Conspiracies for recovery of terminally ill patients. Very powerful ancient Slavic spells and prayers to cure a person. Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

@ Irina Smorodova All sick people are vampires in relation to healthy ones. The patient has very little vitality. The subtle fields of a sick person function in such a way that they replenish energy due to those “sources... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Conspiracy for asthma In those distant times, a rather unpleasant disease - asthma - was called a “toad”. Apparently, it was then that the expression “the toad strangles” appeared (now interpreted somewhat differently). Asthma, she... >>>>>

@ Olga Evgenievna Kryuchkova Conspiracy against hernia This conspiracy against hernia was pronounced 3 times and after each time they spat three times: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Yegory descends from heaven along a golden ladder... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova If not available to you health care, rituals will help relieve toothache. Here are some of the most popular and effective ones. A spell to stop a tooth from hurting. Some people cast a spell on their teeth for a new... >>>>>

@ Maria Bykova Conspiracy for an easy birth This plot also applies to conspiracies for good luck, because it is real luck when childbirth is easy. A birth plot is made a week before the probable date. It's best if the plot... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova Conspiracy against uterine cancer Before starting treatment, a woman should fast for four weeks. There is very little and only vegetables. Avoid the marital bed. Keep yourself clean. Treatment with a conspiracy takes place... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova Conspiracy for stomach ulcers To treat this ailment with a plot for ulcers, you need to prepare something. You will need coals taken from the ash pit on Thursday, when the stove was lit; salt taken from the seven courtyards, and ash... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova First, you need to carefully examine the patient’s legs. If the nails are yellow-waxy and bluish, and the patient says that the legs or joints ache and cannot support the weight of the body, leave the patient with you. We need to convince him... >>>>>

@ Irina Smorodova What conspiracies are there for the birth of a child? “It is clear that childbearing is the meaning of our female existence, our justification and consolation. But the child is not always in a hurry, and is not always welcome. ... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova It happens that a mother-in-law dislikes her daughter-in-law and in this way tries to separate her from her son - to make her infertile. The trouble is that the curse of a pregnant woman is strong, it can affect all wives... >>>>>

@ Irina Smorodova Plot against the evil eye from fear They let the patient spit into a plastic bag or dish, take it to the forest and bury it under an aspen tree with a plot: Fears-lessons, night, day, midday, midnight... >>>>>

@ Irina Smorodova It’s hard to be sick yourself, and sometimes it’s even harder when someone close to you is suffering, and you can’t help. Although it only seems like you can’t. In fact, it is within our power to get sick from a person... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova Conspiracy for severe despondency To do this, you need to go to the temple and order a magpie about health, and buy ten candles in the shop there. At night, wait until the patient falls asleep, light one of the candles and quietly... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova How to spell a disease The pronunciation of this spell for diseases sounds like this: The Lady Queen of Heaven herself, the Most Holy Theotokos, approached me, the servant of God (name), with her holy prayers... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Spell for complete health The pronunciation of this spell for improving health sounds like this: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go out, servant of God, blessing myself, I will cross myself, I will walk along the road... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Plot against wasp stings In the summer, if you don’t want wasps to sting you, you need to read this plot against stings. Pour running spring water into a jar and early in the morning, when no one is around, read... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Conspiracy of pets Read the conspiracy against animal illness on the waxing moon, early in the morning. Take clean running water, but you can also use it from a tap. Pour water into a cup and place it in the middle of the room. Read... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Conspiracy for male power This conspiracy for men is best read by the wife, you need to get running water, spring water, but not from a well. You can only read the plot on a full moon. A woman should wear... >>>>>

@ Irina Smorodova Conspiracy and prayers for female diseases This conspiracy for women helps against any female diseases, you just need to try to do everything right, otherwise there will be no sense. Pour clean water into the... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova In order for a child to be healthy, you need clean running water from a spring or well to cure a child’s illnesses; you can also just take clean water and put a silver cross in it overnight. Water... >>>>>

@ Natalya Stepanova Water spell for stuttering When the moon begins to wane, immediately after the full moon, it is good to be treated for stuttering. To do this, you need to collect spring water in a half-liter jar, or even better, water blessed in... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Conspiracy for epilepsy This conspiracy for nervous diseases saves you from seizures. But you need to prepare for this treatment in advance. The patient should not eat anything spicy, salty or drink anything for a week... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova A conspiracy to prevent headaches If your head is squeezed like a hoop, pour running water into a light glass glass. Read the “Our Father” three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon, say the words... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Conspiracy for pain in the joints of the hands Pour spring water or tap water into a glass glass. Place it on a table or other furniture, but it must be wooden. Read "Our Father" three times... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Here are some effective rituals and conspiracies for skin diseases that can be used in emergency cases. Spell for beautiful skin In case of a burn, lubricate the burned area with sour cream or milk,... >>>>>

@ Alevtina Krasnova Plot for water against infections You can read the plot for running water from the tap. Pour it into a jar when the moon is waxing. Wait until midnight comes and go out the door with a can in your hand... >>>>>

@ Irina Smorodova Conspiracy if your kidneys hurt Prepare round bread and coarse salt. Pour running water into a glass and break off a piece of bread. You can't cut it off, because you can't pick up a knife. When you read, put...

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Conspiracies for diseases

Caution when using healing spells

Healing other people must be approached with caution, as you can take over an illness or damage from a person. In order to protect yourself, you need to set up protection using , or . If you don’t know how to do this, then it’s better not to risk it. There are times when it is impossible to help a patient without incurring damage, a curse or illness. You can find out whether you should undertake to help a person using an oracle, for example, using.Each case must be approached individually, since the origin of diseases can be different, just as damage or curses have different powers.

In some sources you can read that healing blood relatives using spells and other methods is prohibited.This information is not true. There are many Forces in the world that we do not know about, for example, the Force of the clan, which has one of the most powerful influences on a person’s life and on all blood relatives. One of its functions is to prevent harm. Drawing over diseases when healing blood relatives occurs with a strong emotional attachment, due to which the remnants of the disease are transferred to the one who helped in the treatment.

Read also "".

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A conspiracy is a talisman so as not to take over the disease

While combing your hair, read the spell:

If I find lice on me, only then will I overcome the disease. Amen. Amen. Amen.

My angel matches words with action, with his key he closes my case,

In the blue sea the key is thrown to the bottom. Who would dive for that key,

Yes, my conspiracy has never been revealed. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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Conspiracy against an unknown disease

If doctors cannot make a diagnosis, and you feel like you are dying, read 12 evenings before bed.

Countless keels, release my veins.

Take away your eyes, womb serpent.

Fly from my body into the chimney,

Find yourself another victim.

All the holy heavenly helpers of God,

Honor me, slave (name), with your help, crush my illnesses!

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

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Flux spell

They do it on the waning moon. Draw a cross on your cheek with your saliva and say:

My mother, evening star, I complain to you about the twelve maidens, Herod’s daughters. Just as you can’t count all the stars in the sky, so my body can’t get sick or suffer. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Conspiracy for warts and moles

They do it on the waning moon. Circle the knot counterclockwise and say:

The knot dries and the mole (wart) dies. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Conspiracy against infectious disease

To avoid getting sick during an epidemic, talk yourself out of illness. Place two mirrors. One in front and one in back. Look at the back of your head and say:

There are no eyes on the back of the head, no nose on the back of the head, no mouth on the back of the head.

Also, so that I don’t get sick:

Neither from people, nor from animals, nor from horses, nor from cows,

Not from goats, not from birds, not from the wind, not from water, not from the earth.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Conspiracy for pain in the heart

They read at dawn, holding their right hand on the heart area:

I, servant of God (name), walk along the earth, my heart is beating inside me,

My zealous body rules: it doesn’t prick, doesn’t hurt, doesn’t press,

Doesn't squeeze or pinch. Neither at night nor under the moon,

Not at dawn, not in the field, not in the hut,

Not in plowing, not in water, not in the bathhouse, not on horseback.

It would beat inside me, it would beat, it would pound,

So right, so glorious, how the bells sound on Easter

Long life for me. Amen.

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A spell to keep your teeth from loosening

You can put your teeth in place with a spell that is done on the new moon:

Son of God, Jesus Christ,

Have mercy on us now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The mountain is not simple, not stone, not golden.

There is a holy church!

In that church the funeral service is held for the deceased, the deceased do not suffer pain,

They don’t cry from dental grief, the devils don’t shake their teeth.

I put it in its place:

Not iron or gold, but strong and bone teeth.

You can't swing them with the wind, you can't knock them out with your fist,

The Witcher cannot spoil them.

As the glory of Christ is strong, so will all my words come true.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Spell to restore teeth

Speak to the water and rinse with it. Speak at dawn or sunset.

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,

Come, help, strengthen the bone.

The beaver's tooth is strong, the warrior's sword is red-hot,

Doesn't crumble, doesn't break,

It is firmly and firmly strengthened.

So my teeth would get stronger, stronger,

Didn't wobble or break.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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A spell to stop teeth from crumbling

The lips, teeth of wolves, foxes, hares, martens crumble, break,

Don't touch my teeth. How strong is the Alatyr stone,

So my teeth are strong, so my words are molded and tenacious.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Water spell for eczema

They do it on the waning moon. Speak to the water, then sprinkle the sore spots with this water and wash your face.

There are three dawns in the sky: one is clear, the other is red, and the third is beautiful.

As you shine in the sky, the disease is removed from him, the servant of God (name). Amen.

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There are three dawns in the sky. One is clear, the other is red, the third is (name). Amen.

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Conspiracy for weeping lichen

With the little finger they draw around the lichen, reading:

A mule will not give birth, a stone will not produce wool. In the same way, the lichen does not grow, but rather dries out. Amen.

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Conspiracy for a contusion, bruise, bump

The pain is gone, the blood is standing, the meat is intact, so nothing hurts. Amen.

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Spell for a bruised elbow

A bruised elbow needs to be talked about. Look at your elbow and say:

Bone, blood, vein, subcutaneous.

He hit, and the master fixed everything. Amen.

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Conspiracy from fear

Speak into the water and sprinkle it on the person.

Whoever scared him took it upon himself. Amen.

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Just as a mother is not afraid of her baby, a cat is not afraid of a kitten,

A horse is a foal, a drop is ocean water,

Earth to sand from Buyan Island,

So the servant of God (name) will not be afraid of anything. Amen.

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Conspiracy against midge, bee, mosquito bite

Read the hex over the bite, touching it with your little finger.

Whoever was bitten, the Saints asked for him.

It will not hurt, swell, or turn red. Amen.

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Conspiracy against sugar disease - diabetes

Speak on sugar at three in the morning when the moon is waning. Then give the sugar to the white dog.

How true it is that the sun will not hang himself in a noose,

How true it is that a male dog will not crow like a rooster,

It's true that the white bitch will take over

From white sugar, sugar sickness from the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Conspiracy for baldness

They do it on a new moon. They start talking near the threshold of the house where a balding man lives. Connect your hands with a strong lock, hold them above his head and read 3 times:

As the month was born, so let the hair of the slave (name) be born and come. Just as no one has counted the stars in the sky, so let the hair of the slave (name) multiply and thicken beyond counting.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Rash spell

Without touching the patient and looking at the rash, whisper:

Fight night and day, servant of God (name), be strong. Go, rash, to the swamp swell, there is your place, there is your throne. Amen.

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A spell to keep your hands from hurting

Read on the full moon:

The servant of God (name)’s hands hurt, her bones groan.

Lord, have mercy on your servant (name).

She wouldn't moan or shed tears.

Lord, have mercy, take away the pain. Amen.

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A spell to stop your feet from hurting

Read on the full moon:

Bright angels, pure angels,

Cover the legs of the playful servant of God (name) with your wings.

So that they don’t ache, don’t hurt, so that their joints don’t creak. Amen.

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Spell for joint pain

Read on a moonless night:

Aches, spines, bone radimesis,

All joints and semi-joints, boots, boots,

Do not creak, do not hurt the servant of God (name),

So that she doesn't suffer anymore, let her sleep. Amen.

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Conspiracy against a serious illness resulting from damage

Early in the morning and after sunset, read the following plot:

The slave is sick, does not sleep at night,

She knelt down and asked for deliverance.

You sick sick woman, get away from her threshold

From whom the disease came, go to that person.

So that the guilty person cannot, does not eat,

I didn’t drink, I didn’t sleep.

Let the one responsible for the damage suffer the same,

The power of the word now and forever

To the servant of God (name) will lose. Amen.

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Spell to treat wounds

I conjure and take away the servant of God (name)

Under the wing of the Cherub, the guardianship of the Seraphim.

I speak with a living word, Holy God, Christ crucified,

His wonderful deeds, with its heavenly silts

Everything that spoils the body of the servant of God:

With shot, spear, bullet, n with a hammer, a spear, a pickaxe,

With a red-hot and poisonous arrow, p nut, saber, mace,

With foot, hand, head, various weapons -

Steel, glass, wood.

From fire, sword, noose, Lord, save, preserve and protect.

I lock it with the key, By God's conspiracy I dress in invisible armor.

Mother of God, accept my prayer.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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Conspiracy for eye disease

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

From the Jesus cross,

From the first post to the last post,

From my word, from holy help.

Snag, do you see? - Does not see!

Stone, do you see? - Does not see!

Swamp hummock, see? - Does not see!

Then my blindness will not offend them.

Go, blindness, to the forest snag,

On a water hummock, on a one-eyed monster,

Three-eyed reflection.

Crooked, blind, not mine, but someone else’s.

My mouth is the lock, my tongue is the key. Amen.

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In order for your eyesight to always be good, you should wash your eyes under the icon on Easter morning and say :

Just as people look at an icon, my eyes would look good, eye to eyelid. Amen.

People themselves are to blame for many of their illnesses. The most common reasons are envy, ill will, evil eye, damage. Illness is a loss of vital energy. And a person must be nourished by it in the temple, gather it from plants, trees, and water.

If you have health problems, you need to go to confession, then to communion. For serious illnesses, read 4 prayers at four in the morning:

  1. "Our Father".
  2. “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.”
  3. "Alive in Help (Psalm 90)."
  4. "May God rise again"

I offer conspiracies against various diseases that have powerful powers.

Prayers and conspiracies for illnesses and life improvement

It is good to repeat the words daily:

Merciful Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit, save, preserve and have mercy on me, the servant of God (name). Take away the damage, the evil eye and bodily pain from me forever. Merciful Lord, cast out the demon from me, the servant of God. Merciful Lord, heal me, servant of God (name). Amen.

At two o'clock in the morning an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos is read for a sick child. Children get sick more often when there are quarrels and scandals in the house. Learn to forgive. If the child is very small, protect him from prying eyes for as long as possible. Don't sleep in the same bed as your baby. After all, he, like a sponge, absorbs all your accumulated negativity over the years, and then gets sick. Take your kids to church for communion more often.

Start your morning with self-hypnosis:

“Every day I get better and better in every way.”

Do a light throat massage in the tonsil area. Stroke 10 times from ears to chin and the same number of times in the opposite direction. Then dry yourself with a linen towel soaked in cold water, from the armpits to the stomach and below. Also wipe your back to your buttocks. Massage your chin, neck, and area around your chest with your hands in a circular motion (perform each movement 12 times). Combine massage with self-hypnosis. Repeat:

“Strength, vigor, health, joy, beauty flow into me.”

Women can complete the morning ritual by washing with bran decoction (4 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes). Strain the cooled broth and wash your face with it. In two to three weeks, your wrinkles will smooth out.

Conspiracy against serious illness

You have to fight a serious illness. Every day. Fate tests the strength of not only the patient himself, but also his loved ones. Some fight like real warriors, others give up. The disease sharply reduces a person’s life potential, his spirit, weakens his will, deprives him of faith, hope - everything without which it cannot be defeated. That's why it's important not to lose heart.

The following exercise will help.

Take a comfortable position, relax. Close your eyes and mentally say to yourself: “I am. I exist". Put all your will to live into this thought.

Remember what kind of warrior you were, how many times you had to fight with difficult circumstances, situations when you emerged victorious. Bring back into your soul that thirst for struggle that has more than once saved you and your loved ones from the blows of fate. Tell yourself slowly: “Don’t give up!”

Tell yourself:

“Disease, I’m not afraid of you. I will resist you with every cell of my body, with every movement of my soul, with my hope, with my unshakable faith in success.”

This simple exercise helps people overcome difficult life situations and illnesses. Do this little session at least three times a day. Enjoy even the smallest positive changes in your state of mind. And the chances of defeating the disease will immediately increase!

Conspiracy against disease

First of all, you must be alone. The best time is early morning. Place the symbol (in the picture below) at a distance of 20-40 cm from the eyes. Relax and don't think about anything. Fix your gaze on the point in the center of the picture.

You can use self-hypnosis formulas, repeating to yourself:

“I feel healthy, I feel better than ever.”

Once you learn to concentrate, make the exercise more difficult. Mentally “walk around” the entire body. Activate your nervous system, pay attention to your diseased organ - throat, stomach, heart, etc. - sending him positive energy.

Order yourself to get better and the unpleasant sensations to disappear. Immediately or after a few days, but you will definitely achieve positive results.

When you feel bad, repeat:

“Relax and get well, relax and get well...”

And the disease will go away.

Conspiracy for diseases of the genitourinary system

As a rule, urination occurs during deep sleep, and the patient does not feel the urge to wake up and go to the toilet. Neurosis is often the cause. Therefore, you need to calm the nervous system.

2 tbsp. Boil milk with 1 tbsp. l. dark honey. Skim off the foam and add 2 tbsp. l. dill seeds and 0.5 tsp. carrot seeds. After half an hour, strain and drink in small portions throughout the day. Course - 10 days.

If there are no contraindications, it is useful to take baths with mustard - 200 g of powder per bath. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15 minutes. After the bath, drink the infusion.

The patient should place a basin of water so that it reflects the waning month, stir the water counterclockwise with a knife and read:

“The month decreases, the strength increases. The month melts, the urine disappears. The keys are on the horns, I'm on my feet. The keys are on the horns, I'm on my feet. The keys are on the horns, I'm on my feet. The key is in the water, the urine is in me. Amen".

Then he must urinate in a basin of water and pour it onto a pedestrian intersection (where no cars drive).

It is used in the presence of cysts in the breast and ovary. In complete solitude (so that no one knows or sees) at odd hours (13.00, 15.00, 17.00, etc.) on the waning moon and any day of the week, say to water and drink it.

“Mother earth, a holy place.

Forgive God's servant (name).

Troeper's sister was walking,

She carried three buckets of water,

Flooded fire and flame,

And every disease.

You, tumor, are on the slave (name), don’t stand there,

You are not in her body, don’t let your roots grow,

Don't pick up pus.

It grew on its own and withered away on its own.

Be my words debts

From a quarter of a century to half a century,

From half a century to the grave.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Indeed, spell words help.

Conspiracies for various diseases

Only those who have personally experienced its influence can know about the power of a conspiracy. The therapeutic effect depends on a sincere desire to recover and faith in the power of healing words.

Prepared water is used to treat many diseases.

Before sunrise, draw water from a tap or from a well, bring it silently (so that no one takes the water before you). And read above it:

“The water of Ulyano, the land of Tatyano, washed the meadows, washed the shores, so wash my baptized prayer (name) and give water from every trouble.”

Place the icon and light the church candle. Place a jar of water in front of the icon and a burning candle. Be sure to pour at least 3 sips of blessed, baptismal or Jordanian water into the water.

Hold your left hand over the jar, lowering your middle and index fingers above the water, and read the prayer while standing. If there is no name in the prayer, then end it with the following words:

“Heal and heal the servant of God (name).”

For a cold.

Do you want to get better faster? Stand so that the moon is behind you (the phase of the moon is waning).

Say three times in a whisper:

"Moon. Are you going to leave? Will you remember to take the disease from me? Are you decreasing? And let the disease go away. Amen".

From any disease

To cope with any illness, no matter how severe it may be, take a vessel (which you will then use only for similar purposes) and pour water into it. At the same time say:

“My guardian angel, save the body and soul of God’s servant (name) from illness, give strength to his heart and protect him from evil. I drink water for my own good. On the first sip I turn to Jesus Christ for help, on the second - to the Most Holy Theotokos, on the third - to Archangel Michael. I call them to me, and drive away the enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then drink all the water.

For severe headaches.

You need to speak to the water and then drink it.

“Adam has a headache, Adam gives the pain to Eve, Eve gives it to the snake, the snake gives it to the apple, the apple gives it to the sun, the sun gives it to the sea, the sea gives it to the wind, and the wind dispels it.”

After operation.

For arthritis.

They read a conspiracy against illness on a clear, cloudless, starry night.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. A monk was walking from the holy monastery, tripped, fell and exclaimed “ah!” Saint Peter appeared at his cry, crossed himself in compassion for the monk, and said:

“He fell, he didn’t fall, he didn’t suffer, he didn’t suffer, but he put all his illness into my care. I found blood on blood, brought vein to vein, bumped joint on joint, and the servant of God (name) woke up healthy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.".

Whisper from all diseases.

If you don't feel well, talk to living water(not boiled, not standing) the following words:

“Pain-illness from someone else’s box, where it came from, went there. Whoever sent you missed you. I conjure you, I send you back beyond the blue rivers, beyond the high mountains, to where conspiracies will not find you. Return to the one who sent, who knew no sorrow. Stay with him and don’t come back.”

Drink the charmed water, a third of a glass, three times a day.

Conspiracy if surgery is coming

In the life of every person, a situation may arise when it is necessary to undergo surgery. There is a talisman that will help you calm down and gain confidence that the operation will be successful. Go to church and in front of the icon of the Mother of God, place a wax candle for your health and read 3 times:

“My angel, walk with me, you are ahead, and I am behind you. You, Mother of God, take me off the table, like Jesus took off the cross. You yourself, Lord God, give the doctors skill, and me patience. Amen".

After operation.

Speak the following words into the water and wash the patient with it. They help heal any serious wounds.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Kurgan, a white birch grows, branches down, roots up. Under that white birch tree, the Mother of God is winding silk threads and sewing up bloody wounds. Mother Queen, cross yourself, and you, wound, will heal on the servant of God (name). Edge of the body to the edge, I read a prayer. Bless, Lord, with your Savior's hand. Grant health and peace to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

A spell to cleanse the body and soul

This spell is suitable for any situation. If you are tormented by ailments and bad thoughts, pour water into a cup and stir it clockwise with scissors. Say:

“Just as a mother gives birth to a child and relieves her of all sorrows and pains, so you, the water-queen, save from ghosts and evil conversations, remove everything bad from the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Heart disease spell

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. A dead man rides into the field and says to him: “Are you going far, my friend?” - “I’m going overseas on a red maiden, on a paper feather bed; there our dead are having fun, their hearts do not hurt, do not pinch, do not grieve for anything, and so the servant of God (name) would not have a heart that aches, does not pinch, does not grieve for anything. So soon this word will change, so soon Borzo (name) heart melancholy-disease will be cured. Forever and ever. Amen".

Spell for stomach pain

Start whispering the following words to the water and drink it.

“I send the tributary to the sea, where the stomach sings with grief, where it twists, from the inside it stirs up the hour, and the day, and the ileum. Belly button, don't whine, guts, don't howl, don't moan, don't twist. Holy Mother of God, help. Amen".

Conspiracy for skin diseases

From a boil (boil).

They lightly draw a line with a knife along the abscess, and then along a knot in the plank wall, and say the following.

“Just as this knot has neither fruit nor genus, so this pop (abscess) would have neither fruit nor genus; it would not rise upward and would not spread out wide.”

Crossing your index and middle fingers, move them around the boil and say:

“Get off the slave (name) onto an animal, onto a leaf, onto a low bush, onto a swamp hummock, onto an empty barrel. Cleanse the body of slave (name). Amen".

The sadness will go away and the disease will disappear.

All life experiences and emotions do not pass without leaving a trace, firmly settling in our body.

Everyone probably felt how they “sank” inside from the unpleasant news. As a result of a sharp contraction of organs or muscles under the influence of emotions, a spasm forms in some areas. Severe spasm can lead to loss of speech.

Being subjected to constant stress, experiencing our own and other people’s emotions, we accumulate them in ourselves. Gradually, year after year, muscles and organs become clogged, turning our body into stone.

80% of our illnesses and problems occur due to such emotional “traffic jams”.

Spell to heal diseases

The ancient procedure for clearing emotional blocks requires 30 minutes of time and silence. Lie down for a few minutes, when your body relaxes, read the prayer:

“Lord, make my hands a manifestation of Your peace, and where there is hatred, let me bring Love, and where there is resentment, let me bring Forgiveness, and where there is discord, let me bring Unity, and where there is error, let me bring let me bring Truth, and where there is doubt, let me bring Faith, and where there is despair, let me bring Hope, and where there is darkness, let me bring Light, and where there is grief, let me bring Joy. Help me, Lord, not so much to seek consolation as to console, not so much to seek understanding as to understand, not so much to seek love as to love. For whoever gives, he receives, whoever forgets himself finds himself again, whoever forgives is forgiven, whoever dies is reborn in Eternal Life. Help me, Lord, make my hands a manifestation of Your peace.”

Now place your right hand on your stomach and begin to press lightly on it. Breathing is even, deep, inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Ask for forgiveness by addressing yourself by name. Please forgive us for causing yourself pain and suffering all these years, for hurting your body and being careless about your health.

Ask for forgiveness for the hurt and pain you have caused to other people - no matter whether they are good or bad. Ask to forgive yourself for being angry and arrogant, aggressive, dishonest and intemperate. Ask for forgiveness from your heart, lungs, kidneys - all organs.

This must be done with feeling. What is needed here is not words, but feelings. Those who do it in good faith, tears appear. Sometimes an adult can cry bitterly like a child. Tears are something we have accumulated over the years.

The next day, do the same thing and there will be fewer tears, the next day there will be even fewer or no tears at all. The absence of tears indicates that the body is cleared of accumulated emotions. After the procedure, a person feels light, as if a stone had been lifted from the soul.

After such procedures, it is very effective to rub castor oil into the abdomen, heart, lower back, neck, and joints. It will relieve any remaining muscle spasms, helping the body recover.

Conspiracy for diseases of the spine

Almost every person has osteochondrosis. I offer ways to treat our grandparents. You can choose any of them. Before reading each conspiracy against illnesses, light a church wax candle and read the “Our Father” prayer.

1) You will need half a bucket of ripe wheat for the entire cycle of rituals. Pour water into the pan, add a glass of honey. When the water boils, add 4 tbsp. washed wheat. After a minute of boiling, drain the water, and place the still warm wheat on the sore spot of the spine, reading the plot:

“The fence is bone, a worm inside. Pull the salt, bonehead, go to the wheat. Peck her magpies, eat her crows. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

2) While reading the plot, lightly press the area above the tailbone and spit three times over your left shoulder.

“There’s a crunch, I tripped on a bush, the bone went crazy, the pain went away. I lock the bone frame with a holy key, with a golden lock. The earth does not hurt, the water does not ache. Just as the sky does not suffer from illness, so the servant of God (name) will not become ill. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

3) Prepare a decoction: 1 tbsp. l. dry motherwort herb, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and boil until half the water has evaporated. Cool until warm and rub into sore areas with the following words:

“Nettle grass, burn what is not mine; what you burn, you will take to the owner. Amen".

4) Strong remedy. On the waning Moon, when you take a steam bath, ask them to whip you on the sore spots with a broom. Taking turns with the person massaging you with a broom, you must say loudly 12 times:

“I’m not baptized with a cross, but I’m whipped with a broom. Get out, stabbing, get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of my body, out of my business! Out! Amen".

You must say this spell word for word, and the massager must say:

“I don’t baptize with a cross, but I fly with a broom. Get out, stabbing, get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of the slave (name) of the body, from the slave (name) of the deed. Out! Amen".

Perform the ritual monthly on the waning moon until the pain disappears.

5) Before going to bed, boil a hard-boiled egg. Read the spell over it three times and, while the egg is warm, roll it along the patient’s spine, repeating the spell 12 times. The patient must also repeat the words.

“I am not baptized with a cross, but with an egg. Get out, stabbing, get out, grind, pull, groan, get out of my body, out of my business. Out! Amen".

Be sure to throw away the egg.

7) Read the spell three times on heated salt and apply it to your back. Repeat the ritual for three days on the waning moon.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I dissuade the influx day, night, counter, transverse, midday, midnight, water, interior, hourly, half-hourly. It’s not I who dissuade the influx - Archangel Michael himself, Archangel Gabriel, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the entire Heavenly chariot. I send the influx to the ocean sea, to the island of Buyan, to the white stone-alatyr. There are 77 young people taking in the influx. One young man locks a tributary into the ocean-sea with a white fish: there, tributary, you can live well and in freedom. You, flowers, cannot bloom, you, tributary, cannot win back my death. Heaven, earth, key, lock. Amen".

Ancient conspiracies for various diseases

“You are water, water, spring water. As you, water, wash away steep banks, stumps, roots, so wash away the melancholy from white face, with a zealous heart. May my words be molded and strong. Amen".

From a nervous tic

Wet your finger in saliva, press it against the twitching eye and say 3 times:

“Tugger auntie, don’t chatter, don’t pull, neither down nor up. Amen".

“Don’t break branches, wind, don’t break bones, don’t break relics, back, lower back, joints, half-joints, bones, half-bones, knees and knees, arms and legs, the whole human body. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

On the birthmark so that it does not grow

Nibble the woolen thread from the ball with your teeth, tie 7 knots, saying with each one:

1-“body, flesh”, 2-“tears, blood”, 3-“morning”, 4-“day”, 5-“night”, 6-“trouble, stop”, 7-“go away”.

Then tie it to an aspen branch.

From a jam on the lips

Wipe the sores on your lips with the left side of the hem of your skirt or dress and read: “There are 4 corners in the house, I will enter from corner to corner, from left to right, from right to left. The mouth has two corners, and yawning lives in it. From the first corner, jam, go away, from the second corner, jam, go away. We are in good health, and you are in good health. Amen".

For body pain

“Bath water, be afraid of me, I’m never afraid of you. Wash, rinse off all infection from the servant of God (name). Amen".

To have good health

On the new month say:

“Father, the month is young, dear friend, golden horn, God give you golden horns, good health to me.”

There are many healing spells: against dental disease, heart disease, even against fever. And all of them have been tested by time, by more than one generation of people, which means they have special power. There is, among others, an old conspiracy against many diseases. Although it will not save you from all ailments, it will help strengthen your faith in a speedy recovery. You need to read it for three days. Then a week-long break is required, after which it is worth talking about the sore again. In total, reading the text should take either three or nine days.
It should be remembered that on some days of the week (Monday and Sunday) you cannot use spells.
Sometimes a universal method may be powerless if the disease is not identified by either doctors or healers, and the patient gets worse. A conspiracy against an unknown disease can help here, the text of which is read twelve evenings in a row before bedtime.
When a dangerous disease attacks a child, it is doubly difficult to survive. A conspiracy against a child’s illness, which exists in several versions, helps. One is read at dawn, the other either at dawn or at vespers before bedtime. The main thing is that healing phrases are pronounced over the water. The liquid charged with prayer is given to the child to drink.
In addition, there are conspiracies that fight against pneumonia, high fever, and help relieve fear. There are also ritual prayers for a newborn, so that the baby does not get sick and sleeps well.

From all diseases

Lock the old padlock and say the spell:

"I will rise as a baby to Alexei, blessing him,
and I will go crossing myself from door to door,
from gate to gate, into an open field,
I will put a damask tine there from earth to heaven,
from east to west.
I will close it with 77 locks, with 77 keys.
I'll throw these keys into the blue sea under Belgrade Stone,
how these keys will not return to baby Alexei,
so no disease will come to me,
no plague, no cholera, no ulcer, no radish,
but a sorcerer, nor a witch.
Save and protect me Lord from everyone evil people,
all sorts of enemies, adversaries.
My words are on my lips, my tongue is my castle.”

The plot is read for three days in a row. If necessary, read for three more days after a week-long break. Then they take a week break again and treat for another three days. A total of three to nine days of treatment is needed. It should be remembered that you cannot treat on Monday and Sunday.

The most powerful conspiracies are those involving the transfer of disease, but they are very difficult to perform. For healing to occur, reading one ritual prayer is not enough. The healer conducts a long ceremony, there is a real struggle of white magic against the disease. Usually, for such sacraments, some sick thing is taken, onto which the illness will be transferred.
After the ritual, the object with the infection transferred to it is burned, less often buried in the ground. Exactly what fate befalls him depends on the required rules of the particular conspiracy.
In addition to the patient’s belongings, a third-party object may also appear in the ritual, as, for example, in a plot against heart disease on a horseshoe.
To perform the sacrament, you need a horseshoe removed from the horse no earlier than a month ago.
If you manage to find one, you need to pay a ransom for it. During the ritual itself, the patient stands on a purchased horseshoe.
Sometimes the transfer is carried out into an animal; this is practiced when a person has a serious incurable disease. This method the impact is very strong, after it the cattle becomes seriously ill and subsequently dies.
Treatment with spells does not always help. If the sufferer himself does not believe in the reality of recovery, then you can run to healers as much as you like and whisper prayers on your own, everything will be to no avail.

Universal conspiracy

There is a universal ritual that can be performed even if you need to speed up recovery from a common cold. But on the other hand, it is an effective aid in the treatment of serious diseases. The ritual is performed outdoors.

You need to approach a young tree, touch it with your hand and say the following words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), am driving away from myself a painful and viscous illness. Let him reach for the trunk of this tree and move onto it. Let pain not plague me more than me, the Servant of God (my own name), but sharpen the wood. I gave away my illness, but took my health. Amen!"

If the ritual was a success, then you will soon recover, but, unfortunately, the tree will dry up. Try to buy a seedling and plant a new tree soon.

In order for complete relief from the disease to occur, the healer must invest his energy in the text he is reading. It will help if the person being plotted against believes in the possibility of his healing. It is necessary to tune in to a positive outcome and believe in the possible retreat of the disease.
But just faith in strength magic spell not enough. When a sick person tries to independently apply traditional healing methods, without a clear plan and without knowing the nuances of performing the sacrament, he may not cause harm to his health, but he will not benefit either, no matter how strong the prayers used are considered. When reading ritual texts, you should pay attention to intonation, the correct pronunciation of words, and then everything should work out.
You should not neglect the help of an experienced healer or try to carry out the ritual with the transfer of the disease to the object yourself. Due to ignorance of all the subtleties, this ritual will either turn out to be meaningless, or you will turn its effect against yourself. This also applies to those cases if you suddenly intend to practice spells against diseases on other people. There is a danger of transferring illness from the patient’s body to the healer. In general, the miraculous power of a conspiracy, with the right approach, can heal even the most severe ailments that are not amenable to traditional treatment. If you cannot cope with a disease with medication and believe that you can defeat it through magic, try reading a spell to get rid of diseases, perhaps this way you will reprimand your disease and it will go away. In general, it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it, so we recommend that you read prayers for the health of your children and yours, because there is nothing stronger than love for your neighbor and yourself. Heal with love and the power of words! Be healthy.

Tell off the disease

A sick person's T-shirt, in which he slept without being washed, is taken and carried into the forest or field. There should be no one nearby at the time of the ceremony. A conspiracy against the disease is read above the T-shirt, after which it is burned. You should not wait for the thing to completely burn; as soon as it ignites, you need to turn around and leave without looking back. The most difficult and important thing about the ritual is that the author should not talk to anyone throughout the day. Under no circumstances should the ritual be performed on Monday, Saturday and Sunday.

Conspiracy words:

“In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
The Lord God walks across the sinful earth, helping people, raising them from the grave.
Lord, raise Your servant (name) from his sick bed,
Death's bed
Save from bodily torment, turn away from death,
Bring me back to life in your name, in my deed,
Extend the life of your earthly servant (name). Amen".

Throwing disease onto the water

On odd days, go to running water (river, sea), without combing your hair, without eating, and without talking to anyone along the way. Approaching the water, cross yourself three times and say in a loud voice:

“Get out of my body, trouble,
Illness, disease and torment.
Dive deep into the water, to the very bottom,
So that you will never rise from there.
Never return to my body
Stay at the deep bottom.
Sea roots
Let them be a treat for you.
You will live out your life there,
No longer know the human body.
May my words be strong
And things will be smooth sailing.
What she said, what she didn’t say,
Lord God will help
And my illness will overcome.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Getting rid of the disease

Spitting over their shoulder, they say:

“Just as Judas lost his complexion after his death, so I will lose my illness. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Conspiracy for serious illnesses

Take 9 aspen splinters, set them on fire and say the following words into the smoke:

“Dym Dymovich, you are the godfather of fire,
Do a good service for me.
From this day, from this time
Let all illness and infection go away from God's servant (name).
Go, you sick man, to the old gate.
Go to a deep grave
So that it ruins you there,

Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

To get better quickly

After midnight, go outside, look up at the waning moon and say:

“It’s a month, you’re walking high,
Month, you see far away,
You wander through villages, hills and forests,
In houses, bathhouses, courtyards.
Take away, month, the illness of God's servant (name)
Where birds don't fly
People don't walk, animals don't know the road.
Mother of God, take the blood of the sick
And grant me good health.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Conspiracy for the treatment of female diseases

This ritual helps to cure almost all female diseases, the main thing is to do everything exactly according to the instructions. At dawn, pour clean water into a half-liter jar, then place a silver cross in the jar. Leave a jar of water on the window. The next morning, get up again at dawn, tie a new scarf on your head, cross yourself three times, take the cross out of the water and put it on the window, and take the jar in your hands and read the “Our Father” prayer three times, then the prayer to St. Panteleimon, and then the spell :

“Women's diseases, go into the damp earth, there find yourself a hole in which you will sleep, whistle and play. And don’t go to God’s servant (name), neither in sleep, nor during the day, nor in honor, nor in jest, do not swim, leave forever. Amen".

You need to read the plot six times, then put the jar down and cross yourself three times. Sprinkle yourself with enchanted water from head to toe, and drink the remaining water within 24 hours. It is prescribed to drink water in three sips with breaks.

A spell to get rid of skin diseases

For the ritual, you need to buy a red cloth or scarf and wipe the sore spots with it for twelve evenings in a row, reading:

“Fight night and day, servant of God (name), stand strong. Go, you rash, to the swamps, go, sick, through the gates, into your yard, your home, there is your place and your throne. I take away the illness from myself, I cleanse my body and blood with my words, I return the illness to the deceased, so that my body is clean and white, from now on there are no sores. Amen".

On the waning moon, on the 13th day, go to the old cemetery, where burials are no longer made, in the afternoon, stand at the gate and say loudly:

“I came to a dead city, here the dead are fast asleep. I remove the disease from my body and send it to you. I’m giving you the disease, take it, put it in a coffin and kill it. Let my body be clean and white, so that from now on it will not have sores. Amen".

A red cloth or scarf is thrown into the cemetery with the right hand away from you. After this, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back, on the way home, remaining silent. You can talk only after you cross the threshold of your home, where the first thing you need to do is wash your hands with running water.

A spell to help with a child's illness

If a child is often sick, follow these steps to strengthen his magical protection and immunity from the negative influences of the external environment.

Take spring or clean water, pour it into a transparent jar, in which put a silver item, preferably a cross, for a day.
After 24 hours, read the water spell by taking a jar of water with both hands and going out into the middle of the empty room:

“May this water be transparent, healing, pure, to my child, the servant of God (name), kind, like the thoughts of Christ. It will wash away misfortunes, illnesses and grief, and give peace and health to the sea. So that angels would fly from heaven onto the water and sing sweet songs over my child. To wash off his sores, the key was dissolved in water. Forever and ever. Amen".

The charmed water is given to the child, three drops per pure form or with the addition of any other liquid. This should be done every three hours. This water is also added to the bathing water; it is sprayed clockwise on each corner of the room in which the child is located. You should also moisten the threshold and window sill with the charmed water.

Today, rituals and conspiracies for health and treatment are relevant, their popularity does not decrease over time. A health spell does not require special attributes, knowledge or skills. It can be done independently at home, following certain recommendations and rules.

  1. You must definitely believe that the conspiracy to recover will work and the person will really feel better, he will be cured. Only with the help of sincere and strong faith in the miraculous help of prayers and conspiracies can you achieve the fastest possible results. A skeptical attitude will not help a person recover.
  2. It is important to read a conspiracy for the health of a child or adult in the present tense. For example, not “I want to be cured,” but “I am cured, I am healthy.” It is important to believe that a spell for health and longevity will help, and has already helped to recover from an illness.
  3. A spell for the health of a child or adult must be pronounced clearly, in a confident voice, with even intonation. The text must be pronounced without hesitation, the sequence of words must not be broken.
  4. It is important to remember that when using the services of white magic, you should not use a spell for a quick recovery as a panacea. At the same time, you should definitely contact a specialist and undergo the prescribed course of drug therapy.
  5. On the day when healing rituals are planned, you need to fast. It is also recommended to control yourself, not to conflict with anyone, not to quarrel and not to do bad things.
  6. It is very important to read such conspiracies at home during the new moon or waning moon. This is a must.
    Using effective conspiracy for the health of the child, a conspiracy for women’s health, one should thank the higher powers for their help, regardless of whether it brought results or not.

Effective rituals and prayers

Universal ritual for health

There is a very powerful way to combat illnesses. This ritual is suitable for a person who has the opportunity to visit a forest, grove or park where many trees grow. You need to go out at night and find a young tree. Then place both palms on its trunk and close your eyes. Read the conspiracy for the health of a child or adult:

“The disease is painful, the prickly disease reaches to the tree, it is transmitted from my body to the roots. It is not the servant of God (the name of the patient) who will harass and torment, but the tree that will wear away and dry up. I give the illness of the sick servant of God (name of the sick person) to the tree, strength will come to him, he is healthy now. Let it be so!"

This spell for good health usually works very quickly. You can also check its effectiveness. To do this, after a few weeks you need to approach the enchanted tree. If its leaves turn yellow or wither, this means that the tree has taken over your illness. Such a magical effect on healing and recovery from many ailments is an excellent help in addition to drug therapy. Such magical actions should only be performed by a person who sincerely wishes recovery to another person.

Getting rid of severe pain

There are strong full moon spells for health that will help even if you feel bad and the illness does not go away for a long time. This full moon ritual is performed directly over a sick person. Lay the person on the bed, stand over him and begin to say the magic words:

“(Name of the part of the body that hurts) no longer suffers from pain, the patient, the servant of God (name of the patient) begins to feel better. The body is filled with health, the illness goes away and will never return. As the moon wanes, so does the disease disappear forever. Let it be so".

This strong conspiracy for a quick recovery. It can be done easily at home.

Rite of recovery

This is a universal ritual. It can be used to get rid of any disease. To carry it out, you need to go outside and find a young tree. Place your palms on it and whisper:

“The illness is painful, the illness is powerful, it reaches out to the tree, it flows from me into the tree. It is not the servant of God (name) who is now tormenting and gnawing, but the young tree is being crushed. I’ll give away my illness, I’ll take my strength.”

If the disease was serious, after a certain time the tree may dry out.

Child's health

If a child is sick, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. But in parallel with drug treatment, a magical ritual can be used to help the child recover, after which the condition improves.

In order for the child to recover, a ritual is performed on Friday. Place a candle on the table and light it. Looking at the flame of a candle, imagine how the baby is recovering. Next, place a glass of holy water in front of the candle. Speak water with these words:

“Mother Voditsa, you help everyone, you heal illnesses. Help my child (name), protect him from diseases, quench his pain. So that (name) always has good health and a strong body. Yes, guardian angels always stood behind him. Let it be as I said.”

After the water spell for health has been read, give it to the child to drink. This option is also suitable for newborns, for a newly born baby (if he has serious pathologies). In parallel, drug treatment is mandatory. White magic helps to ensure that children are healthy from birth.

Other spell options

There is an effective spell for water for health. This magical ritual is more suitable for combating female diseases. Also, spoken water can be used when carrying a child, so that the child is born healthy. To read a spell on water on a full moon, you need to find a source with clean water. It is better if it is a natural spring, lake, mountain river. If it is not possible to carry out a spell for good health near a natural body of water, you can use holy water.

To carry out a full moon spell, you need to pour water into a container (it is better if it is a silver bowl). On a new moon, stand over a bowl of water and say the following words:

“Oh healing water, you give people strength, you cleanse them from illnesses and negativity. Help the servant of God (the name of the patient) to cleanse herself from the disease, come to her senses and become healthy. Heal her body, save her from torment. May she be healthy and joyful again. Let it be so".

What conspiracies are read on the new moon? The following plot is suitable to get rid of ailments that are caused by any negative magical influence. As a result, all unpleasant symptoms will go away. It is important that a sick person goes to a temple or church and prays. Collect holy water. During the period of the new moon or waning moon, take a glass of holy water, hold it over the head of the sick person, read the following words:

“Just as the Holy Mother of God, the mother of the servant of God (name of the patient), gave birth to the world, how she protected him from adversity and illness, how she saved him from evil glances, so now the power of holy water will deliver from illness, remove the evil eye/damage. There is no longer an evil slander, a dangerous slander, on the servant of God (name of the patient). All the bad things will drain from him, and his health will return. Let it be so"

After this, the patient must be given the enchanted holy water to drink, and the remaining liquid must be poured into the ground. He will gradually improve. This water spell for health is one of the most powerful. After the procedure, a person’s health usually improves.

To get rid of pain, you need to move the index finger of your right hand clockwise over the sore spot and say the words:

“Oh, (name of the diseased organ or part of the body) my (mine), no pain, you, don’t itch, don’t torment the servant of God (name). As the moon wanes in the starry sky, so let my pain subside. Let it be so".

If after reading the pain does not subside, after a while you need to perform magical actions again. This ritual helps well with any pain, especially with problems with teeth, which often happen to people.

This powerful and universal conspiracy must be read on the night of the waning moon over a glass of spring or well water. The most suitable day for the ritual is Tuesday, the most unlucky is Saturday. Before the ritual begins, a church candle must be placed and lit on the table, next to the glass. Now we read the plot:

“Just as my mother (name) gave birth to me, and helped me through all my illnesses and adversities, so you, Voditsa, dear sister, help me, protect me from illness, remove the evil eye. Help me make my body healthy and clean. Get rid of all the lessons and prizes, evil slander and conversations, make everything go as bad as water from a stream, get rid of knots and ailments. Help me servant of God (name). Amen".

Now you need to take a sip of the charmed water, wash your face with it and sprinkle the rest on your body (especially on those places that hurt). Leave the candle to burn out and bury the cinder in the ground. This is a powerful ritual that will help even from a distance. It can also be used for a mother who is giving birth. Only in in this case add: “Help me untie the knot, so that it can be easily untied, resolved, and joy will come to me.”

To eliminate negative consequences and achieve a good effect, a health conspiracy must be carried out strictly according to the rules. In all spells, you need to mentally imagine that the person is feeling better, that his health is returning.

Prayer for any illness

“Oh, great saints of Christ and miracle workers Panteleimon, Cosmas and Damian. Hear us praying to you (names). You know our sorrows and illnesses, you hear the sighs of the many who flow to you. For this reason, we call you as our quick helper and warm prayer book: do not leave us with your intercession with God. We constantly err from the path of salvation, guide us, merciful teachers. We are weak in faith, strengthen us, teacher of orthodoxy. We have done a great deal of good deeds, enrich us, treasures of goodness. We are constantly denounced by enemies, visible and invisible, and embittered; help us, helpless intercessors. Turn away the righteous anger moving towards us for our iniquities by your intercession from the Throne of the Judge of God. You will stand before him in heaven, the holy righteous woman. Hear, we pray, you, the great saints of Christ, calling you with faith, and with your prayers ask the Heavenly Father for all of us forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from troubles. You are helpers, intercessors and prayer books, and for you we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Conspiracy for the elderly

There is a special spell for older people, who get sick more often than younger people and lose strength faster. To feel healthy again, recite the following spell over food or drinks:

“Lord, King of Heaven, Lord of life! You created me in Your image and likeness. Just as the bones of saints don’t groan, don’t ache, just as their hearts don’t prick or ache, so I wouldn’t have any pain, pricking or itching anywhere: not when it’s new, not when it’s decreasing, not when the moon is full, not when it’s red dawn Be strong, my bodies; be strong, all my loins. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

What prayer is read before surgery?

“Angel of God, my guardian! The goodness of the Most High has entrusted me to your care. You have protected me since my infancy and never abandoned me in my unworthy behavior. Accept my tearful prayer, holy Guardian Angel, my faithful protector! I confess my soul to you. Without being ashamed or disingenuous, I sincerely say: fear has penetrated my bones, my mind, fear is eating away at my soul. My will was crushed by the fear of death from the doctor’s knife. My guardian angel, ask the Merciful God for mercy for me: deliverance from unexpected and imminent death. And extend the years of my life with your prayers for me. I am glad that I have you. You are a shield, and salvation, and deliverance in danger. My guardian angel, be with me forever and ever. Amen".