How to make an origami paper parrot. Origami parrot. Master Class. Step-by-step process for making a parrot

The parrot is a bright and beautiful exotic bird. Now these cute creatures live in the homes of many of us, delighting the eyes and ears with their chirping. True fans of parrots should like our article, since in it we will create a parrot from paper using the origami technique; The diagram of not even one, but several options is available, and I hope you will also like the video lessons.

Origami parrot using classical technique

For those who do not know how to make an origami parrot out of paper, the diagram of which is presented in this lesson, step-by-step photos will be very helpful. You may also find the video at the end of the article useful.

A sheet of brightly colored paper works well for a parrot to make it look lively and attractive.

1. Take a square sheet, fold it along two diagonals and across. We iron the folds well and straighten them.

2. We form a small, but double, square from a large flat square. We fold the corners of one of its sides together and carefully iron the folds. We straighten them, now bend them inward.

3. Open another side of the workpiece and flatten it.

4. Fixing the folds, bend the opposite corners towards each other. Then we straighten them and bend them inward. We will get a small triangle on the outside; we bend it several times, forming the legs of a parrot.

5. For the paws, make a fold in the middle, and a couple more on both sides of it.

6. The assembly diagram of the second side exactly repeats the first: open, straighten, and bend the triangle of the foot three times in the same way.

7. Turn the workpiece over to the other side. In this case, the triangle legs will be barely visible due to the folds. We put the top parts of the rhombus together.

8. We fold the workpiece so that the parrot’s legs are together.

9. Bend the sides above the paws in half.

10. Open the workpiece. We should have a freely extending element on top.

11. We form a tail from it. We take it to the right and fold it back.

12. The tail needs to be made thinner. To do this, fold both parts in half twice.

13. Turn over the parts of the workpiece so that the paws are on different sides.

14. We bend both wings of the parrot towards ourselves, then the upper part of the neck.

15. Make a fold on it.

16. Fold the workpiece, bringing the legs together.

17. We make the parrot's head and beak by bending and arching the corners.

18. We bend part of the wings inward, giving them a rounded shape.

19. Bend the corners of the legs into a hook shape.

Our MK is finished, the parrot is ready! Thanks to its hook legs, it will tenaciously sit wherever it is placed and decorate the entire room.

Origami parrot made from triangular modules

In the second lesson we will fold a modular origami Parrot, the master class is not very complicated, so it will be understandable to beginners in origamism.

To work you will need 167 pink triangular modules, 85 blue, 46 yellow, 30 orange, 52 red, and 10 blue modules. For the tail we use a multi-colored assortment of modules; leftovers from previous works will do.

1. We collect the first 5 rows of 6 pink modules and 5 yellow ones, close them in a ring.

2. Turn the workpiece over to the other side.

3. We assemble pink and yellow modules separately, adding two rows.

4. In the middle of the 8th row of yellow modules, insert 2 pink ones.

5. The pink modules are the parrot’s chest, and the yellow ones are its back. We connect them in the ninth row with two yellow modules. The ninth row consists of 10 pink breast modules, 6 yellow and 2 pink back modules.

6. In the tenth row we have 9 pink modules on the chest, 2 yellow ones along the edges and 6 pink ones.

7. In the eleventh row, we begin to add blue modules: 2 on the chest and 3 on the back, the rest are pink.

8. From rows 12 to 15, increase the number of blue modules on the chest and back, 1 in each row.

10. Glue the last row.

11. We assemble the head from 5 blue modules: 3-2. Glue it together and press it with a clothespin.

12. Attach the head to the body, tilting it towards the stomach.

Origami parrot is one of the most popular paper origami. If you don’t know how to make an origami parrot, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

Assembly diagram

Below is a diagram for assembling an origami parrot from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then assembling the origami parrot will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami parrot quickly and without looking at the diagram.

Video master class

Assembling an origami parrot may seem like a daunting task for beginners. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query “origami parrot video” on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about origami parrots, which clearly show the steps to assemble a parrot. We hope that after watching the assembly master class video, you will have no more questions about how to make an origami parrot.

If you want to make several different parrots out of paper, watch this video:

Here is another simple video on how to assemble a parrot from paper:


The parrot symbolizes completely different things in different cultures. For example, in Greek culture, parrots have always been a symbol of stupid speakers. In medieval Europe, parrots symbolized dullness and foolish behavior. And in China, parrots were symbols of easy virtue, and in some provinces they even symbolized prostitution.

One of the ways to develop a child is to create paper crafts with your own hands. If you need to keep your child busy with a creative activity, you can involve him in working together on an origami paper parrot. This will allow you to develop fine motor skills, artistic taste, logic, as well as perseverance and imagination. This type of activity will allow you to develop the ability to concentrate on small details.

general information

There are several ways to create a colored parrot from paper. The most popular of them are:

  • classical;
  • modular.

The first option is perfect for children who are just starting to master this skill. Creating a parrot from modules is a more difficult task, which not everyone can handle.

The art of creating a parrot out of paper with your own hands came to us from Japan. Even in ancient times, the art of origami was diligently developed in this country, after which it spread throughout the world. Using ordinary pieces of paper, you can easily create your own Kesha parrot or any other figurine. You can do this using the classic method in the form of processing ordinary paper. It is also possible to insert the tail and other modules into the paper structure separately.

You need to stock up on a sufficient amount of patience and time, as well as plain paper. It is best to use paper structures that are not too thick. This will make it easier to perform the necessary actions on the figure.

First you need to prepare as much paper as possible. After this, you can figure out how to make a parrot out of paper. The diagram looks like this:

To make a paper parrot using this method, it is recommended to follow a certain algorithm. It looks like this:

At this point, the procedure for creating a parrot using the classical method can be considered complete. All that remains is to draw the eyes, feathers and color the entire craft.

Using Modules

In addition to the classic method, it is possible to use a modular origami parrot. In this case, the assembly diagram implies creating a complex structure in the form of a three-dimensional figure.

Special diagrams will help you figure out how to make a parrot from modules. It is best to start with simpler designs, since mastering such a skill right away is quite difficult. You can use different colors for each module.

If such a craft turns out well enough, then it can be used as a decorative element of the interior of the house.

It's no secret that origami is a rather labor-intensive art that requires perseverance, attention and free time. However, with the right approach, you can have a positive impact on your child's development and also have a great time on the campaign.

What could be better than making a beautiful craft with your own hands! If you want to keep your child busy with an interesting creative task, then invite him to make origami “Parrot” out of paper.

This hobby helps develop fine motor skills, perseverance, imagination, artistic taste and even logic. Thanks to fine work, children develop the ability to concentrate on details and attentiveness.

This art came to us from distant Japan many years ago and is still relevant today. A sheet of paper or cardboard is bent in special ways - this is how a variety of amazing figures are obtained: animals, birds, fish, etc.

To create a cheerful and colorful parrot, you will need a little patience and time - even a beginner can handle it. Origami is not only beautiful, but also easy!

In this article we will tell you how to make a paper bird step by step.

For this craft, you can use either colored paper or plain white paper. It is better if it is not too dense, as it will be much easier to work with.

Invite your child to color the bird, draw its eyes and colorful feathers. Such a figurine can even be presented as a gift to dad, grandfather, grandmother, friends for any occasion or for no reason.

Origami from modules

In addition to the simple method, there is a more complex type of technique - modular origami. A module is a three-dimensional triangle made of paper, folded in a certain way.

With this type of creativity, you can combine details of different colors, the resulting figurine is very colorful and voluminous.

With this type of technology, modules are nested into each other according to a ready-made pattern, forming rows. For strength, the structures are glued or reinforced with double-sided tape.

Start with making simpler works - this way you will fully master the skill and be able to move on to complex works.

The finished product will perfectly decorate the interior of a child’s nursery or his or her work area.

Origami is a difficult and time-consuming activity, so your child may not succeed at something the first time. Help him, create miracles together, and then everything will work out!

Making a paper parrot is very easy. You will need a standard sheet of A4 paper and a little patience. Now let's look at how to make a parrot out of paper with your own hands.

Origami paper parrot

  1. So, prepare a sheet of white paper.
  2. Fold its lower right corner to form a triangle.
  3. Using a ruler, tear off the rectangular “tail” - it will be redundant.
  4. You will get a triangle folded in half.
  5. Fold it again to create a smaller triangle.
  6. Carefully cut one of the folds and bend this part of the sheet, turning the corner of the triangle into a square.
  7. Turn the paper over and do the same manipulation on the reverse side. If done correctly, you should end up with a square.
  8. Fold the part that is currently located on top on both sides, as shown in the figure.
  9. Do the same with the other side and you will get this shape, a little like a diamond.
  10. The next step is probably the most difficult in this craft. You should go back to step 4 when you had the triangle folded in half in your hands. Take the bottom acute corner of the triangle.
  11. And bend those parts of it, the fold lines of which were made in subsequent paragraphs, only in the opposite direction. Then repeat the same steps, turning the craft over.
  12. You will again get a figure similar to a diamond, only with sides of different lengths.
  13. Unfold its corner and see that the resulting paper figure consists of three layers.
  14. Fold the top layer along the horizontal fold line to the top.
  15. Now there will be two layers at the bottom. Fold the second one, which was previously middle, up 2/3 of its length.
  16. And bend its two “tails” first down, and then to the right and left, respectively.
  17. Bend their ends down again - these will be the parrot's legs.
  18. Fold the craft in half and you will see that it gradually becomes like a paper bird.
  19. The parrot's head is made in the same way as most similar elements using the origami technique. The upper part (neck) must be bent down and at the same time inward, forming a head with a beak of the required length.
  20. Here's what it looks like from above.
  21. And to make the beak sharper and hooked, like those of real parrots, bend it down again.