How to place a female pad. How to put on pads correctly for the first time. Choosing the right hygiene product


Perhaps someone is surprised by our topic, how to put on pads. However, this is a serious question that young ladies entering adolescence are embarrassed to ask.

It’s rare that a girl or woman feels comfortable during her period. Now our market and advertising are replete with all kinds of offers of personal hygiene products. But no one thinks that when starting her journey into adulthood, not every girl knows how to put on sanitary pads and use them. These questions interest all girls who have reached the age of puberty.

How to put on pads correctly

The rules for how to properly put on pads include several requirements. Let's consider everything.

Step one: choosing gaskets

From the first try, rarely does anyone manage to choose the gaskets for themselves that are suitable for all parameters. When trying different products, you need to pay attention to the thickness, shape, presence of mesh, absorbency, and the presence of wings. The main thing is to be comfortable. You should also take into account that pads with fragrances can be harmful to health, cause an allergic reaction, disrupting the microflora. Packaging can be common or individual for each item. The second option is more reliable, it protects against the proliferation of harmful microbes.

Step two - how to put on pads

Here you can watch a video on this topic on YouTube: how to put on sanitary pads Putting on this hygiene product should be accompanied by basic hygiene measures, such as washing your hands and regularly cleaning your intimate areas. If this is not possible, then you can use sanitary napkins for hands and napkins for intimate hygiene.

Having opened the general or individual packaging, carefully take out the gasket and straighten it. Some of them have a top and a bottom. So you need to get your bearings. Next, remove the central paper tape, releasing the adhesive layer, and stick it on the inside of the panties, preferably in the center. The choice of a position higher or lower depends only on you and the lifestyle you lead.

Products are available with and without wings. If there are wings, then one by one freeing them from small paper tapes or one common one, bend them and glue them to the back of the linen. That's basically it. Now you know how to put on pads, which can save on different women.


Step three - tips

It is recommended to use these products only on critical days. There are completely different hygiene items for daily use. Pads must be changed regularly, as after prolonged wear, harmful bacteria begin to multiply rapidly, which can cause infection, and this can also be accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Typically, the average duration of use is three to four hours. After experimenting, you need to settle on the option when the absorption volume suits you. This will save you from many unpleasant minutes.

Last step

Remember that comfortable, well-chosen pads are not just hygiene products. They give you the opportunity to live comfortably and mobile during this difficult period. That's all, how to put on pads.

The question of why pads are needed arises in every girl on the eve of the onset of menstruation. Such personal hygiene products are necessary for women during their menstrual periods to protect underwear and clothing from secretions. There are other types of hygiene products that can be used daily in different phases of the menstrual cycle. To ensure that these products do not cause any discomfort, you need to know the basic rules for their use.

There are different types of hygiene products, differing in design, materials, absorbency, intended for daily use or use only during menstruation. In addition, they differ in individual characteristics. In order for the use of such products to provide only a comfortable feeling, the girl needs to know why a certain pad is needed and how to use it correctly.

Types of gaskets

There are several varieties that differ from each other in additional elements or general characteristics:

  1. Presence of wings. Most often, women wear pads with wings to eliminate the risk of peeling and leaking. Accessories for feminine hygiene that do not have these elements can spontaneously shift and become wrinkled, which is why they do not provide 100% protection against leaks even if they are initially correctly positioned.
  2. Thickness. Thick gaskets are designated “Classic”, and thin ones are designated “Ultra”. The former are made from natural cotton - cotton wool, and the latter are made from specific, textured, gel-like layers that absorb moisture and retain it inside the product.
  3. Shape suitable for classic briefs or thong. Conventional gaskets have the same width along the entire length of the product. And hygiene products for thongs taper from top to bottom, repeating the shape of panties.
  4. Presence of aroma. Modern pads are produced with and without the addition of fragrances. If a girl constantly feels the unpleasant smell of menstrual flow, she should give preference to scented products.
  5. Absorbency. Feminine hygiene products are produced with different levels of absorbency, which are displayed on the packaging in the form of drops: from one to eight. If a woman is bleeding too heavily, she needs to choose accessories that have the maximum number of drops on the packaging. For minimal discharge, sanitary panty liners or those with 1 drop on the packaging are suitable.

In addition to these, there are also reusable accessories for critical days. They are hygienic products made from textiles, secured to the underwear using buttons or Velcro. A large number of absorbent balls are placed inside.

It is very important to choose the right ones as they must match the size of the gasket. Read more about this in our article on the website.

What are they for?

Pads should be used for their intended purpose, that is, to absorb menstrual flow. Such products differ in purpose depending on why girls need pads:

  1. Daytime or classic accessories are used by women from the first day of menstruation. Similar products can be selected from 3 drops indicated on the package. These products are of moderate length, which makes them comfortable if the woman is in an upright position or sitting. When used in a supine position, there is a high risk of leakage.
  2. Many girls are interested in why women need night pads. Such feminine hygiene products are used during sleep. These products have an increased length, which protects against leaks for a long time. These hygiene items absorb liquid well, so there is no need to change them during the night. Such accessories for critical days can be recognized by the presence of at least 5-6 drops on the package.
  3. Panty liners can be used by girls throughout the entire menstrual cycle. They can be worn to protect underwear from various vaginal discharges. Women also use scented products to eliminate odors. They are not used during menstruation in girls, since the thin structure quickly fills with menstrual flow. The only exception is the last day of menstruation, the first hours of its onset.

How to use it correctly

To avoid causing any discomfort when using hygiene products, you need to know how to use sanitary pads. In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the place of fixation of the hygienic product, but also the location of its absorbent side, and the fastening of additional elements - wings.

How to glue it correctly

So that the use of the product for critical days is not associated with discomfort in the girl, this hygiene product should be properly attached. How to put on a pad correctly:

  • Before putting on hygiene products, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • intimate places are cleaned with a napkin or water;
  • the packaging is opened, the sticky side of the accessory is separated from the protective tape and put on the inside of the underwear so that the center of the product coincides with the thickening on the panties;
  • The accessory is carefully pressed against the fabric to eliminate the risk of peeling off.

Most often, women use pads with wings. To put them on correctly, you need to use the previous instructions, and then perform one more step: you need to remove the protective strips from the additional fastening elements, and then attach their sticky edge to the opposite side of the panties.

When to change

The answer to the question of how to use feminine pads includes information not only about the methods of attaching these products, but also about there.

After the girl puts on the pad, it can be worn for no more than 3-4 hours. It is imperative to change the gasket after this time, even if the hygiene product is not completely filled.

If a girl has symptoms, she needs to put on a new product as soon as the previous one is half full.

Daily sanitary pads should also be changed every 3-4 hours. If various situations arise that do not allow you to change the product, you should simply remove it. This measure will eliminate the possibility of pathogenic microflora entering the genital area and developing an infection. If so, it can be replaced with other hygiene products.

If inventions could be rated based on their importance for humanity, then women's sanitary pads would clearly get an A+. And this is not surprising, because only with the advent of these hygiene products did the fair sex finally feel protected even in these not entirely simple days.

What was previously used instead of sanitary pads - cotton wool wrapped in a layer of gauze, cloth napkins - was not a reliable protection against leakage, and therefore women during menstruation had to adhere to many restrictions: do not wear white or tight clothes, do not engage in physical exercise , exclude active types of recreation. And what was the cost of having to carry a whole first aid kit of gauze and cotton wool with you everywhere “just in case”? The ability to use sanitary pads saved women from many problems and made it possible to make “critical days” not so critical.

What is a gasket?

The pad is an absorbent strip of fabric covered on top and bottom with a special material that prevents the flow of menstrual flow. Previously, the absorbent layer was made of fluff cellulose, but this has now been replaced with a thinner material. The top of the gasket is covered with a special porous layer, which, while allowing liquid to pass in, prevents it from escaping out. On the bottom of the pad there is a layer of adhesive with which it is attached to the underwear.

In fact, the question “How to use feminine pads?” does not cause bewilderment even among the youngest girls who are faced with the need to use this hygiene product for the first time. However, just in case, we remind you that: gaskets come with or without wings. The first option is more preferable because it protects the edges of the underwear from stains; in addition, the wings more securely attach the pad to the panties and reduce the likelihood of it moving while walking. If you have heavy discharge, it is better to choose pads with wings, as they are more absorbent. The absorbency of the pad is determined by the number of droplets. Two drops - for scanty discharge, these are suitable for the first days of menstruation, three to four drops - for moderate discharge, four to five drops - for heavy discharge. Therefore, in order to be able to use pads correctly and rationally, it is necessary to initially determine the abundance of discharge. How to do it? If you notice that you have to change pads about once an hour or more often, you need to take the option with a large number of “droplets”. for night time, you should use special “night” pads, which, unlike regular ones, are longer and wider. If you don’t find these in the store, you can simply choose the option with a large number of drops.

What am I doing wrong or how to use gaskets correctly?

It also happens that “these days” begin unexpectedly, and the necessary hygiene items are not at hand. What to do in this case? Many girls ask whether it is possible to use panty liners if ordinary ones are temporarily unavailable. The answer is yes, but they are only suitable for the first and last days, when the discharge is not very heavy. The rest of the time, it’s better to use gauze or a soft cloth.

If you've just started your period, you'll likely want to start by using a sanitary napkin (pad). They are simpler and easier to use than tampons. To avoid getting into an awkward situation, learn how to use pads correctly.


Part 1


    Select a pad of appropriate thickness and absorbency. With almost 3.5 billion women living on the planet, there is a wide variety of hygiene products to suit everyone's needs. Below you can see a brief description of some of the features:

    • Thickness. If your periods are not heavy, you can choose thin pads; The thickness of the gasket does not always indicate good ability to absorb liquid. Many thin pads absorb liquid much better than thicker ones. Typically, these pads are very comfortable and you may even forget that you are using one of them at the moment! Thinner pads are often more comfortable to sit on.
    • Absorbency. The absorbency of pads has improved significantly in recent years. Even thin pads can be very absorbent. Look at the rating and length; Try gaskets from several manufacturers to choose what you really like.
    • Form. Women's underwear comes in many shapes and designs, so it's natural that there are different shapes of pads! The main types of pads are regular pads, overnight pads and thong pads. Night pads are longer to provide better protection when lying down. If you wear thongs, then thin thong pads are your best option. Regular pads are designed to absorb moderate-intensity discharge.
    • Style. Two features can be distinguished here: gaskets come with “wings” and without them. Pads with “wings” have special sticky “wings” that are glued to the underwear on the back side to prevent the pad from fidgeting. If you don't experience skin irritation from the pad, then this is a great option!
      • Stay away from scented pads, especially if your skin is very sensitive. They can cause irritation in the most delicate areas of your body.
      • There are also pads that attach to underwear. You can use such products at the very beginning and at the end of your menstruation, when the discharge is not yet very heavy.
  1. Change pads regularly, take a body position that is comfortable for you. Most girls change their pads when they go to the toilet. Either way, find the nearest bathroom, wash your hands and change the pad.

    • It will be easier to change the pad if you sit down and lower your panties. However, you can also stand if you are comfortable.
  2. Remove the wrapper from the gasket. You can throw away the wrapper or wrap the used pad in it. Few people like to look at a used gasket, even if it's in the trash. Never throw a gasket into the toilet, as you may clog it.

    Unfold the wings and remove the long piece of paper in the center of the gasket that hides the glue. You can also throw this piece of paper in the trash.

    • In some types, the liner is attached directly to the wrapper. This is a more environmentally friendly and simplified option; if this is the case in your case, you will be able to skip the previous step!
  3. Place the sticky part on your panties. Over time, you will get the hang of gluing the gasket perfectly evenly! Try to glue the gasket so that it is comfortable for you.

    • Does your gasket have wings? Remove the paper from the wings and wrap them around the panties to hold the pad tightly. With this support you will be able to move freely.

    Part 2

    1. Wear panties as you normally would. If the pad causes itching or irritation, change it to a more suitable option. The gasket should not cause inconvenience. Visit the restroom regularly to check if it's time to change your sanitary pad. Change the pad every few hours to avoid unpleasant odors.

      • note that you need to change the gasket every few hours. Of course, this depends on how heavy your discharge is. However, be aware of the unpleasant odor. You can prevent its occurrence if you change your pads regularly!
    2. Wear more comfortable clothes. Although this tip may seem strange at first since gaskets are usually not visible, it is very important. However, you will feel better if you wear loose pants or a skirt. Your peace of mind depends on it! If you are worried, wear appropriate clothing.

      • During your period, avoid thongs. Save the cute thong for the other 25 days of the month.
    3. Check regularly to see if it's time to change the gasket. Very soon you will be able to easily determine when you need to change the gasket. But in the beginning, check the condition of the pad regularly, especially if you have heavy discharge. Taking a little time to do this can help you avoid an awkward situation.

      • There is no need to run to the bathroom every half hour. However, if you check the condition of the gasket every couple of hours, this will be a suitable option. If someone asks you if you're okay, you can answer that you drank a lot of water today!
    4. Don't use pads for no reason. Some women wear pads all the time because they think it keeps them clean. But that's not true. Do not do that. Your vagina needs to breathe! Otherwise, the use of a pad, especially in hot weather, is associated with the rapid proliferation of pathogenic microbes. Therefore, on days when there is no discharge, wear light, cotton panties. This is a guarantee of freshness and cleanliness, if your panties are clean, of course!

      If you are uncomfortable, try changing the pads. Pads are not a girl's best friend. And while modern pads are quite comfortable, the type you choose may simply not be right for you. There is a solution, buy others! It is quite possible that the shape or thickness of the pad is not suitable for you, or there may be a problem with odor or absorbency.

    Part 3

    Changing and disposing of the gasket

      Change the pad every four hours. Even if the gasket has not served its purpose, change it anyway. You will feel fresher and will not have any unpleasant odor.

    1. Dispose of the gasket correctly. When you have changed the gasket, wrap it in the wrapping of the new gasket. If your pad is unwrapped, wrap the used pad in toilet paper. Place it carefully in the trash can so that it does not attract attention. Others should not see a used pad, even if it is in the trash.

      • Never throw sanitary pads down the toilet. The sewer system is not capable of performing miracles; your gasket will not evaporate with the wave of a magic wand. So be kind to the world and don't throw your pads or tampons (or anything similar) down the toilet.
    2. Maintain good hygiene. Especially during menstruation, a woman should take care of her hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly when changing pads. If possible, shower. If not, unscented sanitary napkins will come in handy. Remember, cleanliness is the key to health.

      • Don't think of your period as something unpleasant. This is a sign of your femininity. Think of your period as a completely normal, monthly period. Practice good hygiene because you want to stay clean, not for any other reason.
    3. Always have extra padding with you. Always. You never know exactly when your period will start. In addition, you can help your girlfriend! If you used an extra spacer, be sure to put another one in its place. Always be prepared.

      • If you start your period and don't have a pad at hand never hesitate to ask a girl for a pad, even a stranger. Seriously. Believe me, you don't need to come up with brilliant ideas for this. This sucks. We all love to help our neighbors!
      • If you're in pain, don't forget to take Midol with you!

Women's sanitary pads have migrated into the bags of the stronger sex. What are they doing there? With what intentions does a modern man put a package of pads into his leather briefcase without a hint of embarrassment? 10 lifehacks with sanitary pads will shed light on this burning issue and tell you about other possibilities of feminine hygiene “accessories”.

1. Axillary “antipothin”

  • Instead of special (and expensive) armpit pads, practical people use thin sanitary pads. By securing the padding to the inside of your clothing at the seam line in the armpit area, you will protect your clothing from sweat stains and avoid embarrassment. Sweat will be absorbed into the pad, not the clothing.

2. Sterile facial tissue

  • A thin sanitary pad will replace a missing napkin or handkerchief. Yes, wiping sweat from your face with a pad is fraught with sidelong glances, but doing it with dirty hands is dangerous. Which of two evils to choose is a matter of taste. Doctors and cosmetologists are definitely on the side of sterility.

3. Insoles for boots

  • In a harsh winter or chilly autumn, a woman's sanitary pad will help out more than one brave husband - a fisherman, a soldier or a watchman. The padding inserted instead of the insole will absorb moisture and warm the feet. Change as necessary.

4. Bandage on the wound

  • In an emergency situation, when a first aid kit is not at hand, a sanitary pad will help stop the bleeding and protect the bleeding wound from germs. Actually, they were used for this purpose in the First World War.

5. The shoe is not for a prince

  • Sometimes the shoes you buy turn out to be too big. The leg is trying to fall out of them. Especially in the summer, when sweating causes the foot to move downward. A pad glued to the insole will eliminate sweating and slipping of the foot. The shoe won't get lost!

6. Burn, burn clearly

  • The gasket contains flammable substances. A couple of gaskets can easily replace firewood kindling, if any are missing or damp.

7. Flawless makeup

  • Dark shadows are effective. Alas, applying them is a labor-intensive process. To prevent shadows from spilling from the brush onto the cheekbones, stick a thin sanitary pad under the eyelid, without pressing too hard. Feel free to apply and blend eyeshadow.

8. Instead of cotton pads

  • Sanitary pads will help you not only apply, but also remove makeup. When you don't have cotton pads on hand, pads are an equivalent substitute. Apply facial cleanser to the gasket and remove the “plaster.”

9. Removing nail polish

  • Sometimes there are cotton pads, but they are of no use. Removing multi-layer varnish (or textured) with a delicate cotton pad is problematic. The sanitary pad works better. Apply nail polish remover to its absorbent surface and rub the pad onto the nail plate.

10. Slippers after pedicure

  • Got a pedicure but don't want to go barefoot? Dirty floor or just uncomfortable? Apply pads to the soles and walk around the house until the nail polish dries.