to the floor.

Now I have a lot of work, and I don’t have time to sew something for myself, but I used to do a new thing once a week. five or six things.

I have a favorite warehouse where you can find stock Italian fabrics. For example, on Nizhegorodskaya street or on "Savelovskaya". For those who are not strong in design, there are special design magazines, such as Burda, where, I believe, you can find good shapes and model interesting models. I work with a standard base, from which any model can be constructed, but in general I often cut out practically by eye and work on a mannequin using a tattoo.

The most difficult thing for me is the classic costumes. The quality of the details in these suits requires meticulous precision. There are people who enjoy sewing these pieces. On the contrary, I love large forms and draperies. But, in principle, nothing is impossible for me at all: I used to sew hats and corsets from mirror plastic when I participated in my first design competitions.

I have impulsive purchases, but I practically never go to clothing stores, if only for the company. Of course, it is several times cheaper to buy fabrics and sew your own clothes. At the same time, you will have a much better fabric than a thing from a store, plus you will enjoy the fact that you made this thing yourself. You can, of course, buy a meter for 100 euros - the materials are different. But in general, you can make a very cool dress for yourself for 5 thousand rubles. I buy linen, but I already understand that I have to sew. It's just that there is a certain specificity of equipment and subtlety of work.

I started sewing in the eighth grade with avosek - fabric handbags. I sewed one for myself, painted something with acrylic paint, came to school with it, and all my classmates asked for the same. That is how it all began - one might say that the first orders I had were for these handbags.

Back in elementary school, I tried to sew on a sewing machine - my mother also sews, and the machines were always at hand. The first time, I secretly, while my parents were not at home, sat down at the typewriter and made my first lines. At that time, my younger sister was playing next to me. She accidentally pushed me, and my finger got under the typewriter. It was semi-electric, and it all happened very quickly. But due to the fact that I was so afraid that I was doing this without permission and without the knowledge of my parents, I somehow coped with the injured finger myself - I took the green stuff, smeared it on my finger and did not tell anyone.

Then my grandmother showed me how to sew on a typewriter. And in ninth grade, I asked my mother to show me how to sew trousers. So I did my first thing - regular checkered trousers with arrows - so semi-classic.

It was quite difficult for me to study at school - I could not cope with disciplines like mathematics. But I had the ability for needlework: I could make something, sew, and I liked it all. Mom agreed that there was no point in staying in school for another two classes, and I entered a technical college.

By that time, my mother had already taught me some basic things, and it was easy for me. In the first years, when we still did not have any practice, I already sewed jeans and other things for myself - I came to school in my own clothes. Then I graduated from college, entered with many of our group at MGUDT and studied there for about six months. At the end of the fifth year of college, I met people from Electrozavod, and it really inspired me. I just ended up in another world. This has greatly influenced my life and everything that I have now. From the university I went to Electrozavod.

I sew each thing separately, and not with whole "bows". I like to practice the technique, I really like to do everything neatly. Therefore, even making a shirt is a special matter for me. I like that I buy the fabric myself, I cut and sew everything myself. Therefore, I like to sew my own clothes and do not particularly go shopping.

I don't draw in advance. If I want to sew something, then I just listen to myself, think about what I want. I love silk fabrics and this summer I made myself some silk tops. Everything works for me like this: first I sew a thing for myself, go somewhere in it, and people begin to wonder what it is and where I bought it.

I have Pinterest where I collect pictures for inspiration. It is also useful to look at other people's things, because you can find interesting elements in it or learn a new way of processing. But I never tried to repeat someone else's thing. Mostly I make it up myself. Sometimes only customers bring a picture and say: "I want this!"

Once or twice a month I sew something for myself. For fabric I go already to the proven places. To the store on "Semyonovskaya", for example. At Kurskaya, at the Arma plant, there is one good warehouse. There is also a warehouse at Elektrozavodskaya. Unfortunately, I do not know how to build patterns on my own. And so I use ready-made patterns from Burda magazine, and sometimes I take some things and just circle them on paper.

Which is cheaper - to sew to order or to buy in a store, I do not know for sure. Most likely the same. But for me it’s definitely cheaper to sew myself. Let's say I bought culottes at Uniqlo and they cost 2,500 rubles. But the fabric is absolutely synthetic, it sticks to the tights, and I am constantly tormented with these trousers. And to make such myself, it can take me about a thousand and a half on the fabric.

I have my own workshop - there are three of us. It is located in the VDNKh park, in the "Park of Crafts". Of course, turning a hobby into a profession is not easy, but as soon as I imagine going somewhere to work, I immediately feel sad. In general, I can hardly imagine myself at any other occupation.

By following simple rules, you can transform your wardrobe, making it visually more expensive and prestigious.

Quality bag

If you budget well, you can certainly afford a good bag. Go for classic designs like a top handle tote bag for work and a small shoulder bag for weekends. Once you get your dream bag, start looking after it properly. To keep the shape of the bag from being damaged during storage, fill it with something from the inside.

Fresh scent

The secret of a stylish look is in the scent that complements it. Find your favorite scent and always wear it on your skin, never use perfume on your hair or clothes. You need to use perfume on the wrists, elbows and the bend of the neck - where the pulse beats. You can also spray the skin on the ankles and behind the knees. To avoid mixing up different scents, use a non-scented body cream or use almond oil.

Solid accessories

Fashion dictates - every look must have accessories! Jewelry is quite acceptable if you choose it correctly - do not chase after plastic rhinestones, choose a metal with a restrained shine and a more massive and heavy one. Parts that are too light and shiny are immediately striking as cheap. Large, yet uncluttered details are the best choices you can make when shopping for accessories.

Classic coats

It doesn't matter what the rest of the look is - a luxurious coat can transform your entire appearance... Look for high quality classic pieces that can be worn for a very long time. For example, a trench coat with a belt, a dark blue or sandy coat. When you have collected in your wardrobe all the classic types of outerwear from a black leather jacket to a beige trench coat, you will always have something to choose from.

Grace in every detail

Watch out for loose threads, puffs and spools - all clothes should be neat and well-groomed. Learn how to sew sweaters correctly, never wear clothes with a stain or a hole, with a torn off button. Choose quality fabrics that last longer without losing their look.

Fit by a tailor

Even the cheapest dress will look elegant if you fit it to your figure. Your wardrobe will feel completely bespoke if you donate it to a tailor on a regular basis - and it's much cheaper than actually sewing it all individually.


Using a steamer is faster and easier than using an iron. Your garments will be smooth if you hang them up immediately after washing and then steam them. Leaving your clothes in a damp room is a wasteful trick that won't help you get things done.

Correct palette

Don't use earthy shades - they seem worn out and worn out. A luxurious wardrobe requires pastel shades and deep gemstone colors. Leopard is considered a classic print, other colors go out of fashion every now and then.

Minimal makeup and neutral manicure

It is best to limit makeup to even out complexion and accentuate the lips, berry lipstick is suitable for almost everyone. Style your hair carefully and don't forget about your nails - a manicure without varnish is better than peeling ends.

Combination of bags and shoes

Casual shoes don't have to be expensive, but they do have to look decent, so take good care of them. For a truly elegant look, match your shoes to your bag - this technique is considered a true fashion classic.

Tucked in shirt

A shirt tucked into trousers or a skirt lends elegance to the look. Outfits in one color look especially stylish - black, white, dark blue.

In general, you can quite easily wander around the house on weekends or go out with friends. But if you have an important business meeting, going out or your first date with the man of your dreams, be sure to check your image for the absence of these 10 slovenliness markers!

Elastic band for hair on the arm

This is not a bracelet or a watch, this is a hair tie, and the only visible place where it should be is your head. Of course, it's convenient to always keep it on your wrist, but just imagine how unpleasant it will be for you to see a black elastic cord on your arm in your best friend's wedding photo album.

Two bulk bags together (and one of them is a canvas string bag)


Canvas shopping bags are not intended for everyday wear as an "extra" bag, but rather for shopping and other similar household chores. If you carry such a bag every day, then you inevitably look unassembled, and some stylists are sure that by constantly wearing this "duffel bag" you become like a homeless person who carries everything with her. Think, do you need all the things from the second bag? Go through everything that you carry with you, and you will probably come to the conclusion that there is a whole bunch of unnecessary junk in the canvas string bag.

Hairstyle in the style of "either a bun or a tail"

Hair, somehow collected in a cross between a bun and a ponytail, is able to ditch any, even the most thoughtful and stylish image. Therefore, if you have a meeting with someone important to you, take a couple of seconds to modify this misunderstanding into an ordinary ponytail.

Peeking underwear

A protruding bra strap, a mini-skirt peeking out from under the waist, and tight-fitting panties - if your underwear constantly reminds others of your presence, they may get the impression of you as a slut who is too lazy to even look at yourself in the mirror before leaving the house ...

Constant attempts to straighten clothes

Constant pulling and pulling of clothes annoys not only yourself, but also your environment - people get the feeling that you are not able to choose comfortable clothes for yourself. If you cannot safely wear something, it is better not to wear it outside the house.

Your pet's hair on your clothes

If you think that this is imperceptible, you are deeply mistaken - as a result of such an oversight, you become that very “strong independent woman” from the anecdote about forty cats. As you can imagine, your potential boyfriend will not be attracted at all.

Pants too long that drag along the ground

Oh, how cool flared jeans and floor-length wide-leg trousers look on the stars! But the beauty of this is largely due to the fact that famous women of fashion wear such trousers with heels, preventing the trousers from dragging along the ground. Of course, you're unlikely to wear your flared jeans with the same pair of ankle boots, the heels of which are perfect for not collecting all the dirt from the city streets. There are two ways out: either shorten the trousers for flat-soled shoes (but what about the heels?), Or switch to narrower and shorter models.

Your blouse is constantly knocking out of jeans and skirts

A blouse that constantly hangs halfway from the waistband of trousers or a skirt looks sloppy, and trying to put it back in a public place is hardly decent. If you like a blouse that is perfectly tucked in, check out bodysuit blouses.

Your laces are always a mess

In fact, this is probably the most insignificant item on our list, but when combined with something else from it, it can further aggravate the degree of untidiness of the image, so watch how the laces on your shoes look - it is better that they are tied neatly. and the same.

Quite a creepy story, which the locals dubbed as revived deceased, took place in August 1949 in the Perm region in the mining village of Gubino. The Uganin family lived there at that time. The husband and wife worked in the mine and had their own farm. It fed both adults and three children - two boys and one girl. Taking into account the economy, the family lived well. Everyone was well fed, dressed, shod, and the mother and daughter even had some gold jewelry.

One evening in August, the family was at home. Men made stairs and women made clothes. The daughter sewed buttons on her shirt, while quickly working with a thread and a needle, she kept one in her mouth so as not to accidentally lose it. While working, she exchanged short phrases with her mother. At some point, the girl took a deep breath, began to cough, fell to the floor and began to convulse.

The mother rushed to the fallen woman and called the men. And the daughter turned pale, calmed down and showed no signs of life. Then everyone guessed that the button that the daughter was holding in her mouth fell into the trachea, clogged it, and the air stopped flowing into the lungs. The girl was taken to the hospital, but when she was taken to the emergency room, she was already cold. The doctor examined the lifeless body and said that the unfortunate woman had died.

They decided to bury the deceased in a day. They dressed her in the best dress, and her mother put a gold ring on her beloved daughter's finger. She lay in the coffin as if alive. Only a pale face indicated that the girl was dead. The coffin was brought to the cemetery, covered and buried. After the funeral, a commemoration was held, as expected.

The next morning, when people were going to work, a young girl dressed in a beautiful and sturdy dress approached the checkpoint of one of the mines. She could be mistaken for a drunken woman, as she was wobbling, and her dress was stained with earth in many places. One of the women, passing by a strange girl, suddenly screamed shrilly. Pointing at the stranger with her finger, she frightenedly declared that yesterday this young woman was buried in a coffin in front of her eyes.

And the girl took a few unsteady steps forward and said to the people crowding around her: “Do not be afraid of me, I am alive. Some people dug up my grave tonight, and I was free. Apparently, I didn’t really die, I was buried by mistake. ”

Soon everything became clear, and the reanimated deceased, in fact, turned out to be not a dead person at all, but a living person. It was like this: when the girl swallowed a button, it clogged the trachea. The victim made an attempt to exhale it, but lost consciousness. Having come to, I could not even lift a finger, but at the same time I understood everything that was happening around.

She was taken to a room, the lights were turned off. In the morning, two doctors came. They examined the lying one and firmly declared that she was dead. And then the girl thought that, most likely, she really died and now knows what death is. Soon her parents appeared, and the unfortunate woman did not even have the strength to open her eyelids. They started talking about the funeral around, then some preparations were made.

Many hours passed, and the girl was laid in a coffin. They took me to the cemetery, kissed me, said goodbye. And the poor thing lay absolutely motionless, but gradually began to realize that she was not dead at all, and they bury her by mistake. I tried to tell people that, but I couldn't even lift a finger.

And the source of life was in the tiny holes of the button. Through them, air entered the lungs, and the brain functioned, taking all the oxygen. But it wasn't enough to make the body move.

Time passed inexorably forward, and the funeral rite came to an end. The coffin was closed with a lid, hammers were pounded, hammering in the nails. Then the last refuge of the mortal body was lowered into the grave and began to be covered with earth. At first, the girl clearly heard the voices of people, and then they began to sound more and more muffled and muffled. Finally, there was complete silence and there was nothing left but the expectation of real death.

The numbness of the body did not allow the unfortunate woman to die of horror. Little air was consumed, and the woman buried alive continued to perceive the surrounding reality. It seemed like an eternity passed, and suddenly there were some sounds. The girl guessed that it was with shovels that they were removing the earth from the coffin, but she had no strength left to rejoice at this.

The lid was ripped off with a bang, and human voices were heard. Someone quietly said: “The family is well-to-do. I saw a gold ring on her finger. And the dress is good, you can sell it at a flea market for a lot of money. Take off your dress, turn the deceased head down. " Someone’s hands grabbed the girl’s body by the legs, pulled it up sharply.

And then the unexpected happened. A powerful jet of air rushed into his lungs. The buried woman sighed with her whole chest, exhaled and moaned loudly. She stirred in the coffin and grabbed hold of someone's hand with her fingers. There was a wild cry of terror. The grave robbers, and there were two of them, decided that the revived deceased wanted to punish them for their sacrilege. Two dark figures got out of the grave and ran as fast as they could. But one ran only fifteen meters and fell dead. The second was then detained and tried.

But in any case, it was the robbers who saved the girl. They tried to turn her body head downward, and they did it abruptly. At the same time, the button fell out of the trachea, and the buried alive had the opportunity to breathe normally. She came back to life and again found herself among people.