Do-it-yourself textile snowmen for the new year. How to make a snowman from plastic cups with your own hands: step by step instructions. Patterns and patterns

What is the symbol of a snowy winter? Of course, a snowman! Unfortunately, not all areas of our homeland are lucky with winter precipitation ... However, you can add a winter flavor to the interior and decorate the Christmas tree by making snowmen from ornamental materials.

We have prepared several interesting master classes for you and your kids.

1. Snowman from a sock.

A piece of white children's leggings for a calf is used here, and a hat and a jacket are made from a striped sock. The nose and eyes are made of beads. The ends of a piece of leggings need to be tied and stuffed with padding polyester or cotton wool, tightened with thread to form a calf, and then dress our hero.

Another similar option, but here cute fabric scarves are added.

2. A snowman with your own hands from old hats.

This handsome man is made of two old children's hats, stuffed with padding polyester and decorated with large bright buttons.

2. From pompons

This fluffy friend is made of two pom-poms, which are also easy to make with threads. Or, you can use pom-poms left over from old hats and scarves.

2. Snowman made of wooden buttons.

Your little one will be happy to paint large wooden buttons with a felt-tip pen. All that remains is to tie them with threads and put on a hat made from a finger from an old glove.

2. From salted dough.

An amazingly cozy and homely snowman! By clicking on the link, you can read about the New Year.

2. Crochet

Even small knitters will cope with such a task. Two circles, connected by a single crochet, a mouth - made of thread, eyes - buttons.

2. Snowman from the covers.

Even ordinary bottle caps can be used to make something interesting. On the back surface you need to glue a ribbon, decorate the hero's neck with a ribbon and a button, draw a muzzle with acrylic paints.

2. Snowman-candlestick from a jar

And today I want to show you many ideas for homemade snowmen. All of them can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. You will probably even be surprised what opportunities are hidden in ordinary socks and plastic cups.

The main thing is to do all the crafts with the children, so you will create community in the family and unforgettable memories. Of course, not all crafts will be easy, there are those that will require accuracy and perseverance. But, on the other hand, what will be the result!

O! Now let's do something very interesting! Specifically, let's make a cute snowman out of a sock. This is a very simple craft, even a preschooler can handle it. Such a handsome man looks very neat and dignified. All in all, let's find a pair of white, blue or light blue socks with whole toes and heels. And we will stock up on 15 minutes of time.

Before I give you a detailed master class, please find beads or pins for the eyes and nose, buttons, ribbons or other decor. I want the craft to turn out smart.

And we will make such a handsome man.

Let's take:

  • 1 sock,
  • thermo gun or glue,
  • scissors,
  • pins,
  • buttons,
  • thread.

The first step is to cut the sock in half.

We take the part that has two open ends. And we tie a thread on one side. This should be done from the seamy side.

Now we hide the knot inside, turning the sock outward, and pour the rice inside.

You can use any large cereal - peas, buckwheat, lentils, etc.

Now we need to make sure that the cereal does not fall out of the workpiece. Therefore, we tie the top of the sock tightly.

It remains only to designate the place where the head will be. To do this, we pull it together with threads.

The workpiece already looks like a craft. It remains for us to decorate it and put on a hat.

The cap can be fixed with hot glue. To do this, the second part of the sock must be tucked up and put on the craft.

There is another very functional sock snowman idea. Here it performs both a decorative and a useful function.

Let's take:

  • sock,
  • hot glue,
  • bottle,
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer,
  • thread, felt for a hat.

It is better to take a glass bottle rather than plastic. This will make it more stable and will not fall under the weight of pencils or flowers.

So, the first step is to measure the height of the bottle and put it on the toe. All unnecessary must be cut off from it.

Then put a drop of hot glue from a thermo gun on the bottom of the bottle and put a sock on the bottle. This fixed the fabric and glass.

Now you need to make the craft soft and voluminous. To do this, put cotton wool or synthetic winterizer in the space between the toe and the walls of the bottle.

We form the head with threads.

We tighten the edge of the sock at the neck. We also do this with threads. Then we designate the nose, eyes and mouth. For this purpose, the child can take markers.

Cut out a ring and a strip from felt, which is equal to the diameter of the inner part of the ring.

We glue the hat in place.

This craft can act like a pencil holder or a vase. Everything is up to your taste.

Another similar master class for creating the popular snowman Olaf. The first scheme I described is taken as a basis.

Whole compositions can be created from such crafts.

Beads, ribbons, braid, sequins and even cones are used for decoration.

And if you wish, you can perk up and move away from templates.

Such a charm will definitely deserve its place of honor under the tree.

How to make a craft from plastic cups, step by step instructions

Another popular idea for creating a snowman is from plastic cups. The craft turns out to be voluminous and resistant to rain, snow and wind. Therefore, it is often made to decorate the yard, street or as decoration for school.

Again, everything is pretty simple and clear. However, we take a lot of time, because a lot of cups need to be processed.

Let's take:

  • cups,
  • stapler,
  • cardboard,
  • Scotch.

So, more than 200 cups will be needed. Stock up in advance. The circumference is up to you. The more you lay out the first circle, the wider the ball will be.

So, we lay out a circle from the cups. Then, with a stapler, we fasten each piece with the neighboring ones.

We make the subsequent rows in the same way, but reducing the number of glasses. Do not forget to connect the rows with a stapler.

You need to make 2 balls. One is larger, the other is smaller.

We connect them together so that the smaller workpiece is higher - this is the head.

Now we make a nose out of cardboard. To do this, we turn it into a cone shape and glue it with tape. If this is a craft for the street, then you need to glue all the cardboard completely.

We put our nose in the glass and decorate the snowman with scarves, vests or hats.

But after all, less voluminous toys can be made from cups. One has only to turn them upside down and decorate beautifully.

How do you like the idea? I think that all this is very simple, however, it strongly inspires the creation of such crafts.

Do-it-yourself snowman for the new year made of thread and glue

Children will also love the idea with threads and PVA glue. Let's take ordinary balloons as a basis. The technique of execution is quite simple, we have already made crafts on the basis of it earlier.

Let's take:

  • threads,
  • PVA glue,
  • ball,
  • paper.

We need to inflate the balloon to the size that we need. Then we take out the threads and PVA glue. It is better to take it in big banks. There are now two options for working: You can wrap a ball with threads, simultaneously coating each row with glue. Or you can poke a hole in a tube of glue with knitting needles and thread a thread through it. So it will immediately be saturated with the composition and easily stick to the ball.

Then we leave the ball to dry completely. After 6-12 hours, we burst the rubber sheath and carefully tear it off the threads. The result is a ball shape! We need at least two such balls.

Now we are making carrots. To do this, we twist the cardboard into a cone, wrap it with cling film. And according to the described scheme, we wrap it with orange threads with glue. We dry it, take out the cone and peel off the polyethylene from the threads. There remains a queue of decor.

From such crafts, you can combine whole compositions.

Original volumetric paper snowman and other ideas

Now let's take paper and think about what can be made out of it. And there are a great many ideas at once!

We will make several options. And first of all I want to show you such a voluminous craft. The whole process of its creation is shown in detail in the photo.

Master class number 1

You will need two A4 sheets for drawing a snowman and a picture of trees. This is applied to different leaves to achieve a volumetric effect.

Then we take two blue sheets of cardboard. One will act as the background, and the other as the front frame.

And also we fold six A4 sheets wide (short side) with an accordion. They will be the frame to which all sheets are glued.

And now, from complex to simple. A couple more master classes in the photo, which children can easily repeat.

Master class number 2

Master class number 3

Now the idea is more complex, but no less attractive.

Master class number 4

Such a voluminous snowman can be made using this scheme. A fold is made along the dotted lines. And the part is cut along straight lines. Edges with "padding" are for gluing.

And here is the assembly diagram itself.

I think that all the kids will be pleased with the snowman on the window! There are many stencils and cutouts.

You can create entire compositions.

As here, I will attach a template below. It is most convenient to glue such paper figures on toothpaste or paste. They are then easily washed off with water.

Many different pendants and garlands can be made from paper, cardboard and felt.

It is convenient to connect them together with threads, wire or double-sided tape.

That's not all! Now we will find a use for paper towels and toilet paper rolls.

We draw eyes, carrots and mouths on them. We glue on hats and scarves and enjoy such a quick and cute craft.

If desired, the sleeves can be pasted over with corrugated paper, colored sheets or cloth.

You can also make appliqués. To do this, take the drawings that I gave below and color them. Or we fill the voids with plasticine and colored sugar. For small children, you can take different cereals.

These are such cute ideas!

Wool crafts master classes

Our house is full of cotton wool. She somehow ceased to be used for its intended purpose with the advent of cotton pads. But it goes well for New Year's crafts!

So, let's make a snowman out of cotton wool, and below there are ideas for creating it from cotton pads.

Let's take:

  • cotton wool,
  • kebab skewer,
  • PVA glue,
  • decor.

First of all, we form two balls of different sizes from cotton wool. We just roll the fiber in our hands.

Now we need these balls not to disintegrate. To do this, coat them with PVA glue. And to keep them together, you can use barbecue skewers, wire, pencil. We stick it between the balls, stringing. The excess part of the stick must be cut off.

What can be made from cotton pads?

Well, of course, the same snowman! This is the first thing that comes to mind. After all, the shape of the discs allows you not to be fooled with cutting even circles!

Make such pendants for the tree. They perfectly replace Christmas tree decorations.

Combined with paper, you can create a whole appliqué.

Did you like cotton wool as a material? Then send to embody a similar idea!

Felt, paper and any decor are perfectly glued to the discs. To prevent the edges from fluffing, they can be sewn up with a decorative seam.

I think the kids will find something to do!

Crafts from fabric and felt with patterns

And now, a whole section for needlewomen! We'll take a look at what you can do with felt and fabric. Of course, it will take more time and perseverance here than in the previous sections. However, the difficulty level will also be higher.

Master class №1. We sew a snow tower. I give a pattern.

Master class number 2... We will sew soft toys. To do this, choose a fluffy, soft cloth. White, gray, or blue velvet is great.

Let's take:

  • velvet,
  • threads,
  • needles,
  • pin.

We take this pattern and transfer it first to a sheet of paper and then to the wrong side of the fabric.

To prevent the pieces from slipping off the fabric, pin them to both sides of the velvet with pins. Trace the patterns and cut out several parts at once.

Now we sew all the blanks from the seamy side, leaving one edge unconnected.

Through it we turn out each workpiece and stuff it with cotton wool or other filler. Sew the edges and attach all the details.

Now let's turn our attention to felt. We will need different shades of it. We will, of course, choose white as the main color.

Pattern number 1. These beauties are made quickly. Use the pattern below. Fill in with a little filler to add volume to the craft.

From fabric and felt, you can make both voluminous and flat crafts.

Such flat suspensions are very easy to make. The main thing is to sew the edges with a decorative seam.

Another cute idea that is easy to bring to life. Take two floral designs of different sizes as a basis. And for the stick, you can use a toothpick.

Master class number 3... Snowmen made of felt.

More simple ideas for hanging on a Christmas tree. You can also make New Year's garlands from them.

Composition of different shades of felt can be flat. When parts are glued to each other with hot glue.

More suspension ideas.

Pattern number 2. Bell.

Pattern number 3. Snowmen with wings.

Taking this pattern as a basis, you can make other crafts, for example this one.

Master class №4. Walking snowball.

Master class number 5... Flat craft.

Master class number 6. Hangers for the Christmas tree.

Taking this master class as a basis, you can make other forms of a snowman.

Pattern number 4. Photo frame.

Pattern No. 5... Snowball in a hat.

Master class number 6. Snowball in a scarf.

Pattern number 7... Cheerful snowman.

Pattern number 8. Snowball in mittens.

Let's take a little rest and see what beautiful decorations for the Christmas tree can be made in just 15-20 minutes.

Pattern No. 9. The smile of a snowman.

Pattern number 10... Snowman Snowball.

Pattern number 11. Snowman in mittens.

Pattern number 11... A simple idea for kids.

Pattern No. 12. Crafts in a sleeveless jacket and a tie.

Now let's sew the well-known snowman Olaf.

Master class number 7

And for this we need fabric, filler, scissors and a needle.

We take felt or dense white and soft fabric.

  1. We transfer all the patterns to the fabric, folding it with the front sides inward.
  2. Cut out the details and sew them together, leaving one edge free. We turn them out to the front side.
  3. We fill the blanks with filler.
  4. Sew the edges and connect all the details.
  5. Marking the eyes, mouth and eyebrows.

A detailed diagram is shown in this manual.

This is the first pattern sheet for Olaf and his bride.

The second sheet of the pattern.

Master class number 8. Gift bag.

Let's take:

  • fabric or felt in three colors,
  • buttons,
  • scissors.

We will use this pattern.

We transfer it to the fabric. And we cut out two parts. Trying on buttons and details of the nose and mittens.

Sew or glue small pieces to one side of the white fabric.

We connect both sides, folding them with the front sides inward and sew. We turn out the bag. If desired, insert an elastic band or lace up.

What kind of beauties were not sewn by our craftswomen. Let's see another small selection.

And even the hero of today's article was depicted on aprons!

For those who like to knit more, I have prepared a separate section.

Crochet knitted snowman (amigurumi) with a pattern

The amigurimi technique is very loved by needlewomen. There, the simplest crochet elements are taken: a column with a crochet and without it. This is done to create wholeness.

Do you like this toy? Below is a knitting pattern!

For those who cross-stitch, you can take this pattern as a basis.

These snowmen are also made in a simple knitting technique.

Let's give one more detailed diagram for these snowmen.

Flat crafts are made in single crochet posts. Each row increased by 1-2-3 loops from the center.

Knit with pleasure!

Ideas for crafts from pompons in the kindergarten

In the kindergarten, you can make such a craft from pompons. The child will very quickly understand the whole point. You need to take the threads with terry or yarn.

And here is the step-by-step master class itself. We need two pom-poms of different sizes. We connect them. To do this, you can use two options: 1. Tie them together with the ends, 2. shown below, when the pom-poms are placed on a twig, wire or skewer.

We make pompons according to this picture. We take two cardboard rings. We wrap them tightly with yarn. Then we cut the edges. We put the thread between the rings and tighten the ends.

The idea of ​​connecting pom-poms to a skewer.

Try to repeat the whole master class and make such a handsome man.

Well, if there is no time at all, then at least such a sweetheart!

I think that sock and pom-pom crafts are the simplest and easiest to make. And they can be taken as a basis when creating compositions for kindergarten and school.

DIY snowmen from scrap materials

We often have a lot of creative materials at hand. For example, you can use napkins for crafts.

Or ordinary plastic bottles and cans.

Even a simple board can be turned into a thematic detail.

Of course, make a plasticine snowman.

But the whole composition will turn out from pasta. It is better to fasten the parts with hot glue.

Wooden suspension!

The idea with CD-disks. We have a lot lying around on the balcony, we need to put it into action.

A toy made of cardboard and threads. Use twine for a more stylish design.

You can use button snowman elements to decorate postcards.

Make a similar craft out of polystyrene and Christmas tree balls.

Someone even painted the stones. For this craft, only flat sea pebbles cut with water are suitable.

That's it, my dears! Today there are a lot of ideas, I think you will find something suitable for yourself. Good luck in your work!

DIY Christmas snowmen can be made from a wide variety of materials: glass bulbs and plastic bottles, napkins or corrugated paper, terry socks or woolen threads. Preschool children can do such crafts using the applique technique, and adults can master new techniques such as decoupage, polymer clay modeling, knitting or sewing.

To do, you can use it as an additional training material, where all the subtleties of performing each work are described in detail. For example, if you decide to sew a felt toy, then there you will find tips on how to sew the parts in order and how to fill them in so that the toy turns out to be voluminous.

If you like modeling with polymer clay, and you have already designed this technique, you can take it as new ideas and create stylish christmas decoration, for example, a pendant or earrings "Snowman".

DIY Christmas snowmen: master class

They turn out to be very beautiful DIY Christmas snowmen, master class will show you how to complete this interesting craft step by step. As a rule, it is on New Year's Eve that everyone is busy with creativity, someone dresses up a Christmas tree, someone decorates a house or a lawn in front of the house, someone creates cards with their own hands where congratulations for relatives will be written, and someone prefers to make souvenirs -presentations. In fact, if you decide to make a snowman, then they can be used both for decoration and as a gift.

If you are wondering, how to make Christmas snowmen with your own hands, then, first of all, you need to pay attention to the technique of sewing toys using felt. If this is the first time you decided to try this type of needlework, then you should not worry, since this material is very convenient, easy to cut, does not crumble, so you do not need to additionally process the edges. After all, remember how difficult it was to work with satin ribbons, when we did, they can be useful to you too. And if you fill the sewn details with fluff, you will get a beautiful volumetric figure.

Among the materials that we need, in the first place is felt - white, burgundy, black, blue, green, red, orange. The filler will be holofiber, you also need to take six beads for decoration, felt-colored threads, glitter, Dragon glue.

Before cutting out the details, you need to circle them on felt, and first you need to prepare a sketch or pattern of all the elements. It can be printed, or transferred from the monitor to paper (just attach an A4 sheet in the monitor and circle the elements with a pencil).

Now we need to cut out the elements on paper. Take white felt, fold it in half (because this material has no wrong side). We will use it to complete the basic snowman. We attach two circles of paper (which we cut out) on top, this can be done using pins. You can cut as many stems as you want snowmen to end up with.

Then you can sew circles using threads of a contrasting color, for example, green. Hand stitches look very nice on this material, but they must be neat. The circle does not need to be immediately sewn up to the end, first it must be filled with holofiber, and only then sewn up. On top of this already formed circle, you need to impose both sides of the upper, second part, combining them. Also pin and sew with hand stitches. At the junction, you also need to flash on one side first, fill it with holofiber and sew on the other side.

You have the base ready, it's time to decorate it. The snowman should have a nice black cap. Cut it out according to the pattern using black felt. You can trace the details along the contour with a small piece or a piece of dry soap. All the same, there should be two parts of each item of the craft.

Now we attach the cap to the head, it must be “put on” over the head and fixed with pins. Cut a strip from burgundy, which will be attached to the front side. It must be glued with a Crystal or a Moment.

We make eyes using black beads, they must be sewn or glued. The orange material will be needed in order to cut and then sew the nose, and attach the finished nose to the face (glue). Hand stitches need to embroider the mouth of the toy so that it looks just like natural.

You also need to embroider a snowflake on the bottom circle with hand stitches. A herringbone must be cut out of green. Sew with hand stitches in the center, sewing it to the base.

Cut a couple of stripes out of blue. Glue one on the neck, so you will decorate the snowman with a scarf, and form the other strip with a bow and fix it in the center.

We got so beautiful DIY Christmas crafts: snowman must be original, so decorate each next one with other elements.

If you like to sew from felt, then be sure to try, they will tell you what color you need to buy.

DIY Christmas crafts: snowman

DIY Christmas snowmen from bottles decoupage technique requires special skills, so children do not always cope with this type of creativity on their own. But we offer you the simplest option - crafts from threads, here you just need to know how to make pom-poms. Naturally, we need white yarn, and we also need a little blue yarn for decoration.

To make a pompom, you need a template that is an open ring. For each pompom, you need to take two identical ones. It is better to do it from thick paper (cardboard, for example). The diameter of your template will determine the size of the pompom.

Now we need to remember how we sculpt a snowman, because for this three snowballs of different sizes are always used, the same must be done here, but the pom-poms will act as a snowball. Small will have a diameter of 4.5 cm, medium - 6 cm, large - 8 cm.

Two identical templates must be folded, wrapped with yarn, it must be wound tightly. Now cut off a small section of the thread. Squeeze the workpiece firmly in your hand and cut the threads from the outside between the two pieces of the template. Thread the prepared yarn over and tie. Now the finished pompom needs to be trimmed, cutting off all unnecessary. Make three fluffy lumps and you can form a snowman, for this you need to use hot melt glue.

The eyes must be made of black beads, the nose is made of orange felt, filling it with holofiber. We will decorate our toy with a cylinder, which we will also cut out of blue material. The arms are made of red, and the arms must be made of thick wire wrapped in black yarn. At the end, we will decorate it with a blue knitted scarf.

DIY Christmas snowmen made of paper

DIY Christmas snowmen made of paper- this is an activity for the little ones who find it difficult to carry out crafts using the sewing technique or pom-poms; for preschoolers, you can offer very beautiful applications. A snowman can be made from napkins, although the activity is simple, but very exciting and useful, thanks to this creativity of the child, thinking and imagination, fine motor skills develop.

In addition to napkins, you will also need scissors, a stapler, glue, cardboard for the base (preferably blue). First you need to take ordinary white napkins (three pieces), put them together. Staple them in the center with a stapler. Cut out a circle with scissors, which must first be drawn with a pencil.

Next, gently lift each layer, holding it in the center. The same should be done with the next batch of napkins, only this time the circle should be of a smaller diameter. Now we take one napkin and fold it: in half and again in half. Cut out the smallest circle. Now you need to glue the three parts onto a cardboard base and decorate the snowman from napkins.

Cut a hat out of colored paper, make the eyes out of black plasticine, and the carrot nose out of orange.

DIY Christmas snowmen from socks

It is always interesting to give a second life to old and unnecessary things, for example, it often happens that one sock is lost, and the second can be thrown away, but we offer you a creative idea of ​​how do-it-yourself Christmas snowmen from socks, you will also need an old small children's hat, a circle of thick cardboard, cereals, white thread. Scissors, a needle, two small buttons for the eyes, a piece of red foam rubber.

You need to put a circle of cardboard in the white sock to make the craft stable. Then pour cereals into the sock (you can take rice or buckwheat). Tighten from above with white threads. After that, outline the neck with a thread and a needle, tighten, give it a shape. The handles must be made in the same way.

Cut off the top of the hat, bend its edges to make a hat for a snowman. Another piece needs to be cut off for a scarf.

Now you can sew on the eyes of the buttons. If there are heart-shaped buttons, then they can be used to decorate the body.

DIY Christmas snowmen from bottles

The liquid caramel bottle has a suitable shape to make a neat snowman out of it. You also need to take white plasticine, white, gray and yellow threads (for knitting), two toothpicks, beads for the nose, black plasticine for the eyes, superglue for joining parts.

The bottle must be coated with a thin layer of plasticine. In the middle, make a hole for the hand, insert a toothpick. Next, the entire bottle must be wrapped with white yarn, pressing it against the plasticine. Fasten and cut the ends.

As a bucket, which traditionally serves as his headdress, you need to take a jar of yogurt. It must be cut to the desired height and glued on top with superglue. Next, you need to glue the nose, eyes and buttons.

You can find a few more ideas for creating Christmas toys using various techniques and techniques. For example, you can make balls out of threads: dip the threads in glues and wrap them around the inflated balloon, when they dry, the balloon will burst, and the resulting balloon and two more different sizes are converted into a snowman figurine.

On the eve of New Year's holidays, each family tries to decorate their home as original and beautiful as possible. Children, like no one else, are waiting for the arrival of the New Year and will be happy to help you make festive preparations. Today we offer you an interesting workshop on making snowman crafts with your own hands from various materials.

Craft paper snowman

A cute paper snowman can be made with a preschool child. To do this, you need paper (preferably for quilling), cotton wool, tweezers, a sheet of cardboard and glue.

  1. Cut the white paper into thin strips of the same width. We spin two large rolls from these strips: the head and the body. To make the rolls large, you will need up to 10 strips, each new strip should be glued to the workpiece with glue. We glue two rolls together.
  2. In order to make a hat for a snowman, we twist a large roll of multi-colored stripes, then give the roll the shape of a hat, bending it with your finger. We glue the hat inside for reliability.
  3. Cut the fringe on a wide yellow strip and twist it in the form of a bubo. We glue the bubo and the cap together.
  4. Twist the nose from a small strip of red, glue the eyes made of two beads. The paper snowman is ready!

Craft a snowman from threads

Children's craft of a snowman made of threads will decorate any New Year's holiday. From a minimum of materials, you get just an unusually beautiful and original craft. To begin with, take 5 balloons, PVA glue in plastic packaging and a large needle. We pierce the bottle of glue with a needle and thread so that the thread with which you will subsequently wrap the balls is in the glue. We inflate balloons: three for the torso and two small ones for the handles. We wrap each ball with yarn like balls. Leave the balls to dry overnight. Then we pierce the balls inside our balls with a needle and take out. We connect our balls with glue, the sides that will be adjacent to each other can be slightly flattened. From colored paper we make a snowman's nose, eyes and decorate with accessories. Our snowman is ready!

Craft a snowman from cotton wool

Craft a snowman made of cotton wool can be made as a Christmas tree souvenir or a small gift. We take a piece of cotton wool and, with soapy hands, roll out two balls of different diameters from it: for the head and body. We let our balls dry, and at this time we dilute PVA glue with water in the proportions: 1 part of water and 2 parts of glue. Glitter can be added to the glue. Lubricate our lumps with glue and let them dry. To make a carrot for the nose, you need to tightly wind cotton wool around a toothpick, grease it with a thin layer of glue, remove and paint it orange. We connect the body and head with a toothpick, previously dipped in glue. We glue the eyes to the snowman, insert our hands and decorate the resulting craft with accessories.

Craft a snowman from plastic cups

In order to make a snowman craft as tall as a preschool child, you need to stock up on free time, a drop of patience and invite a cheerful little helper. Prepare 300 plastic cups of the same shape and a stapler with a full package of # 10 staples in advance. When choosing cups, pay attention to the fact that the narrower the rim of the glass, the better they fit together.

What New Year is complete without souvenirs and toys? It's nice to buy them, give them, decorate the house with them, and it's even more pleasant to make them yourself. We already know many ways to create a Christmas tree with our own hands, we know how to make Christmas tree toys-cones and sew New Year's boots, and today we will also learn about how snowmen are made with our own hands!

Before making a snowman with our own hands, we stock up on materials (the size of the finished snowmen is 25 cm):

  • White terry cloth
  • Light green or green terry cloth
  • Fleece of any color
  • Holofiber or other filler
  • Black beads
  • Glue
  • Threads
  • With a needle
  • Pins

We sew a snowman

Snowman body

A do-it-yourself fabric snowman is made of three balls of different diameters.

In turn, each ball is made of six wedges. To do this, take a white terry cloth and fold it in half. Next, we outline the wedges in such a way that we get three parts of each size. Leave a small distance between the parts.

The size of the wedges is determined diagonally and is equal to:

  • 10.5 cm
  • 8.5 cm
  • 7.5 cm

We fold three pieces of each size, pin them together and sew them on a typewriter.

We turn them out and fill them with holofiber. We get beautiful round balls for making snowmen with our own hands.

We sew a nose

Let's move on to making the nose. It is made from orange fabric. To do this, fold it in half and outline a triangle, then sew it on a typewriter or manually, turn it out and fill it with filler.

The nose is attached to the head of the snowman with a hidden seam.

Sew on the eyes

Making arms and legs

The snowman's legs and arms are made of white terry cloth using a paper template.

We sew, turn out, fill with filler, sew up the hole with a blind seam.

Snowman handles

Snowman legs

In order to attach hands to the body of the snowman, we use the thread method.

The snowman himself is ready!

Snowman Clothes

We sew a hat

Let's dress up our snowman in a hat made of fleece. To do this, a rectangle of 21 * 15 centimeters is cut out, folded in half and sewn.

On one side of the workpiece, cut off the edge with scissors in the form of a zig-zag:

And with the other, with the same scissors, we cut the stripes in the form of a fringe.

We put a hat on the snowman, tucking it at the base of the head. Collect the fringe on the top of the head in a bun and tie it with a small piece of fleece.

We glue the edges of the cap.

Making a scarf

We tie it on a snowman and start making mittens.

Snowman mittens

To do this, take a strip of fleece again, fold it in half, sew it and turn it inside out. We make a cut along the edge in a zig-zag pattern.

Herringbone made of fabric

The final step is to make a Christmas tree from light green terry cloth. To do this, we outline a triangle measuring 17 * 16 centimeters.

Fold it in half, sew it, not forgetting to leave a hole for the filler.